Source code for climada_petals.hazard.relative_cropyield

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Define AgriculturalDrought (AD) class.

__all__ = ['RelativeCropyield']

import logging
from pathlib import Path
import copy

import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import cartopy
import shapely.geometry
from scipy import sparse
import scipy.stats
import h5py
import xarray as xr

from climada.hazard.base import Hazard
from climada.util import dates_times as dt
from climada.util import coordinates as coord
from climada import CONFIG

LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

"""Hazard type acronym for Relative Cropyield"""

INT_DEF = 'Yearly Yield'

BBOX = (-180, -85, 180, 85)  # [Lon min, lat min, lon max, lat max]
""""Default geographical bounding box of the total global agricultural land extent"""

# ! deposit the input files in: climada_python/data/ISIMIP_crop/Input/Hazard
DATA_DIR = CONFIG.hazard.relative_cropyield.local_data.dir()
INPUT_DIR = DATA_DIR.joinpath('Input', 'Hazard')
"""default paths for input and output data:"""
OUTPUT_DIR = DATA_DIR.joinpath('Output')

#ISIMIP input data specific global variables
"""start and end years per senario as in ISIMIP-filenames"""
YEARCHUNKS = {'ISIMIP2a': {'yearrange': (1980, 1999), 'startyear': 1980, 'endyear': 1999,
                           'yearrange_mean': (1980, 1999)},
              'historical': {'yearrange': (1976, 2005), 'startyear': 1861, 'endyear': 2005,
                             'yearrange_mean': (1976, 2005)},
              'historical_ISIMIP3b': {'yearrange': (1850, 2014),
                                      'startyear': 1850, 'endyear': 2014,
                                      'yearrange_mean': (1983, 2013)},
              'rcp26': {'yearrange': (2006, 2099), 'startyear': 2006, 'endyear': 2099},
              'rcp26-2': {'yearrange': (2100, 2299), 'startyear': 2100, 'endyear': 2299},
              'rcp60': {'yearrange': (2006, 2099), 'startyear': 2006, 'endyear': 2099},
              'rcp85': {'yearrange': (2006, 2099), 'startyear': 2006, 'endyear': 2099},
              'ssp585': {'yearrange': (2015, 2100), 'startyear': 2015, 'endyear': 2100},
              'ssp126': {'yearrange': (2015, 2100), 'startyear': 2015, 'endyear': 2100},

FN_STR_VAR = 'global_annual'
"""filename of ISIMIP output constant part"""

[docs] class RelativeCropyield(Hazard): """Agricultural climate risk: Relative Cropyield (relative to historical mean); Each year corresponds to one hazard event; Based on modelled crop yield, from ISIMIP (, required input data). Attributes as defined in Hazard and the here defined additional attributes. Attributes ---------- crop_type : str crop type ('whe' for wheat, 'mai' for maize, 'soy' for soybeans and 'ric' for rice) intensity_def : str intensity defined as: 'Yearly Yield' [t/(ha*y)], 'Relative Yield', or 'Percentile' """
[docs] def __init__(self, crop:str='', intensity_def:str=INT_DEF, **kwargs): """Initialize values. Parameters ---------- crop_type : str, optional crop type ('whe' for wheat, 'mai' for maize, 'soy' for soybeans and 'ric' for rice). Default: '' intensity_def : str, optional intensity defined as: 'Yearly Yield' [t/(ha*y)], 'Relative Yield', or 'Percentile' Default: 'Yearly Yield' **kwargs : Hazard properties, optional All other keyword arguments are passed to the Hazard constructor. """ Hazard.__init__(self, HAZ_TYPE, **kwargs) self.crop = crop self.intensity_def = intensity_def
[docs] def set_from_isimip_netcdf(self, *args, **kwargs): """This function is deprecated, use RelativeCropyield.from_isimip_netcdf instead.""" LOGGER.warning("The use of RelativeCropyield.set_from_isimip_netcdf is deprecated." "Use RelativeCropyield.from_isimip_netcdf instead.") self.__dict__ = RelativeCropyield.from_isimip_netcdf(*args, **kwargs).__dict__
[docs] @classmethod def from_isimip_netcdf(cls, input_dir=None, filename=None, bbox=None, yearrange=None, ag_model=None, cl_model=None, bias_corr=None, scenario=None, soc=None, co2=None, crop=None, irr=None, fn_str_var=None): """Wrapper to fill hazard from crop yield NetCDF file. Build and tested for output from ISIMIP2 and ISIMIP3, but might also work for other NetCDF containing gridded crop model output from other sources. Parameters ---------- input_dir : Path or str path to input data directory, default: {CONFIG.exposures.crop_production.local_data}/Input/Exposure filename : string name of netcdf file in input_dir. If filename is given, the other parameters specifying the model run are not required! bbox : list of four floats bounding box: [lon min, lat min, lon max, lat max] yearrange : int tuple year range for hazard set, f.i. (1976, 2005) ag_model : str abbrev. agricultural model (only when input_dir is selected) f.i. 