This file is part of CLIMADA.
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terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
Software Foundation, version 3.
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Hazard event emulator.
import logging
import sys
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import climada_petals.hazard.emulator.const as const
import climada_petals.hazard.emulator.stats as stats
import climada_petals.hazard.emulator.random as random
LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class HazardEmulator():
"""Draw samples for a time period driven by climate forcing
Draw samples from the given pool of hazard events while making sure that the frequency and
intensity are as predicted according to given climate indices.
explaineds = ['intensity_mean', 'eventcount']
def __init__(self, haz_events, haz_events_obs, region, freq_norm, pool=None):
"""Initialize HazardEmulator
haz_events : DataFrame
Output of `stats.haz_max_events`.
haz_events_obs : DataFrame
Observed events for normalization. Output of `stats.haz_max_events`.
region : HazRegion object
The geographical region for which to run emulations.
freq_norm : DataFrame { year, freq }
Information about the relative surplus of events in `tracks`, i.e., if `freq_norm`
specifies the value 0.2 in some year, then it is assumed that the number of events
given for that year is 5 times as large as it is predicted to be. Usually, the value
will be smaller than 1 because the event set should be a good representation of TC
distribution, but this is not necessary.
pool : EventPool object, optional
If omitted, draws are made from `haz_events`.
self.pool = EventPool(haz_events) if pool is None else pool
self.region = region
haz_stats = stats.seasonal_statistics(haz_events, region.season)
haz_stats_obs = stats.seasonal_statistics(haz_events_obs, region.season)
self.stats = stats.normalize_seasonal_statistics(haz_stats, haz_stats_obs, freq_norm)
self.stats_pred = None
self.fit_info = None
self.ci_cols = []
norm_period = [haz_events_obs['year'].min(), haz_events_obs['year'].max()]
idx = self.stats.index[(self.stats['year'] >= norm_period[0]) \
& (self.stats['year'] <= norm_period[1])]
norm_mean = self.stats.loc[idx, "intensity_mean_obs"].mean()
self.pool.init_drop(norm_period, norm_mean)
def calibrate_statistics(self, climate_indices):
"""Statistically fit hazard data to given climate indices
The internal statistics are truncated to fit the temporal range of the climate indices.
climate_indices : list of DataFrames { year, month, ... }
Yearly or monthly time series of GMT, ESOI etc.
if len(self.ci_cols) > 0:
self.stats = self.stats.drop(labels=self.ci_cols, axis=1)
self.ci_cols = []
for cidx in climate_indices:
ci_name = cidx.columns.values.tolist()
self.ci_cols += ci_name
avg_season = const.PDO_SEASON if "pdo" in ci_name else self.region.season
avg = stats.seasonal_average(cidx, avg_season)
self.stats = pd.merge(self.stats, avg, on="year", how="inner", sort=True)
self.stats = self.stats.dropna(axis=0, how="any", subset=self.explaineds + self.ci_cols)
self.fit_info = {}
for explained in self.explaineds:
self.fit_info[explained] = stats.fit_data(
self.stats, explained, self.ci_cols, poisson=(explained == 'eventcount'))
def predict_statistics(self, climate_indices=None):
"""Predict hypothetical hazard statistics according to climate indices
The statistical fit from `calibrate_statistics` is used to predict the frequency and
intensity of hazard events. The standard deviation of yearly residuals is used to define
the yearly acceptable deviation of sample intensity.
Without calibration, the prediction is done according to the (bias-corrected) within-year
statistics of the event pool. In this case, the within-year standard deviation of intensity
is taken as the acceptable deviation of samples for that year.
climate_indices : list of DataFrames { year, month, ... }
Yearly or monthly time series of GMT, ESOI etc. including at least
those passed to `calibrate_statistics`.
If omitted, and if `calibrate_statistics` has been called before,
the climate indices from calibration are reused for prediction.
Otherwise, the internal (within-year) statistics of the data set
are used to predict frequency and intensity.
reuse_indices = False
if not climate_indices:
reuse_indices = True
elif len(climate_indices) > 0 and len(self.ci_cols) == 0:
reuse_indices = True
if len(self.ci_cols) == 0:
LOGGER.info("Predicting statistics without climate index predictor...")
self.stats_pred = self.stats[['year', 'intensity_mean', 'eventcount']]
self.stats_pred["intensity_mean_residuals"] = self.stats["intensity_std"]
self.stats_pred["eventcount_residuals"] = 0
elif reuse_indices:
LOGGER.info("Predicting statistics with climate indices from calibration...")
self.stats_pred = self.stats[['year'] + self.ci_cols]
for explained in self.explaineds:
sm_results = self.fit_info[explained][-1]
self.stats_pred[explained] = sm_results.fittedvalues
self.stats_pred[f"{explained}_residuals"] = sm_results.resid
LOGGER.info("Predicting statistics with new climate index time series...")
