Source code for climada_petals.hazard.tc_tracks_forecast

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Define TCTracks auxiliary methods: BUFR based TC predictions (from ECMWF)

__all__ = ['TCForecast']

# standard libraries
import datetime as dt
import fnmatch
import ftplib
import io
import logging
import os
import tempfile
from pathlib import Path

# additional libraries
import eccodes as ec
import lxml.etree as et
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import tqdm
import xarray as xr
# climada dependencies
from climada import CONFIG
from climada.hazard.tc_tracks import (
from climada.hazard.trop_cyclone import NM_TO_KM
from climada.util.files_handler import get_file_names
from climada.util.coordinates import dist_approx

# declare constants
ECMWF_FTP = CONFIG.hazard.tc_tracks_forecast.resources.ecmwf

    'W': 'W - North West Pacific',
    'C': 'C - North Central Pacific',
    'E': 'E - North East Pacific',
    'P': 'P - South Pacific',
    'L': 'L - North Atlantic',
    'A': 'A - Arabian Sea (North Indian Ocean)',
    'B': 'B - Bay of Bengal (North Indian Ocean)',
    'U': 'U - Australia',
    'S': 'S - South-West Indian Ocean',
    'X': 'X - Undefined Basin'
"""Gleaned from the ECMWF wiki at
with added basin 'X' to deal with it appearing in operational forecasts
(see e.g. years 2020 and 2021 in the sidebar at and Wikipedia at

The BUFR code table is using EMO BUFR table version 35,
available at

SAFFIR_MS_CAT = np.array([18, 33, 43, 50, 59, 71, 1000])
"""Saffir-Simpson Hurricane Categories in m/s"""

"""The BUFR code 008005 significance for 'centre'"""

LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

"""Missing double and integers in ecCodes """

CXML2CSV_XSL = Path(__file__).parent / "data/cxml_ecmwf_transformation.xsl"
"""Xsl file for transforming CXML to CSV format."""

    "Southwest Pacific": BASIN_ENV_PRESSURE["SP"],
    "North Indian": BASIN_ENV_PRESSURE["NI"],
    "Northeast Pacific": BASIN_ENV_PRESSURE["EP"],
    "Northwest Pacific": BASIN_ENV_PRESSURE["WP"],
    "North Atlantic": BASIN_ENV_PRESSURE["NA"],