'clm-crop', 'gepic','lpjml','pepic' cl_model : str abbrev. climate model (only when input_dir is selected) f.i. ['gfdl-esm2m', 'hadgem2-es','ipsl-cm5a-lr','miroc5' bias_corr : str bias correction of climate forcing, f.i. 'ewembi' (ISIMIP2b, default) or 'w5e5' (ISIMIP3b) scenario : str climate change scenario (only when input_dir is selected) f.i. 'historical' or 'rcp60' or 'ISIMIP2a' soc : str socio-economic trajectory (only when input_dir is selected) f.i. '2005soc' or 'histsoc' co2 : str CO2 forcing scenario (only when input_dir is selected) f.i. 'co2' or '2005co2' crop : str crop type (only when input_dir is selected) f.i. 'whe', 'mai', 'soy' or 'ric' irr : str irrigation type (only when input_dir is selected) f.i 'noirr' or 'irr' fn_str_var : str FileName STRing depending on VARiable and ISIMIP simuation round Returns ------- RelativeCropyield Raises ------ NameError """ if not fn_str_var: fn_str_var = FN_STR_VAR if scenario is None: scenario = 'historical' if bias_corr is None: bias_corr = 'ewembi' if bbox is None: bbox = BBOX if input_dir is None: input_dir = INPUT_DIR input_dir = Path(input_dir) if not Path(input_dir).is_dir(): raise NameError('Input directory %s does not exist' % input_dir) # The filename is set or other variables (cl_model, scenario) are extracted of the # specified filename if filename is None: yearchunk = YEARCHUNKS[scenario] filename = '{}_{}_{}_{}_{}_{}_yield-{}-{}_{}_{}_{}.nc'.format( ag_model, cl_model, bias_corr, scenario, soc, co2, crop, irr, fn_str_var, yearchunk['startyear'], yearchunk['endyear']) elif scenario == 'ISIMIP2a': (_, _, _, _, _, _, _, crop, _, _, startyear, endyearnc) = filename.split('_') endyear, _ = endyearnc.split('.') yearchunk = dict() yearchunk = {'yearrange': (int(startyear), int(endyear)), 'startyear': int(startyear), 'endyear': int(endyear)} elif scenario == 'test_file': yearchunk = dict() yearchunk = {'yearrange': (1976, 2005), 'startyear': 1861, 'endyear': 2005, 'yearrange_mean': (1976, 2005)} ag_model, cl_model, _, _, soc, co2, crop_prop, *_ = filename.split('_') _, crop, irr = crop_prop.split('-') else: # get yearchunk from filename, e.g., for rcp2.6 extended and ISIMIP3 (_, _, _, _, _, _, crop_irr, _, _, year1, year2) = filename.split('_') yearchunk = {'yearrange': (int(year1), int(year2.split('.')[0])), 'startyear': int(year1), 'endyear': int(year2.split('.')[0])} _, crop, irr = crop_irr.split('-') # if no yearrange is given, load full range from input file: if yearrange is None or len(yearrange) == 0: yearrange = yearchunk['yearrange'] # define indexes of the netcdf-bands to be extracted, and the # corresponding event names and dates # corrected indexes due to the bands in input starting with the index=1 id_bands = np.arange(yearrange[0] - yearchunk['startyear'] + 1, yearrange[1] - yearchunk['startyear'] + 2).tolist() # hazard setup: set attributes [lonmin, latmin, lonmax, latmax] = bbox haz = cls.from_raster([str(Path(input_dir, filename))], band=id_bands, geometry=list([, latmin, lonmax, latmax)])) haz.intensity_def = INT_DEF[np.isnan(] = 0.0 haz.intensity.todense() haz.crop = crop haz.event_name = [str(n) for n in range(int(yearrange[0]), int(yearrange[-1] + 1))] haz.frequency = np.ones(len(haz.event_name)) * (1 / len(haz.event_name)) haz.fraction = haz.intensity.copy() haz.units = 't / y / ha' = np.array(dt.str_to_date( [event_ + '-01-01' for event_ in haz.event_name])) haz.centroids.set_meta_to_lat_lon() haz.centroids.region_id = ( coord.coord_on_land(, haz.centroids.lon)).astype(dtype=int) haz.check() return haz
[docs] def calc_mean(self, yearrange_mean=None, save=False, output_dir=None): """Calculates mean of the hazard for a given reference time period Parameters ---------- yearrange_mean : array time period used to calculate the mean intensity default: 1976-2005 (historical) save : boolean save mean to file? default: False output_dir : str or Path path of output directory, default: {CONFIG.exposures.crop_production.local_data}/Output Returns ------- hist_mean(array) : contains mean value over the given reference time period for each centroid """ if output_dir is None: output_dir = OUTPUT_DIR output_dir = Path(output_dir) if yearrange_mean is None: yearrange_mean = YEARCHUNKS['historical']['yearrange_mean'] startyear, endyear = yearrange_mean event_list = [str(n) for n in range(int(startyear), int(endyear + 1))] mean = hist_mean = np.squeeze(np.asarray(mean)) if save: # generate output directories if they do not exist yet mean_dir = output_dir / 'Hist_mean' mean_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) # save mean_file mean_file = h5py.File(Path( mean_dir, f'hist_mean_{self.crop}_{startyear}-{endyear}.hdf5' ), 'w') mean_file.create_dataset('mean', data=hist_mean) mean_file.create_dataset('lat', mean_file.create_dataset('lon', data=self.centroids.lon) mean_file.close() return hist_mean
