Source code for climada_petals.hazard.landslide

This file is part of CLIMADA.

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terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
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Define Landslide class.

__all__ = ['Landslide']

import logging

import geopandas as gpd
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from scipy import sparse
from scipy.stats import binom, poisson
import shapely

from climada.hazard import Hazard, Centroids
import climada.util.coordinates as u_coord
from climada.util.constants import DEF_CRS
#DEF_CRS = 'EPSG:4326'
LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def sample_events(prob_matrix, n_years, dist='binom'):
    Sample yearly events for a specified time span (n_years) from
    a matrix representing annual occurrence probabilities per grid cell
    (prob_matrix). The matrix will usually be provided throught the
    Landslide.from_prob() method and refer to grid-cells and their annual
    sliding probabilities.
    Events are drawn from the specified distribution (binomial or
    Returns n_year events for the whole grid, each event being representative
    of all slides happening in 1 year throughout the entire grid-area.

    prob_matrix : np.array()
        matrix where each entry has a probability [0,1] of occurrence of
        an event. Shape of array can be any and is determined by hazard area
        and resolution of probability-source-file when called through
    n_years : int
        the timespan of the probabilistic simulation in years. Each year will
        result in 1 event.
    dist : str, 'binom' or 'poisson'
        distribution to sample from. Default is 'binom'.

    scipy.sparse.csr_matrix :
        shape is (shape(prob_matrix),n_years). Each non-zero entry is 1 (re-
        ferring to a 'hit' in that year and grid cell.)

    See also

    events = [
        sample_event_from_probs(prob_matrix, n_samples=1, dist=dist)
        for i in range(n_years)
    return sparse.csr_matrix(events)

def sample_event_from_probs(prob_matrix, n_samples, dist):
    Samples the number of 'hits' (events) out of a given number of trials (n_samples)
    from a specified distribution (poisson or binomial).  Different (spatial)
    occurrence probabilities are indicated in the probability matrix,
    representative of  cells across a grid.
    Returns number of events / hits per grid cell (shape of prob_matrix).

    prob_matrix : np.array()
        matrix where each entry has a probability [0,1] of occurrence
        Shape of array can be an. Usually it refers to probailities per grid
        cells and is determined by hazard area
        and resolution of probability-source-file when called through
    n_samples : int
        the number of samples . Will be 1 if
        called from sample_events().
    dist : str, 'binom' or 'poisson'
        distribution to sample random number of hits from, given n_samples and
        For 'binom', the random variate is sampled from the binomial distribution
        centred around expectation value μ = n_sampes*occurrence probability.
        For 'poisson', the random variate is sampled from the poisson distribution
        centred around expectation value λ = n_sampes*occurrence probability.

    ev_matrix : np.array()
        array of same shape as prob_matrix. Each entry contains the number of
        'hits' obtained during sampling-period n_years and will range
        from [0,n_years]

    See also
    scipy.stats.binom.rvs(), scipy.stats.poisson.rvs()

    if dist == 'binom':
        ev_matrix = binom.rvs(n=n_samples, p=prob_matrix)

    elif dist == 'poisson':
        # λ (or μ in scipy)
        mu = prob_matrix * n_samples
        ev_matrix = poisson.rvs(mu)