[docs] class TCForecast(TCTracks): """An extension of the TCTracks construct adapted to forecast tracks obtained from numerical weather prediction runs. Attributes ---------- data : list of xarray.Dataset Same as in parent class, adding the following attributes - ensemble_member (int) - is_ensemble (bool; if False, the simulation is a high resolution deterministic run) - run_datetime (numpy.datetime64): timepoint of the initialisation of the numerical weather prediction run """
[docs] def fetch_ecmwf(self, path=None, files=None, target_dir=None, remote_dir=None): """ Fetch and read latest ECMWF TC track predictions from the FTP dissemination server into instance. Use path or files argument to use local files instead. Assumes file naming conventions consistent with ECMWF: all files are assumed to have 'tropical_cyclone' and 'ECEP' in their name, denoting tropical cyclone ensemble forecast files. Parameters ---------- path : str, list(str), optional A location in the filesystem. Either a path to a single BUFR TC track file, or a folder containing only such files, or a globbing pattern. Passed to climada.util.files_handler.get_file_names files : file-like, optional An explicit list of file objects, bypassing get_file_names target_dir : str, optional An existing directory in the filesystem. When set, downloaded BUFR files will be saved here, otherwise they will be downloaded as temporary files. remote_dir : str, optional If set, search the ECMWF FTP folder for forecast files in the directory; otherwise defaults to the latest. Format: yyyymmddhhmmss, e.g. 20200730120000 """ if path is None and files is None: files = self.fetch_bufr_ftp(target_dir, remote_dir) elif files is None: files = get_file_names(path) elif not isinstance(files, list): files = [files] for i, file in tqdm.tqdm(enumerate(files, 1), desc='Processing', unit=' files', total=len(files)): # Open the bufr file if not already if isinstance(file, str) or isinstance(file, Path): file = open(file, 'rb') if == 'nt' and hasattr(file, 'file'): file = file.file # if in windows try accessing the underlying tempfile directly # in case variable file is tempfile._TemporaryFileWrapper self.read_one_bufr_tc(file, id_no=i) file.close() # discards if tempfile
[docs] @staticmethod def fetch_bufr_ftp(target_dir=None, remote_dir=None): """ Fetch and read latest ECMWF TC track predictions from the FTP dissemination server. If target_dir is set, the files get downloaded persistently to the given location. A list of opened file-like objects gets returned. Parameters ---------- target_dir : str An existing directory to write the files to. If None, the files get returned as tempfiles. remote_dir : str, optional If set, search this ftp folder for forecast files; defaults to the latest. Format: yyyymmddhhmmss, e.g. 20200730120000 Returns ------- [filelike] """ con = ftplib.FTP(, user=ECMWF_FTP.user.str(), passwd=ECMWF_FTP.passwd.str()) try: if remote_dir is None: # Read list of directories on the FTP server remote = pd.Series(con.nlst()) # Identify directories with forecasts initialised as 00 or 12 UTC remote = remote[remote.str.contains('120000|000000$')] # Select the most recent directory (names are formatted yyyymmddhhmmss) remote = remote.sort_values(ascending=False) remote_dir = remote.iloc[0] # Connect to the directory con.cwd(remote_dir) # Filter to files with 'tropical_cyclone' in the name: each file is a forecast # ensemble for one event remotefiles_temp = fnmatch.filter(con.nlst(), '*tropical_cyclone*') # Filter to forecast ensemble files only remotefiles = fnmatch.filter(remotefiles_temp, '*ECEP*') if len(remotefiles) == 0: msg = 'No tracks found at ftp://{}/{}' msg.format(, remote_dir) raise FileNotFoundError(msg) localfiles = []'Fetching BUFR tracks:') for rfile in tqdm.tqdm(remotefiles, desc='Download', unit=' files'): if target_dir: lfile = Path(target_dir, rfile).open('w+b') else: lfile = tempfile.TemporaryFile(mode='w+b') con.retrbinary('RETR ' + rfile, lfile.write) localfiles.append(lfile) except ftplib.all_errors as err: con.quit() raise type(err)('Error while downloading BUFR TC tracks: ' + str(err)) from err _ = con.quit() return localfiles