[docs] def set_rel_yield_to_int(self, *args, **kwargs): """This function is deprecated, use function rel_yield_to_int instead.""" LOGGER.warning("The use of RelativeCropyield.set_rel_yield_to_int is deprecated." "Use function rel_yield_to_int instead.") self.__dict__ = rel_yield_to_int(self, *args, **kwargs).__dict__
[docs] def set_percentile_to_int(self, *args, **kwargs): """This function is deprecated, use function percentile_to_int instead.""" LOGGER.warning("The use of RelativeCropyield.set_percentile_to_int is deprecated." "Use function percentile_to_int instead.") self.__dict__ = percentile_to_int(self, *args, **kwargs).__dict__
[docs] def plot_intensity_cp(self, event=None, dif=False, axis=None, **kwargs): """Plots intensity with predefined settings depending on the intensity definition Parameters ---------- event : int or str event_id or event_name dif : boolean variable signilizing whether absolute values or the difference between future and historic are plotted (False: his/fut values; True: difference = fut-his) axis : geoaxes axes to plot on Returns ------- axes (geoaxes) """ if not dif: if self.intensity_def == 'Yearly Yield': axes = self.plot_intensity(event=event, axis=axis, cmap='YlGn', vmin=0, vmax=10, **kwargs) elif self.intensity_def == 'Relative Yield': axes = self.plot_intensity(event=event, axis=axis, cmap='RdBu', vmin=-1, vmax=1, **kwargs) elif self.intensity_def == 'Percentile': axes = self.plot_intensity(event=event, axis=axis, cmap='RdBu', vmin=0, vmax=1, **kwargs) else: if self.intensity_def == 'Yearly Yield': axes = self.plot_intensity(event=event, axis=axis, cmap='RdBu', vmin=-2, vmax=2, **kwargs) elif self.intensity_def == 'Relative Yield': axes = self.plot_intensity(event=event, axis=axis, cmap='RdBu', vmin=-0.5, vmax=0.5, **kwargs) return axes
[docs] def plot_time_series(self, event=None): """Plots a time series of intensities (a series of sub plots) Parameters ---------- event : int or str event_id or event_name Returns ------- figure """ # if no event range is given, all events contained in self are plotted # in the case that a specific range is given as input (event) only the events # within this time range are plotted if event is None: event = self.event_name else: event = [str(n) for n in range(event[0], event[1] + 1)] self.centroids.set_meta_to_lat_lon() # definition of plot extents len_lat = abs([0] -[-1]) * (2.5 / 13.5) len_lon = abs(self.centroids.lon[0] - self.centroids.lon[-1]) * (5 / 26) nr_subplots = len(event) if len_lon >= len_lat: columns = int(np.floor(np.sqrt(nr_subplots / (len_lon / len_lat)))) rows = int(np.ceil(nr_subplots / columns)) else: rows = int(np.floor(np.sqrt(nr_subplots / (len_lat / len_lon)))) columns = int(np.ceil(nr_subplots / rows)) fig, axes = plt.subplots(rows, columns, sharex=True, sharey=True, figsize=(columns * len_lon, rows * len_lat), subplot_kw=dict( column = 0 row = 0 for year in range(nr_subplots): axes.flat[year].set_extent([np.min(self.centroids.lon), np.max(self.centroids.lon), np.min(, np.max(]) if rows == 1: self.plot_intensity_cp(event=event[year], axis=axes[column]) elif columns == 1: self.plot_intensity_cp(event=event[year], axis=axes[row]) else: self.plot_intensity_cp(event=event[year], axis=axes[row, column]) if column <= columns - 2: column = column + 1 else: column = 0 row = row + 1 return fig
def rel_yield_to_int(haz_cy, hist_mean): """Return hazard with relative yield (yearly yield / historic mean) as intensity Parameters ---------- haz_cy : RelativeCropyield RelativeCropyield hazard instance with abs. yield as intensity. hist_mean : np.array historic mean per centroid Returns ------- RelativeCropyield Hazard with modified intensity [unitless] """ # determine idx of the centroids with a mean yield !