    return ev_matrix

[docs] class Landslide(Hazard): """Landslide Hazard set generation."""
[docs] def __init__(self): """Empty constructor.""" Hazard.__init__(self, HAZ_TYPE)
[docs] @classmethod def from_hist(cls, bbox, input_gdf, res=0.0083333): """ Set historic landslide (ls) raster hazard from historical point records, for example as can be retrieved from the NASA COOLR initiative, which is the largest global ls repository, for a specific geographic extent. Points are assigned to the gridcell they fall into, and the whole grid- cell hence counts as equally affected. Event frequencies from an incomplete dataset are not meaningful and hence aren't set by default. probabilistic calculations! Use the probabilistic method for this! See tutorial for details; the global ls catalog from NASA COOLR can bedownloaded from Note ----- The grid which is generated has the same projection as the geodataframe with point occurrences. By default, this is EPSG:4326, which is a non- projected, geographic CRS. This means, depending on where on the globe the analysis is performed, the area per gridcell differs vastly. Consider this when setting your resoluton (e.g. at the equator, 1° ~ 111 km). In turn, one can use projected CRS which preserve angles and areas within the reference area for which they are defined. To do this, reproject the input_gdf to the desired projection. For more on projected & geographic CRS, see Parameters ---------- bbox : tuple (minx, miny, maxx, maxy) geographic extent of interest input_gdf : str or or geopandas geodataframe path to shapefile (.shp) with ls point data or already laoded gdf res : float resolution in units of the input_gdf crs of the final grid cells which are created. Whith EPSG:4326, this is degrees. Default is 0.008333. Returns ------- Landslide : Landslide instance filled with historic LS hazard set for either point hazards or polygons with specified surrounding extent. """ haz = cls() if isinstance(input_gdf, gpd.GeoDataFrame):'Using pre-loaded gdf') gdf_cropped = input_gdf.copy().cx[bbox[0]:bbox[2], bbox[1]:bbox[3]] else:'Reading in gdf from source %s', input_gdf) gdf_cropped = gpd.read_file(input_gdf, bbox=bbox)'Generating a raster with resolution %s for box %s', res, bbox) if not = DEF_CRS haz.centroids = Centroids.from_pnt_bounds(bbox, res, n_ev = len(gdf_cropped) # assign lat-lon points of LS events to corresponding grid & flattened # grid-index grid_height, grid_width, grid_transform = u_coord.pts_to_raster_meta(bbox, (res, -res)) gdf_cropped['flat_ix'] = u_coord.assign_grid_points( gdf_cropped.geometry.x, gdf_cropped.geometry.y, grid_width, grid_height, grid_transform) haz.intensity = sparse.csr_matrix( (np.ones(n_ev), (np.arange(n_ev), gdf_cropped.flat_ix)), shape=(n_ev, haz.centroids.size)) haz.fraction = haz.intensity.copy() if hasattr(gdf_cropped, 'ev_date'): = pd.to_datetime(gdf_cropped.ev_date, yearfirst=True) else:'No event dates set from source') if > 0: haz.frequency = np.ones(n_ev)/( ( else: LOGGER.warning('no event dates to derive proxy frequency from,'+ 'setting arbitrarily to once per year.') haz.frequency = np.ones(n_ev) haz.units = '' haz.event_id = np.arange(n_ev, dtype=int) + 1 haz.orig = np.ones(n_ev, bool) haz.check() return haz
[docs] def set_ls_hist(self, *args, **kwargs): """ This function is deprecated, use Landslide.from_hist instead. """ LOGGER.warning("The use of Landlide.set_ls_hist is deprecated." "Use Landslide.from_hist instead") self.__dict__ = Landslide.from_hist(*args, **kwargs).__dict__
[docs] @classmethod def from_prob(cls, bbox, path_sourcefile, corr_fact=10e6, n_years=500, dist='poisson'): """ Set probabilistic landslide hazard (fraction, intensity and frequency) for a defined bounding box and time period from a raster. The hazard data for which this function is explicitly written is readily provided by UNEP & the Norwegian Geotechnical Institute (NGI), and can be downloaded and unzipped from for precipitation-triggered landslide and from for earthquake-triggered landslides. It works with any similar raster file. Original data is given in expected annual probability and percentage of pixel of occurrence of a potentially destructive landslide event x 1000000 (so be sure to adjust this by setting the correction factor). More details can be found in the landslide tutorial and under above- mentioned links. Events are sampled from annual occurrence probabilites via binomial or poisson distribution. An event therefore includes all landslides sampled to occur within a year for the given area. intensity takes a binary value (occurrence or no occurrene of a LS); frequency is set to 1 / n_years. Impact functions, since they act on the intensity, should hence be in the form of a step function, defining impact for intensity 0 and (close to) 1. Parameters ---------- bbox : tuple (minx, miny, maxx, maxy) geographic extent of interest path_sourcefile : str path to UNEP/NGI ls hazard file (.tif) corr_fact : float or int factor by which to divide the values in the original probability file, in case it is not scaled to [0,1]. Default is 1'000'000 n_years : int sampling period dist : str distribution to sample from. 'poisson' (default) and 'binom' Returns ------- haz : climada.hazard.Landslide instance probabilistic LS hazard See also -------- sample_events() """ haz = cls() # raster with occurrence probs haz.centroids.meta, prob_matrix = \ u_coord.read_raster(path_sourcefile, geometry=[*bbox, ccw=True)]) prob_matrix = prob_matrix.squeeze()/corr_fact # sample events from probabilities haz.intensity = sample_events(prob_matrix, n_years, dist) haz.fraction = haz.intensity.copy() haz.fraction[haz.intensity.nonzero()] = 1 haz.frequency = np.ones(n_years) / n_years # meaningless, such that check() method passes: = np.array([]) haz.event_name = np.array(range(n_years)) haz.event_id = np.array(range(n_years)) if not haz.centroids.meta['crs'].is_epsg_code: haz.centroids.meta['crs'] = haz.centroids.meta['crs' ].from_user_input(DEF_CRS) haz.centroids.set_geometry_points() haz.check() return haz
[docs] def set_ls_prob(self, *args, **kwargs): """ This function is deprecated, use Landslide.from_prob instead. """ LOGGER.warning("The use of Landlide.set_ls_prob is deprecated." "Use Landslide.from_prob instead") self.__dict__ = Landslide.from_prob(*args, **kwargs).__dict__