[docs] def read_one_bufr_tc(self, file, id_no=None): """ Read a single BUFR TC track file tailored to the ECMWF TC track predictions format. Parameters: file (str, filelike): Path object, string, or file-like object id_no (int): Numerical ID; optional. Else use date + random int. """ # Open the bufr file if isinstance(file, str) or isinstance(file, Path): # for the case that file is str, try open it file = open(file, 'rb') # loop for the messages in the file check_for_messages = True while check_for_messages: bufr = ec.codes_bufr_new_from_file(file) # break loop if there are no more messages if bufr is None: check_for_messages = False continue # we need to instruct ecCodes to expand all the descriptors # i.e. unpack the data values ec.codes_set(bufr, 'unpack', 1) # get the forecast time timestamp_origin = dt.datetime( ec.codes_get(bufr, 'year'), ec.codes_get(bufr, 'month'), ec.codes_get(bufr, 'day'), ec.codes_get(bufr, 'hour'), ec.codes_get(bufr, 'minute'), ) timestamp_origin = np.datetime64(timestamp_origin) # get storm identifier sid = ec.codes_get(bufr, 'stormIdentifier').strip() # number of timesteps (size of the forecast time + initial analysis timestep) try: n_timestep = ec.codes_get_size(bufr, 'timePeriod') + 1 except ec.CodesInternalError: LOGGER.warning("Track %s has no defined timePeriod. Track is discarded.", sid) continue # get number of ensemble members ens_no = ec.codes_get_array(bufr, "ensembleMemberNumber") n_ens = len(ens_no) # See documentation for link to ensemble types # Sometimes only one value is given instead of an array and it needs # to be reproduced across all tracks ens_type = ec.codes_get_array(bufr, 'ensembleForecastType') if len(ens_type) == 1: ens_type = np.repeat(ens_type, n_ens) # values at timestep 0 (perturbed from the analysis for each ensemble member) lat_init_temp = ec.codes_get_array(bufr, '#2#latitude') lon_init_temp = ec.codes_get_array(bufr, '#2#longitude') pre_init_temp = ec.codes_get_array(bufr, '#1#pressureReducedToMeanSeaLevel') wnd_init_temp = ec.codes_get_array(bufr, '#1#windSpeedAt10M') latmax_init_temp = ec.codes_get_array(bufr, '#3#latitude') lonmax_init_temp = ec.codes_get_array(bufr, '#3#longitude') # check dimension of the variables, and replace missing value with NaN lat_init = self._check_variable(lat_init_temp, n_ens, varname="Latitude at time 0") lon_init = self._check_variable(lon_init_temp, n_ens, varname="Longitude at time 0") pre_init = self._check_variable(pre_init_temp, n_ens, varname="Pressure at time 0") wnd_init = self._check_variable(wnd_init_temp, n_ens, varname="Maximum 10m wind at time 0") latmax_init = self._check_variable(latmax_init_temp, n_ens, varname="Latitude of max 10m wind at time 0") lonmax_init = self._check_variable(lonmax_init_temp, n_ens, varname="Longitude of max 10m wind at time 0") # Create dictionaries of lists to store output for each variable. # Each dict entry is an ensemble member, and it contains a list of # forecast values by timestep latitude = {ind_ens: np.array(lat_init[ind_ens]) for ind_ens in range(n_ens)} longitude = {ind_ens: np.array(lon_init[ind_ens]) for ind_ens in range(n_ens)} pressure = {ind_ens: np.array(pre_init[ind_ens]) for ind_ens in range(n_ens)} max_wind = {ind_ens: np.array(wnd_init[ind_ens]) for ind_ens in range(n_ens)} latitudemax = {ind_ens: np.array(latmax_init[ind_ens]) for ind_ens in range(n_ens)} longitudemax = {ind_ens: np.array(lonmax_init[ind_ens]) for ind_ens in range(n_ens)} # getting the forecasted storms timesteps_int = [0 for x in range(n_timestep)] for ind_timestep in range(1, n_timestep): rank1 = ind_timestep * 2 + 2 # rank for getting storm centre information rank3 = ind_timestep * 2 + 3 # rank for getting