=0 [idx] = np.where(hist_mean != 0) # initialize new hazard_matrix hazard_matrix = np.zeros(haz_cy.intensity.shape, dtype=np.float32) # compute relative yield for each event: for event in range(len(haz_cy.event_id)): hazard_matrix[event, idx] = (haz_cy.intensity[event, idx].todense() / hist_mean[idx]) - 1 new_haz = copy.deepcopy(haz_cy) new_haz.intensity = sparse.csr_matrix(hazard_matrix) new_haz.intensity_def = 'Relative Yield' new_haz.units = '' return new_haz def percentile_to_int(haz_cy, reference_intensity=None): """returns RC hazard with percentile as intensity. Parameters ---------- haz_cy : RelativeCropyield RelativeCropyield hazard instance with abs. yield as intensity. reference_intensity : AD intensity to be used as reference (e.g. the historic intensity can be used in order to be able to directly compare historic and future projection data) Returns ------- RelativeCropyield hazard with modified intensity """ hazard_matrix = np.zeros(haz_cy.intensity.shape) if reference_intensity is None: reference_intensity = haz_cy.intensity for centroid in range(haz_cy.intensity.shape[1]): nevents = reference_intensity.shape[0] array = reference_intensity[:, centroid].toarray().reshape(nevents) hazard_matrix[:, centroid] = np.array([scipy.stats.percentileofscore(array, event) for event in array])/100 new_haz = copy.deepcopy(haz_cy) new_haz.intensity = sparse.csr_matrix(hazard_matrix) new_haz.intensity_def = 'Percentile' new_haz.units = '' return new_haz def set_multiple_rc_from_isimip(input_dir=None, output_dir=None, bbox=None, isimip_run=None, yearrange_his=None, yearrange_mean=None, return_data=False, save=True, combine_subcrops=True): """Wrapper to generate full hazard set from all ISIMIP-NetCDF files with crop yield in a given input directory and save it to output directory. Parameters ---------- input_dir : pathlib.Path or str path to input data directory, default: {CONFIG.exposures.crop_production.local_data}/Input/Exposure output_dir : pathlib.Path or str path to output data directory, default: {CONFIG.exposures.crop_production.local_data}/Output bbox : list of four floats bounding box: [lon min, lat min, lon max, lat max] isimip_run : string name of the ISIMIP run (f.i. ISIMIP2a or ISIMIP2b) yearrange_his : int tuple year range for the historical hazard sets yearrange_mean : int tuple year range for the historical mean return_data : boolean returned output False: returns list of filenames only True: returns also list of data save : boolean save output data to output_dir combine_subcrops : boolean combine crops: ric=ri1+ri2, whe=swh+wwh Returns ------- filename_list : list list of filenames output_list : list, optional list of generated output data (hazards and historical mean) """ if bbox is None: bbox = BBOX if isimip_run is None: isimip_run = 'ISIMIP2b' if input_dir is None: input_dir = INPUT_DIR if output_dir is None: output_dir = OUTPUT_DIR if isinstance(input_dir, str): input_dir = Path(input_dir) if not (isinstance(input_dir, Path) and input_dir.is_dir()): raise NameError('input_dir needs to be valid directory given as str or Path instance') if isinstance(output_dir, str): output_dir = Path(output_dir) if not (isinstance(output_dir, Path) and output_dir.is_dir()): raise NameError('output_dir needs to be valid directory given as str or Path instance') filenames = [ for f in input_dir.iterdir() if f.is_file() and not'.') and not'mask')] # generate output directories if they do not exist yet Path(output_dir, 'Hazard').mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) Path(output_dir, 'Hist_mean').mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) filename_list = list() output_list = list() (his_file_list, file_props, hist_mean_per_crop, scenario_list, _, combi_crop_list) = init_hazard_sets_isimip(filenames, input_dir=input_dir, bbox=bbox, isimip_run=isimip_run, yearrange_his=yearrange_his, combine_subcrops=combine_subcrops) if (yearrange_mean is None) and (isimip_run == 'ISIMIP2b'): yearrange_mean = YEARCHUNKS[file_props[his_file_list[0]]['scenario']]['yearrange_mean'] elif (yearrange_mean is None) and (isimip_run == 'ISIMIP3b'): yearrange_mean = YEARCHUNKS['historical_ISIMIP3b']['yearrange_mean'] # (1983, 2013) # c.f. Jaegermeyr et al. on ISIMIP3b elif (yearrange_mean is None) and (isimip_run == 'ISIMIP2a'): yearrange_mean = YEARCHUNKS['ISIMIP2a']['yearrange_mean'] # (1980, 1999) for his_file in his_file_list: haz_his, filename, hist_mean = calc_his_haz_isimip(his_file, file_props, input_dir=input_dir, bbox=bbox, yearrange_mean=yearrange_mean) # save the historical mean depending on the crop-irrigation combination # the idx keeps track of the row in which the hist_mean values are written per crop-irr to # ensure that all files are assigned to the corresponding crop-irr combination hist_mean_per_crop[file_props[his_file]['combi_crop_irr']]['value'][ hist_mean_per_crop[file_props[his_file]['combi_crop_irr']]['idx'], :] = hist_mean hist_mean_per_crop[file_props[his_file]['combi_crop_irr']]['idx'] += 1 filename_list.append(filename) if return_data: output_list.append(haz_his) else: output_list.append(None) if save:, 'Hazard', filename))) if isimip_run in ('ISIMIP2b', 'ISIMIP3b'): # compute the relative yield for all future scenarios with the corresponding # historic mean for scenario in scenario_list: # loop over all scenarios except historical # check whether future file exists for given historical file and scenario: haz_fut = None filename = None fut_file = '{}_{}_{}_{}_{}_{}_yield-{}-{}_{}_{}_{}.nc'.format( file_props[his_file]['ag_model'], file_props[his_file]['cl_model'], file_props[his_file]['bias_corr'], scenario, file_props[his_file]['soc'], file_props[his_file]['co2'], file_props[his_file]['crop'], file_props[his_file]['irr'], FN_STR_VAR, YEARCHUNKS[scenario]['startyear'], YEARCHUNKS[scenario]['endyear'] ) if Path(input_dir, fut_file).is_file(): # if true, calculate and save future hazard set: haz_fut, filename = calc_fut_haz_isimip(his_file, scenario, file_props, hist_mean, input_dir=input_dir, bbox=bbox, fut_file=fut_file) filename_list.append(filename) if save:\ .write_hdf5(str(Path(output_dir, 'Hazard', filename))) if return_data: output_list.append(haz_fut) else: output_list.append(None) if scenario == 'rcp26': # also test for extended # check whether future file exists for given historical file and scenario: fut_file = '{}_{}_{}_{}_{}_{}_yield-{}-{}_{}_{}_{}.nc'.format( file_props[his_file]['ag_model'], file_props[his_file]['cl_model'], file_props[his_file]['bias_corr'], scenario, file_props[his_file]['soc'], file_props[his_file]['co2'], file_props[his_file]['crop'], file_props[his_file]['irr'], FN_STR_VAR, YEARCHUNKS['rcp26-2']['startyear'], YEARCHUNKS['rcp26-2']['endyear'] ) if Path(input_dir, fut_file).is_file(): # if true, calculate and save future hazard set: haz_fut, filename = calc_fut_haz_isimip(his_file, scenario, file_props, hist_mean, input_dir=input_dir, bbox=bbox, fut_file=fut_file) filename_list.append(filename) if save:\ .write_hdf5(str(Path(output_dir, 'Hazard', filename))) if return_data: output_list.append(haz_fut) else: output_list.append(None) # calculate mean hist_mean for each crop-irrigation combination and save as hdf5 # in output_dir (required for full exposure set preparation): for combi_crop_irr in combi_crop_list: mean = np.mean((hist_mean_per_crop[combi_crop_irr])['value'], 0) mean_filename = ('hist_mean_' + combi_crop_irr + '_' + str(yearrange_mean[0]) +'-' + str(yearrange_mean[1]) + '.hdf5') filename_list.append(mean_filename) output_list.append(mean) if save: # save hist_mean files to hdf5 file: for idx, filename in enumerate(filename_list): if 'hist_mean_' in filename: mean_file = h5py.File(str(Path(output_dir, 'Hist_mean', filename)), 'w') mean_file.create_dataset('mean', data=output_list[idx]) mean_file.create_dataset('lat', mean_file.create_dataset('lon', data=haz_his.centroids.lon) mean_file.close() return filename_list, output_list def init_hazard_sets_isimip(filenames, input_dir=None, bbox=None, isimip_run=None, yearrange_his=None, combine_subcrops=True): """Initialize full hazard set. Parameters ---------- filenames : list list of filenames input_dir : pathlib.Path path to input data directory, default: INPUT_DIR bbox : list of four floats bounding box: [lon min, lat min, lon max, lat max], default: BBOX isimip_run : string name of the ISIMIP run ('ISIMIP2a', 'ISIMIP2b', or 'ISIMIP3b') Deafult: 'ISIMIP2b'' yearrange_his : int tuple year range for the historical hazard sets combine_subcrops : bool ignore crops ri2 (2nd harvest rice) and wwh (winter wheat) at this step (will be added to ri1 and wwh to form ric and whe later on) Returns ------- his_file_list : list list of historical input hazard files file_props : dict file properties of all historical input hazard files hist_mean_per_crop : dict empty dictonary to save hist_mean values for each crop-irr combination scenario_list : list list of all future scenarios crop_irr_list : list list of all crop-irr combinations combi_crop_irr_list : list list of all crop-irr combinations for combined crops """ # set default values for parameters not defined: if input_dir is None: input_dir = Path(INPUT_DIR) if bbox is None: bbox = BBOX if isimip_run is None: isimip_run = 'ISIMIP2b' crop_irr_list = list() combi_crop_irr_list = list() file_props = dict() his_file_list = list() scenario_list = list() for file in filenames: if isimip_run in ('ISIMIP2b', 'ISIMIP3b'): ag_model, cl_model, bias_corr, scenario, soc, co2, crop_prop, *_ = file.split('_') _, crop, irr = crop_prop.split('-') combi_crop = crop if combine_subcrops: # applies to ISIMIP3b: sum yield for sub crop types if crop in ('ri2', 'wwh'): # skip ri2 (2nd harvest rice) and wwh (winter wheat) at this step continue if crop == 'ri1': # first harvest rice combi_crop = 'ric' if crop == 'swh': # spring wheat combi_crop = 'whe' if scenario == 'historical': his_file_list.append(file) if (yearrange_his is None) and (isimip_run == 'ISIMIP2b'): yearrange_his = YEARCHUNKS[scenario]['yearrange'] elif (yearrange_his is None) and (isimip_run == 'ISIMIP3b'): yearrange_his = YEARCHUNKS['historical_ISIMIP3b']['yearrange'] startyear, endyear = yearrange_his file_props[file] = {'ag_model': ag_model, 'cl_model': cl_model, 'bias_corr': bias_corr, 'soc': soc, 'scenario': scenario, 'co2':co2, 'crop': crop, 'irr': irr, 'startyear': startyear, 'endyear': endyear, 'crop_irr': f'{crop}-{irr}', 'combi_crop': combi_crop, 'combi_crop_irr': f'{combi_crop}-{irr}' } elif scenario not in scenario_list: scenario_list.append(scenario) elif isimip_run == 'ISIMIP2a': (ag_model, cl_model, biasco, scenario, harm, irr, _, crop, _, _, startyear, endyearnc) = file.split('_') combi_crop = crop endyear, _ = endyearnc.split('.') if yearrange_his is not None: startyear, endyear = (YEARCHUNKS[scenario])['yearrange'] file_props[file] = dict() file_props[file] = {'ag_model': ag_model, 'cl_model': cl_model, 'scenario': 'ISIMIP2a', 'bc':biasco, 'harm':harm, 'crop': crop, 'irr': irr, 'crop_irr': f'{crop}-{irr}', 'startyear': int(startyear), 'endyear': int(endyear), 'combi_crop': combi_crop, 'combi_crop_irr': f'{combi_crop}-{irr}'} his_file_list.append(file) elif isimip_run == 'test_file': ag_model, cl_model, _, _, soc, co2, crop_prop, *_ = file.split('_') _, crop, irr = crop_prop.split('-') combi_crop = crop his_file_list.append(file) startyear, endyear = yearrange_his file_props[file] = {'ag_model': ag_model, 'cl_model': cl_model, 'soc':soc, 'scenario': 'test_file', 'co2':co2, 'crop': crop, 'irr': irr, 'startyear': startyear, 'endyear': endyear, 'crop_irr': f'{crop}-{irr}', 'combi_crop': combi_crop, 'combi_crop_irr': f'{combi_crop}-{irr}'} else: raise ValueError(f'Invalid value for isimip_run: {isimip_run}') if f'{crop}-{irr}' not in crop_irr_list: crop_irr_list.append(f'{crop}-{irr}') if f'{combi_crop}-{irr}' not in combi_crop_irr_list: combi_crop_irr_list.append(f'{combi_crop}-{irr}') # generate hazard using the first file to determine the size of the historic mean # file structure: ag_model _ cl_model _ scenario _ soc _ co2 _ # yield-crop-irr _ fn_str_var _ startyear _ endyear . nc #e.g. gepic_gfdl-esm2m_ewembi_historical_2005soc_co2_yield-whe-noirr_ # haz_dummy = RelativeCropyield() haz_dummy.set_from_isimip_netcdf(input_dir=input_dir, filename=his_file_list[0], bbox=bbox, scenario=file_props[his_file_list[0]]['scenario'], yearrange=(file_props[his_file_list[0]]['startyear'], file_props[his_file_list[0]]['endyear'])) # initiate the historic mean for each combination of crop and irrigation type # the idx keeps track of the row in which the hist_mean values are written per crop-irr to # ensure that all files are assigned to the corresponding crop-irr combination hist_mean_per_crop = dict() for i, combi_crop_irr in enumerate(combi_crop_irr_list): crop, irr = crop_irr_list[i].split('-') amount_crop_irr = sum((crop in s) and (irr in s) for s in his_file_list) hist_mean_per_crop[combi_crop_irr] = dict() hist_mean_per_crop[combi_crop_irr] = { 'value': np.zeros([amount_crop_irr, haz_dummy.intensity.shape[1]]), 'idx': 0} return his_file_list, file_props, hist_mean_per_crop, scenario_list, \ crop_irr_list, combi_crop_irr_list def calc_his_haz_isimip(his_file, file_props, input_dir=None, bbox=None, yearrange_mean=None): """Create historical hazard and calculate historical mean. Parameters ---------- his_file : string file name of historical input hazard file file_props : dict file properties of all historical input hazard files input_dir : Path path to input data directory, default: INPUT_DIR bbox : list of four floats bounding box: [lon min, lat min, lon max, lat max] yearrange_mean : int tuple year range for the historical mean default: 1976 - 2005 Returns ------- haz_his : RelativeCropyield historical hazard filename : string name to save historical hazard hist_mean : array historical mean of the historical hazard """ if input_dir is None: input_dir = Path(INPUT_DIR) if bbox is None: bbox = BBOX haz_his = RelativeCropyield() haz_his.set_from_isimip_netcdf(input_dir=input_dir, filename=his_file, bbox=bbox, scenario=file_props[his_file]['scenario'], yearrange=np.array([file_props[his_file]['startyear'], file_props[his_file]['endyear']])) crop = file_props[his_file]['crop'] # combine subcrops if crop and