ci_avg = None
for cidx in climate_indices:
ci_name = cidx.columns.values.tolist()
avg_season = const.PDO_SEASON if "pdo" in ci_name else self.region.season
avg = stats.seasonal_average(cidx, avg_season)
if ci_avg is None:
ci_avg = avg
ci_avg = pd.merge(ci_avg, avg, on="year", how="inner")
self.stats_pred = ci_avg[["year"] + self.ci_cols]
ci_data = self.stats_pred[self.ci_cols]
ci_data['const'] = 1.0
for explained in self.explaineds:
sm_results = self.fit_info[explained][-1]
explanatory = sm_results.params.index.tolist()
haz_stats_pred = sm_results.predict(ci_data[explanatory])
self.stats_pred[explained] = haz_stats_pred
# use standard deviation of calibration residuals as "residuals":
self.stats_pred[f"{explained}_residuals"] = float(sm_results.resid.std())
def draw_realizations(self, nrealizations, period):
"""Draw samples for given time period according to calibration
Draws for a specific year in the given period are not necessarily restricted to events in
the pool that are explicitly assigned to that year because the pool might be too small to
allow for draws of the expected sample size and mean intensity.
nrealizations : int
Number of samples to draw.
period : pair of ints [minyear, maxyear]
Period for which to make draws.
draws : list of DataFrames, length `nrealizations`
Each entry is a sample for the whole period, given as a DataFrame
with columns as in `self.pool.events`. The `year` column is set to
the respective year and columns for the driving climate indices are
added for reference.
if self.stats_pred is None:
raise Exception("Run `predict_statistics` before making draws!")
LOGGER.info("Drawing %d realizations for period (%d, %d)",
nrealizations, period[0], period[1])
year_draws = []
for year in range(period[0], period[1] + 1):
sys.stdout.write(f"\r{period[0]} ... {year} ... {period[1]}")
year_idx = self.stats_pred.index[self.stats_pred['year'] == year]
freq_poisson = self.stats_pred.loc[year_idx, 'eventcount'].values[0]
intensity_mean = self.stats_pred.loc[year_idx, 'intensity_mean'].values[0]
intensity_std = self.stats_pred.loc[year_idx, 'intensity_mean_residuals'].values[0]
intensity_std = np.clip(np.abs(intensity_std), 0.5, 10)
draws = self.pool.draw_realizations(nrealizations, freq_poisson,
intensity_mean, intensity_std)
for real_id, draw in enumerate(draws):
draw['year'] = year
draw['real_id'] = real_id
draws[real_id] = draw[['id', 'name', 'year', 'real_id']]
year_draws += draws
sys.stdout.write(f"\r{period[0]} ... {period[1]} ... {period[1]}\n")
return pd.concat(year_draws, ignore_index=True)
class EventPool():
"""Make draws from a hazard event pool according to given statistics
The event pool might cover an arbitrary number of years and an arbitrary geographical region
since the time and geo information fields are ignored when making draws.
No assumptions are made about where the statistics come from that are used in making the draw.
Let `haz_events` be a given dataset of all TC events making landfall in Belize between 1980 and
2050, together with their respective maximum wind speeds on land. Assume that we expect (from
some other statistical model) 5 events of annual mean maximum wind speed 30 ± 10 m/s in the
year 2025. Then, we can draw 100 realizations of hypothetical 2025 TC event sets hitting
Belize with the following commands:
>>> pool = EventPool(haz_events)
>>> draws = pool.draw_realizations(100, 5, 30, 10)
The realization `draw[i]` might contain events from any year between 1980 and 2050, but the
size of the realization and the mean maximum wind speed will be according to the given
def __init__(self, haz_events):
"""Initialize instance of EventPool
haz_events : DataFrame
Output of `stats.haz_max_events`.
self.events = haz_events
self.drop = None
def init_drop(self, norm_period, norm_mean):
"""Use a drop rule when making draws
With the drop rule, a random choice of entries is dropped from events before the actual
drawing is done in order to speed up the process in case of data sets where the acceptable
mean is far from the input data mean.
norm_period : pair of ints [minyear, maxyear]
Normalization period for which a specific mean intensity is expected.
norm_mean : float
Desired mean intensity of events in the given time period.
self.drop = random.estimate_drop(self.events, 'year', 'intensity',
norm_period, norm_mean=norm_mean)
def draw_realizations(self, nrealizations, freq_poisson, intensity_mean, intensity_std):
"""Draw samples from the event pool according to given statistics
If `EventPool.init_drop` has been called before, the drop rule is applied.
nrealizations : int
Number of samples to draw
freq_poisson : float
Expected sample size ("frequency", Poisson distributed).
intensity_mean : float
Expected sample mean intensity.
intensity_std : float
Acceptable deviation from `intensity_mean`.
draws : list of DataFrames, length `nrealizations`
Each entry is a sample, given as a DataFrame with columns as in
draws = []
while len(draws) < nrealizations:
intensity_accept = [intensity_mean - intensity_std, intensity_mean + intensity_std]
drawn = None
while drawn is None:
drawn = random.draw_poisson_events(
freq_poisson, self.events, 'intensity', intensity_accept, drop=self.drop)
intensity_accept[0] -= 1
intensity_accept[1] += 1
return draws