max wind information # Get timestep timestep = ec.codes_get_array(bufr, "#%d#timePeriod" % ind_timestep) timesteps_int[ind_timestep] = self._get_value_from_bufr_array(timestep) # Location of the storm: first check significance value matches what we expect sig_values = ec.codes_get_array(bufr, f"#{rank1:d}#meteorologicalAttributeSignificance") significance = self._get_value_from_bufr_array(sig_values) # get lat, lon, and pressure of all ensemble members at ind_timestep if significance == 1: lat_temp = ec.codes_get_array(bufr, f"#{rank1:d}#latitude") lon_temp = ec.codes_get_array(bufr, f"#{rank1:d}#longitude") pre_temp = ec.codes_get_array(bufr, f"#{ind_timestep + 1:d}#pressureReducedToMeanSeaLevel") else: raise ValueError( f'unexpected meteorologicalAttributeSignificance={significance}') # Location of max wind: check significance value matches what we expect sig_values = ec.codes_get_array(bufr, f"#{rank3:d}#meteorologicalAttributeSignificance") significance_wind = self._get_value_from_bufr_array(sig_values) # max_wind of each ensemble members at ind_timestep if significance_wind == 3: wnd_temp = ec.codes_get_array(bufr, f"#{ind_timestep + 1:d}#windSpeedAt10M") latmax_temp = ec.codes_get_array(bufr, f"#{rank3:d}#latitude") lonmax_temp = ec.codes_get_array(bufr, f"#{rank3:d}#longitude") else: raise ValueError( f'unexpected meteorologicalAttributeSignificance={significance}') # check dimension of the variables, and replace missing value with NaN lat = self._check_variable(lat_temp, n_ens, varname=f"Latitude at time {ind_timestep}") lon = self._check_variable(lon_temp, n_ens, varname=f"Longitude at time {ind_timestep}") pre = self._check_variable(pre_temp, n_ens, varname=f"Pressure at time {ind_timestep}") wnd = self._check_variable(wnd_temp, n_ens, varname=f"Maximum 10m wind at time {ind_timestep}") latmax = self._check_variable(latmax_temp, n_ens, varname="Latitude of" f" max 10m wind at time {ind_timestep}") lonmax = self._check_variable(lonmax_temp, n_ens, varname="Longitude of" f" max 10m wind at time {ind_timestep}") # appending values into dictionaries for ind_ens in range(n_ens): latitude[ind_ens] = np.append(latitude[ind_ens], lat[ind_ens]) longitude[ind_ens] = np.append(longitude[ind_ens], lon[ind_ens]) pressure[ind_ens] = np.append(pressure[ind_ens], pre[ind_ens]) max_wind[ind_ens] = np.append(max_wind[ind_ens], wnd[ind_ens]) latitudemax[ind_ens] = np.append(latitudemax[ind_ens], latmax[ind_ens]) longitudemax[ind_ens] = np.append(longitudemax[ind_ens], lonmax[ind_ens]) # storing information into a dictionary msg = { # subset forecast data 'latitude': latitude, 'longitude': longitude, 'wind_10m': max_wind, 'latitude_max': latitudemax, 'longitude_max': longitudemax, 'pressure': pressure, 'timestamp': timesteps_int, # subset metadata 'wmo_longname': ec.codes_get(bufr, 'longStormName').strip(), 'storm_id': sid, 'ens_type': ens_type, 'ens_number': ens_no, } if id_no is None: id_no = timestamp_origin.item().strftime('%Y%m%d%H') + \ str(np.random.randint(1e3, 1e4)) orig_centre = ec.codes_get(bufr, 'centre') if orig_centre == 98: provider = 'ECMWF' else: provider = 'BUFR code ' + str(orig_centre) for i in range(n_ens): name = msg['wmo_longname'] track = self._subset_to_track( msg, i, provider, timestamp_origin, name, id_no ) if track is not None: self.append(track) else: LOGGER.debug('Dropping empty track %s, subset %d', name, i) # release the BUFR message ec.codes_release(bufr)
[docs] def write_hdf5(self, file_name, complevel=5): """Write TC tracks in NetCDF4-compliant HDF5 format. This method overrides the method of the base class. Parameters ---------- file_name: str or Path Path to a new HDF5 file. If it exists already, the file is overwritten. complevel : int, optional Specifies a compression level (0-9) for the zlib compression of the data. A value of 0 or None disables compression. Default: 5 """ # change dtype from bool to int to be NetCDF4-compliant, this is undone later for track in track.attrs['is_ensemble'] = int(track.attrs['is_ensemble']) track.attrs['run_datetime'] = str(track.attrs['run_datetime']) try: super().write_hdf5(file_name=file_name, complevel=complevel) finally: # ensure to undo the temporal change of dtype from above for track in track.attrs['is_ensemble'] = bool(track.attrs['is_ensemble']) track.attrs['run_datetime'] = np.datetime64( track.attrs['run_datetime'] )