combi_crop not the same: if crop != file_props[his_file]['combi_crop']: if crop in ('ri2', 'wwh'): raise ValueError('Invalid subcrop type before combination') elif crop == 'swh': # whe = swh+wwh his_file2 = his_file.replace('_yield-swh-', '_yield-wwh-') elif crop == 'ri1': # ric = ri1+ri2 his_file2 = his_file.replace('_yield-ri1-', '_yield-ri2-') else: his_file2 = None if his_file2 and (input_dir / his_file2).is_file(): haz_his2 = RelativeCropyield() haz_his2.set_from_isimip_netcdf(input_dir=input_dir, filename=his_file2, bbox=bbox, scenario=file_props[his_file]['scenario'], yearrange=np.array([file_props[his_file]['startyear'], file_props[his_file]['endyear']])) # The masks in the NetCDF file divides all wheat growing areas globally in two distinct # categories, either growing winter wheat (wwh) or spring wheat (swh). Since the hazard # sets for wwh and swh are calculated for the whole globe ("all crops everywhere") we # need to decide for each grid cell which one to take when combining 'wwh' and 'swh' # into one combined crop wheat (whe): if crop == 'swh': # mask of winter wheat in spring wheat and vice versa: whe_mask = read_wheat_mask_isimip3(input_dir=input_dir, bbox=bbox) haz_his.intensity = sparse.csr_matrix(np.multiply(haz_his.intensity.todense(), whe_mask.swh_mask.values.flatten() ) ) haz_his2.intensity = sparse.csr_matrix( np.multiply(haz_his2.intensity.todense(), whe_mask.wwh_mask.values.flatten() )) # replace NaN by 0.0:[np.isnan(] = 0.0[np.isnan(] = 0.0 # sum intensities of subcrops while intensity is still abs. yield: haz_his.intensity = haz_his.intensity + haz_his2.intensity haz_his.crop = file_props[his_file]['combi_crop'] # hazard intensity is transformed from absolute yield [t / (ha * yr)] # to yield relative to historical mean of same run (fractional yield): hist_mean = haz_his.calc_mean(yearrange_mean) haz_his.set_rel_yield_to_int(hist_mean) crop_irr = file_props[his_file]['combi_crop_irr'] if file_props[his_file]['scenario'] == 'ISIMIP2a': filename = ('haz' + '_' + file_props[his_file]['ag_model'] + '_' + file_props[his_file]['cl_model'] +'_' + file_props[his_file]['bc'] + '_' + file_props[his_file]['harm'] + '_' + crop_irr + '_' + str(file_props[his_file]['startyear']) + '-' + str(file_props[his_file]['endyear']) + '.hdf5') else: filename = ('haz' + '_' + file_props[his_file]['ag_model'] + '_' + file_props[his_file]['cl_model'] + '_' + file_props[his_file]['scenario'] + '_' + file_props[his_file]['soc'] + '_' + file_props[his_file]['co2'] + '_' + crop_irr + '_' + str(file_props[his_file]['startyear']) + '-' + str(file_props[his_file]['endyear']) + '.hdf5') return haz_his, filename, hist_mean def calc_fut_haz_isimip(his_file, scenario, file_props, hist_mean, input_dir=None, bbox=None, fut_file=None, yearrange_fut=None): """Create future hazard. Parameters ---------- his_file : string file name of historical input hazard file scenario : string future scenario, e.g. rcp60 file_props : dict file properties of all historical input hazard files hist_mean : array historical mean of the historical hazard for the same model combination and crop-irr cobination input_dir : Path path to input data directory, default: INPUT_DIR bbox : list of four floats bounding box: [lon min, lat min, lon max, lat max] fut_file : string file name of future input hazard file. If given, prefered over scenario and file_props yearrange_fut : tuple start and end year to be extracted For None (default) yearrange_fut is set from filename or YEARCHUNKS Returns ------- haz_fut : RelativeCropyield future hazard filename : string name to save future hazard """ if input_dir is None: input_dir = Path(INPUT_DIR) if bbox is None: bbox = BBOX if yearrange_fut is None: if isinstance(fut_file, str) and (len(fut_file.split('_')[-2]) == 4): yearrange_fut = (int(fut_file.split('_')[-2]), int(fut_file.split('_')[-1].split('.')[0]) ) else: # define yearrange from defaults if not specified by user or filename: yearrange_fut = (YEARCHUNKS[scenario]['startyear'], YEARCHUNKS[scenario]['endyear']) haz_fut = RelativeCropyield() haz_fut.set_from_isimip_netcdf(input_dir=input_dir, filename=fut_file, bbox=bbox, yearrange=yearrange_fut, ag_model=file_props[his_file]['ag_model'], cl_model=file_props[his_file]['cl_model'], bias_corr=file_props[his_file]['bias_corr'], scenario=scenario, soc=file_props[his_file]['soc'], co2=file_props[his_file]['co2'], crop=file_props[his_file]['crop'], irr=file_props[his_file]['irr']) crop = file_props[his_file]['crop'] # combine subcrops if crop and combi_crop not the same: if crop != file_props[his_file]['combi_crop']: if crop in ('ri2', 