Source code for climada_petals.hazard.river_flood

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Define RiverFlood class.

__all__ = ['RiverFlood']

import logging
import datetime as dt
import copy
from import Iterable
from pathlib import Path

import numpy as np
import scipy as sp
import xarray as xr
import pandas as pd
import geopandas as gpd
from rasterio.warp import Resampling
from shapely.geometry import Polygon, MultiPolygon

from climada.util.constants import RIVER_FLOOD_REGIONS_CSV
import climada.util.coordinates as u_coord
from climada.hazard.base import Hazard
from climada.hazard.centroids import Centroids


LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

"""Hazard type acronym RiverFlood"""

[docs] class RiverFlood(Hazard): """Contains flood events Flood intensities are calculated by means of the CaMa-Flood global hydrodynamic model Attributes ---------- fla_event : 1d array(n_events) total flooded area for every event fla_annual : 1d array (n_years) total flooded area for every year fla_ann_av : float average flooded area per year fla_ev_av : float average flooded area per event fla_ann_centr : 2d array(n_years x n_centroids) flooded area in every centroid for every event fla_ev_centr : 2d array(n_events x n_centroids) flooded area in every centroid for every event """
[docs] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """Empty constructor""" Hazard.__init__(self, *args, haz_type=HAZ_TYPE, **kwargs)
[docs] @classmethod def from_nc(cls, dph_path=None, frc_path=None, origin=False, centroids=None, countries=None, reg=None, shape=None, ISINatIDGrid=False, years=None): """Wrapper to fill hazard from nc_flood file Parameters ---------- dph_path : str, optional Flood file to read (depth) frc_path : str, optional Flood file to read (fraction) origin : bool, optional Historical or probabilistic event. Default: False centroids : Centroids, optional centroids to extract countries : list of str, optional If `reg` is None, use this selection of countries (ISO3). Default: None reg : list of str, optional Use region code to consider whole areas. If not None, countries and centroids are ignored. Default: None shape : str or Path, optional If `reg` and `countries` are None, use the first geometry in this shape file to cut out the area of interest. Default: None ISINatIDGrid : bool, optional Indicates whether ISIMIP_NatIDGrid is used. Default: False years : list of int Years that are considered. Default: None Returns ------- haz : RiverFlood instance Raises ------ NameError """ if years is None: years = [2000] if dph_path is None: raise NameError('No flood-depth-path set') if frc_path is None: raise NameError('No flood-fraction-path set') if not Path(dph_path).exists(): raise NameError('Invalid flood-file path %s' % dph_path) if not Path(frc_path).exists(): raise NameError('Invalid flood-file path %s' % frc_path) with xr.open_dataset(dph_path) as flood_dph: time = pd.to_datetime(flood_dph["time"].values) event_index = np.where(np.isin(time.year, years))[0] if len(event_index) == 0: raise AttributeError(f'No events found for selected {years}') bands = event_index + 1 if countries or reg: # centroids as points if ISINatIDGrid: dest_centroids = RiverFlood._select_exact_area(countries, reg)[0] meta_centroids = copy.copy(dest_centroids) meta_centroids.set_lat_lon_to_meta() haz = cls.from_raster(files_intensity=[dph_path], files_fraction=[frc_path], band=bands.tolist(), transform=meta_centroids.meta['transform'], width=meta_centroids.meta['width'], height=meta_centroids.meta['height'], resampling=Resampling.nearest) x_i = ((dest_centroids.lon - haz.centroids.meta['transform'][2]) / haz.centroids.meta['transform'][0]).astype(int) y_i = (( - haz.centroids.meta['transform'][5]) / haz.centroids.meta['transform'][4]).astype(int) fraction = haz.fraction[:, y_i * haz.centroids.meta['width'] + x_i] intensity = haz.intensity[:, y_i * haz.centroids.meta['width'] + x_i] haz.centroids = dest_centroids haz.intensity = sp.sparse.csr_matrix(intensity) haz.fraction = sp.sparse.csr_matrix(fraction) else: if reg: iso_codes = u_coord.region2isos(reg) # envelope containing counties cntry_geom = u_coord.get_land_geometry(iso_codes) haz = cls.from_raster(files_intensity=[dph_path], files_fraction=[frc_path], band=bands.tolist(), geometry=cntry_geom.geoms) # self.centroids.set_meta_to_lat_lon() else: cntry_geom = u_coord.get_land_geometry(countries) haz = cls.from_raster(files_intensity=[dph_path], files_fraction=[frc_path], band=bands.tolist(), geometry=cntry_geom.geoms) # self.centroids.set_meta_to_lat_lon() elif shape: shapes = gpd.read_file(shape) rand_geom = shapes.geometry[0] if isinstance(rand_geom, MultiPolygon): rand_geom = rand_geom.geoms elif isinstance(rand_geom, Polygon) or not isinstance(rand_geom, Iterable): rand_geom = [rand_geom] haz = cls.from_raster(files_intensity=[dph_path], files_fraction=[frc_path], band=bands.tolist(), geometry=rand_geom) elif not centroids: # centroids as raster haz = cls.from_raster(files_intensity=[dph_path], files_fraction=[frc_path], band=bands.tolist()) # self.centroids.set_meta_to_lat_lon() else: # use given centroids # if centroids.meta or grid_is_regular(centroids)[0]: #TODO: implement case when meta or regulargrid is defined # centroids.meta or grid_is_regular(centroidsxarray)[0]: # centroids>flood --> error # reprojection, resampling.average (centroids< flood) # (transform) # reprojection change resampling""" # else: if centroids.meta: centroids.set_meta_to_lat_lon() metafrc, fraction = u_coord.read_raster(frc_path, band=bands.tolist()) metaint, intensity = u_coord.read_raster(dph_path, band=bands.tolist()) x_i = ((centroids.lon - metafrc['transform'][2]) / metafrc['transform'][0]).astype(int) y_i = (( - metafrc['transform'][5]) / metafrc['transform'][4]).astype(int) fraction = fraction[:, y_i * metafrc['width'] + x_i] intensity = intensity[:, y_i * metaint['width'] + x_i] haz = cls( centroids=centroids, intensity=sp.sparse.csr_matrix(intensity), fraction=sp.sparse.csr_matrix(fraction), ) haz.units = 'm' haz.event_id = np.arange(1, haz.intensity.shape[0] + 1) haz.event_name = list(map(str, years)) if origin: haz.orig = np.ones(haz.size, bool) else: haz.orig = np.zeros(haz.size, bool) haz.frequency = np.ones(haz.size) / haz.size with xr.open_dataset(dph_path) as flood_dph: = np.array([ dt.datetime( flood_dph.time.dt.year.values[i], flood_dph.time.dt.month.values[i],[i], ).toordinal() for i in event_index ]) return haz
[docs] def set_from_nc(self, *args, **kwargs): """This function is deprecated, use RiverFlood.from_nc instead.""" LOGGER.warning("The use of RiverFlood.set_from_nc is deprecated." "Use LowFlow.from_nc instead.") self.__dict__ = RiverFlood.from_nc(*args, **kwargs).__dict__
[docs] def exclude_returnlevel(self, frc_path): """ Function allows to exclude flood impacts below a certain return level by manipulating flood fractions in a way that the array flooded more frequently than the treshold value is excluded. (This function is only needed for very specific applications) Raises ------ NameError """ if not Path(frc_path).exists(): raise NameError('Invalid ReturnLevel-file path %s' % frc_path) else: metafrc, fraction = u_coord.read_raster(frc_path, band=[1]) x_i = ((self.centroids.lon - metafrc['transform'][2]) / metafrc['transform'][0]).astype(int) y_i = (( - metafrc['transform'][5]) / metafrc['transform'][4]).astype(int) fraction = fraction[:, y_i * metafrc['width'] + x_i] new_fraction = np.array(np.subtract(self.fraction.todense(), fraction)) new_fraction = new_fraction.clip(0) self.fraction = sp.sparse.csr_matrix(new_fraction)
[docs] def set_flooded_area(self, save_centr=False): """ Calculates flooded area for hazard. sets yearly flooded area and flooded area per event Raises ------ MemoryError """ self.centroids.set_area_pixel() area_centr = self.centroids.area_pixel event_years = np.array([[i]).year for i in range(len(]) years = np.unique(event_years) year_ev_mk = self._annual_event_mask(event_years, years) fla_ann_centr = np.zeros((len(years), len(self.centroids.lon))) fla_ev_centr = np.array(np.multiply(self.fraction.todense(), area_centr)) self.fla_event = np.sum(fla_ev_centr, axis=1) for year_ind in range(len(years)): fla_ann_centr[year_ind, :] =\ np.sum(fla_ev_centr[year_ev_mk[year_ind, :], :], axis=0) self.fla_annual = np.sum(fla_ann_centr, axis=1) self.fla_ann_av = np.mean(self.fla_annual) self.fla_ev_av = np.mean(self.fla_event) if save_centr: self.fla_ann_centr = sp.sparse.csr_matrix(fla_ann_centr) self.fla_ev_centr = sp.sparse.csr_matrix(fla_ev_centr)
def _annual_event_mask(self, event_years, years): """Assignes events to each year Returns ------- bool array (columns contain events, rows contain years) """ event_mask = np.full((len(years), len(event_years)), False, dtype=bool) for year_ind, year in enumerate(years): events = np.where(event_years == year)[0] event_mask[year_ind, events] = True return event_mask
[docs] def set_flood_volume(self, save_centr=False): """Calculates flooded area for hazard. sets yearly flooded area and flooded area per event Raises ------ MemoryError """ fv_ann_centr = np.multiply(self.fla_ann_centr.todense(), self.intensity.todense()) if save_centr: self.fv_ann_centr = sp.sparse.csr_matrix(self.fla_ann_centr) self.fv_annual = np.sum(fv_ann_centr, axis=1)
@staticmethod def _select_exact_area(countries=None, reg=None): """Extract coordinates of selected countries or region from NatID grid. If countries are given countries are cut, if only reg is given, the whole region is cut. Parameters ---------- countries : List of countries reg : List of regions Raises ------ KeyError Returns ------- centroids """ lat, lon = u_coord.get_region_gridpoints( countries=countries, regions=reg, basemap="isimip", resolution=150) if reg: country_isos = u_coord.region2isos(reg) else: country_isos = countries if countries else [] natIDs = u_coord.country_iso2natid(country_isos) centroids = Centroids.from_lat_lon(lat, lon) = np.arange(centroids.lon.shape[0]) # centroids.set_region_id() return centroids, country_isos, natIDs