climada_petals.entity.impact_funcs package#

climada_petals.entity.impact_funcs.drought module#

class climada_petals.entity.impact_funcs.drought.ImpfDrought[source]#

Bases: ImpactFunc

Impact function for droughts.


Empty initialization.

  • impf_id (int, optional) – impact function id. Default: 1

  • intensity (np.array, optional) – intensity array SPEI [-]. default: intensity defintion 1 (minimum) default_sum: intensity definition 3 (sum over all drought months)



set_default(*args, **kwargs)[source]#

This function is deprecated, use ImpfDrought.from_default instead.

set_default_sum(*args, **kwargs)[source]#

This function is deprecated, use ImpfDrought.from_default_sum instead.

set_default_sumthr(*args, **kwargs)[source]#

This function is deprecated, use ImpfDrought.from_default_sumthr instead.

set_step(*args, **kwargs)[source]#

This function is deprecated, use ImpfDrought.from_step instead.

classmethod from_default()[source]#

impf – Default impact function.

Return type:


classmethod from_default_sum()[source]#

impf – Default sum impact function.

Return type:


classmethod from_default_sumthr()[source]#

impf – Default sum threshold impact function.

Return type:


classmethod from_step()[source]#

impf – step impact function.

Return type:



Is ImpfDrought now

Deprecated since version The: class name IFDrought is deprecated and won’t be supported in a future version. Use ImpfDrought instead

climada_petals.entity.impact_funcs.relative_cropyield module#

class climada_petals.entity.impact_funcs.relative_cropyield.ImpfRelativeCropyield[source]#

Bases: ImpactFunc

Impact functions for agricultural droughts.



  • haz_type (str, optional) – Hazard type acronym (e.g. ‘TC’).

  • id (int or str, optional) – id of the impact function. Exposures of the same type will refer to the same impact function id.

  • intensity (np.array, optional) – Intensity values. Defaults to empty array.

  • mdd (np.array, optional) – Mean damage (impact) degree for each intensity (numbers in [0,1]). Defaults to empty array.

  • paa (np.array, optional) – Percentage of affected assets (exposures) for each intensity (numbers in [0,1]). Defaults to empty array.

  • intensity_unit (str, optional) – Unit of the intensity.

  • name (str, optional) – Name of the ImpactFunc.

set_relativeyield(*args, **kwargs)[source]#

This function is deprecated, use ImpfRelativeCropyield.impf_relativeyield instead.

classmethod impf_relativeyield()[source]#

Impact functions defining the impact as intensity



Return type:

climada.entity.impact_funcs.ImpfRelativeCropyield instance


Is ImpfRelativeCropyield now

Deprecated since version The: class name IFRelativeCropyield is deprecated and won’t be supportedin a future version. Use ImpfRelativeCropyield instead

climada_petals.entity.impact_funcs.river_flood module#

class climada_petals.entity.impact_funcs.river_flood.ImpfRiverFlood[source]#

Bases: ImpactFunc

Impact functions for tropical cyclones.



  • haz_type (str, optional) – Hazard type acronym (e.g. ‘TC’).

  • id (int or str, optional) – id of the impact function. Exposures of the same type will refer to the same impact function id.

  • intensity (np.array, optional) – Intensity values. Defaults to empty array.

  • mdd (np.array, optional) – Mean damage (impact) degree for each intensity (numbers in [0,1]). Defaults to empty array.

  • paa (np.array, optional) – Percentage of affected assets (exposures) for each intensity (numbers in [0,1]). Defaults to empty array.

  • intensity_unit (str, optional) – Unit of the intensity.

  • name (str, optional) – Name of the ImpactFunc.

classmethod from_region(region)[source]#

Create a new ImpfRiverFlood object with parameters for the specified world region.


region (str) – Use damage function parameters for this world region. Supported values: “Africa”, “Asia”, “Europe”, “NorthAmerica”, “Oceania”, “SouthAmerica”.


impf – New ImpfRiverFlood object with parameters for the specified world region.

Return type:




set_RF_Impf_Africa(*args, **kwargs)[source]#

This function is deprecated, use ImpfRiverFlood.from_region instead.

set_RF_Impf_Asia(*args, **kwargs)[source]#

This function is deprecated, use ImpfRiverFlood.from_region instead.

set_RF_Impf_Europe(*args, **kwargs)[source]#

This function is deprecated, use ImpfRiverFlood.from_region instead.

set_RF_Impf_NorthAmerica(*args, **kwargs)[source]#

This function is deprecated, use ImpfRiverFlood.from_region instead.

set_RF_Impf_Oceania(*args, **kwargs)[source]#

This function is deprecated, use ImpfRiverFlood.from_region instead.

set_RF_Impf_SouthAmerica(*args, **kwargs)[source]#

This function is deprecated, use ImpfRiverFlood.from_region instead.


Is ImpfRiverFlood now

Deprecated since version The: class name IFRiverFlood is deprecated and won’t be supported in a future version. Use ImpfRiverFlood instead

climada_petals.entity.impact_funcs.wildfire module#

class climada_petals.entity.impact_funcs.wildfire.ImpfWildfire(haz_type='WFsingle')[source]#

Bases: ImpactFunc

Impact function for wildfire.



  • haz_type (str, optional) – Hazard type acronym (e.g. ‘TC’).

  • id (int or str, optional) – id of the impact function. Exposures of the same type will refer to the same impact function id.

  • intensity (np.array, optional) – Intensity values. Defaults to empty array.

  • mdd (np.array, optional) – Mean damage (impact) degree for each intensity (numbers in [0,1]). Defaults to empty array.

  • paa (np.array, optional) – Percentage of affected assets (exposures) for each intensity (numbers in [0,1]). Defaults to empty array.

  • intensity_unit (str, optional) – Unit of the intensity.

  • name (str, optional) – Name of the ImpactFunc.

classmethod from_default_FIRMS(i_half=295.01, impf_id=1)[source]#

This function sets the impact curve to a sigmoid type shape, as common in impact modelling. We adapted the function as proposed by Emanuel et al. (2011) which hinges on two parameters (intercept (i_thresh) and steepness (i_half) of the sigmoid).

\[f = \frac{i^{3}}{1+i^{3}}\]


\[i = \frac{MAX[(i_{lat, lon}-i_{thresh}), 0]}{i_{half}-i_{thresh}}\]

The intercept is defined at the minimum intensity of a FIRMS value (295K) which leaves the steepness (i_half) the only parameter that needs to be calibrated.

Here, i_half is set to 295 K as a result of the calibration performed by Lüthi et al. (in prep). This value is suited for an exposure resolution of 1 km.

Calibration was further performed for:
  • 4 km: resulting i_half = 409.4 K

  • 10 km: resulting i_half = 484.4 K

Calibration has been performed globally (using EMDAT data) and is based on 84 damage records since 2001.

Intensity range is set between 295 K and 500 K as this is the typical range of FIRMS intensities.

  • i_half (float, optional, default = 295.01) – steepnes of the IF, [K] at which 50% of max. damage is expected

  • if_id (int, optional, default = 1) – impact function id



Return type:

climada.entity.impact_funcs.ImpfWildfire instance

set_default_FIRMS(*args, **kwargs)[source]#

This function is deprecated, use ImpfWildfire.from_default_FIRMS instead.