'wwh'): raise ValueError('Invalid subcrop type before combination') elif crop == 'swh': # whe = swh+wwh fut_file2 = fut_file.replace('_yield-swh-', '_yield-wwh-') elif crop == 'ri1': # ric = ri1+ri2 fut_file2 = fut_file.replace('_yield-ri1-', '_yield-ri2-') else: fut_file2 = None if fut_file2 and Path(input_dir, fut_file2).is_file(): haz_fut2 = RelativeCropyield() haz_fut2.set_from_isimip_netcdf(input_dir=input_dir, filename=fut_file2, bbox=bbox, yearrange=yearrange_fut, ag_model=file_props[his_file]['ag_model'], cl_model=file_props[his_file]['cl_model'], bias_corr=file_props[his_file]['bias_corr'], scenario=scenario, soc=file_props[his_file]['soc'], co2=file_props[his_file]['co2'], crop=file_props[his_file]['crop'], irr=file_props[his_file]['irr']) if crop == 'swh': # mask of winter wheat in spring wheat and vice versa: whe_mask = read_wheat_mask_isimip3(input_dir=input_dir, bbox=bbox) haz_fut.intensity = sparse.csr_matrix(np.multiply(haz_fut.intensity.todense(), whe_mask.swh_mask.values.flatten() ) ) haz_fut2.intensity = sparse.csr_matrix( np.multiply(haz_fut2.intensity.todense(), whe_mask.wwh_mask.values.flatten() )) # replace NaN by 0.0:[np.isnan(] = 0.0[np.isnan(] = 0.0 # sum intensities of subcrops while intensity is still abs. yield: haz_fut.intensity = haz_fut.intensity + haz_fut2.intensity haz_fut.crop = file_props[his_file]['combi_crop'] haz_fut.set_rel_yield_to_int(hist_mean) # set intensity to relative yield filename = ('haz' + '_' + file_props[his_file]['ag_model'] + '_' + file_props[his_file]['cl_model'] + '_' + scenario + '_' + file_props[his_file]['soc'] + '_' + file_props[his_file]['co2'] + '_' + file_props[his_file]['combi_crop'] + '-' + file_props[his_file]['irr']+ '_' + str(yearrange_fut[0]) + '-' + str(yearrange_fut[1]) + '.hdf5') return haz_fut, filename def read_wheat_mask_isimip3(input_dir=None, filename=None, bbox=None): """for ISIMIP3, get masks for spring wheat (swh) and winter wheat (wwh). Required in set_multiple_rc_from_isimip() if isimip_version is ISIMIP3b and combine_crops is True. Parameters ---------- input_dir : Path or str path to directory containing input file, default: INPUT_DIR filename : str name of file bbox : tuple geogr. bounding box, tuple or array with for elements. Returns ------- whe_mask (xarray) """ if input_dir is None: input_dir = Path(INPUT_DIR) if filename is None: filename = CONFIG.hazard.relative_cropyield.filename_wheat_mask.str() if bbox is None: bbox = BBOX whe_mask = xr.open_dataset(Path(input_dir, filename), decode_times=False) [lonmin, latmin, lonmax, latmax] = bbox return whe_mask.sel(lon=slice(lonmin, lonmax), lat=slice(latmax, latmin)) def plot_comparing_maps(haz_his, haz_fut, axes=None, nr_cli_models=1, model=1): """Plots comparison maps of historic and future data and their difference fut-his Parameters ---------- haz_his : RelativeCropyield historic hazard haz_fut : RelativeCropyield future hazard axes : Geoaxes subplot axes that are generated if not given (sets the figure size depending on the extent of the single plots and the amount of rows) nr_cli_models : int number of climate models and respectively nr of rows within the subplot model : int current row to plot - this method can be used in a loop to plot subplots in one figure consisting of several rows of subplots. One row displays the intensity for present and future climate and the difference of the two for one model-combination (ag_model and cl_model) Returns ------- figure, geoaxes """ if axes is None: len_lat = (np.max(*(2.5/13.5) len_lon = (np.max(haz_his.centroids.lon)-np.min(haz_his.centroids.lon))*(5/26) fig, axes = plt.subplots(nr_cli_models, 3, figsize=(3*len_lon, nr_cli_models*len_lat), \ subplot_kw=dict( for subplot in range(3*nr_cli_models): axes.flat[subplot].set_extent([np.min(haz_his.centroids.lon), np.max(haz_his.centroids.lon), np.min(, np.max(]) haz2plot = RelativeCropyield() haz2plot = copy.deepcopy(haz_his) haz2plot.event_id = 0 his_mean = sparse.csr_matrix(haz_his.intensity.mean(axis=0)) fut_mean = sparse.csr_matrix(haz_fut.intensity.mean(axis=0)) for subplot in range(3): if subplot == 0: haz2plot.intensity = his_mean elif subplot == 1: haz2plot.intensity = fut_mean elif subplot == 2: haz2plot.intensity = fut_mean - his_mean if nr_cli_models == 1: ax1 = haz2plot.plot_intensity_cp(event=0, dif=0, axis=axes[subplot]) else: ax1 = haz2plot.plot_intensity_cp(event=0, dif=1, axis=axes[model, subplot]) ax1.set_title('') if nr_cli_models == 1: cols = ['Historical', 'Future', 'Difference = Future - Historical'] for ax0, col in zip(axes, cols): ax0.set_title(col, size='large') return fig, axes