[docs] @classmethod def from_hdf5(cls, file_name): """Create new TCTracks object from a NetCDF4-compliant HDF5 file. This method overrides the method of the base class. Parameters ---------- file_name : str or Path Path to a file that has been generated with `TCForecast.write_hdf`. Returns ------- tracks : TCForecast TCTracks with data from the given HDF5 file. """ temp = super().from_hdf5(file_name=file_name) tracks = TCForecast() = for track in track.attrs['is_ensemble'] = bool(track.attrs['is_ensemble']) track.attrs['run_datetime'] = np.datetime64( track.attrs['run_datetime'] ) return tracks
@staticmethod def _get_value_from_bufr_array(var): for v_i in var: if v_i != MISSING_LONG: return v_i raise ValueError("Array contained a single, missing value") if len(var) == 1 \ else ValueError("Did not find a non-missing value in the array") @staticmethod def _subset_to_track(msg, index, provider, timestamp_origin, name, id_no): """Subroutine to process one BUFR subset into one xr.Dataset""" lat = np.array(msg['latitude'][index], dtype='float') lon = np.array(msg['longitude'][index], dtype='float') wnd = np.array(msg['wind_10m'][index], dtype='float') pre = np.array(msg['pressure'][index], dtype='float') # calculate radius of maximum wind lat_max = np.array(msg['latitude_max'][index], dtype='float') lon_max = np.array(msg['longitude_max'][index], dtype='float') rad = dist_approx(lat[:,None], lon[:,None], lat_max[:,None], lon_max[:,None], normalize=True, units='km')[:,0,0] / NM_TO_KM sid = msg['storm_id'].strip() timestep_int = np.array(msg['timestamp']).squeeze() timestamp = timestamp_origin + timestep_int.astype('timedelta64[h]') # 'ens_type' can take a number of values telling us the source of the track. # 0 means the deterministic analysis, which we want to flag. # See documentation for link to ensemble types. ens_bool = msg['ens_type'][index] != 0 try: track = xr.Dataset( data_vars={ 'max_sustained_wind': ('time', np.squeeze(wnd)), 'central_pressure': ('time', np.squeeze(pre)/100), 'radius_max_wind': ('time', np.squeeze(rad)), 'ts_int': ('time', timestep_int), }, coords={ 'time': timestamp, 'lat': ('time', lat), 'lon': ('time', lon), }, attrs={ 'max_sustained_wind_unit': 'm/s', 'central_pressure_unit': 'mb', 'name': name, 'sid': sid, 'orig_event_flag': False, 'data_provider': provider, 'id_no': (int(id_no) + index / 100), 'ensemble_number': msg['ens_number'][index], 'is_ensemble': ens_bool, 'run_datetime': timestamp_origin, } ) except ValueError as err: LOGGER.warning( 'Could not process track %s subset %d, error: %s', sid, index, err ) return None track = track.dropna('time') if track.sizes['time'] == 0: return None # can only make latlon coords after dropna track = track.set_coords(['lat', 'lon']) track['time_step'] = (track.ts_int - \ track.ts_int.shift({'time': 1}, fill_value=0)).astype(float) track = track.drop_vars(['ts_int']) track['environmental_pressure'] = (('time'), np.full_like( track.time, DEF_ENV_PRESSURE, dtype=float) ) # according to specs always num-num-letter track['basin'] = ('time', np.full_like(track.time, sid[2], dtype=str)) if sid[2] == 'X': 'Undefined basin %s for track name %s ensemble no. %d', sid[2], track.attrs['name'], track.attrs['ensemble_number']) cat_name = CAT_NAMES[set_category( max_sus_wind=track.max_sustained_wind.values, wind_unit=track.max_sustained_wind_unit, saffir_scale=SAFFIR_MS_CAT )] track.attrs['category'] = cat_name return track @staticmethod def _check_variable(var, n_ens, varname=None): """Check the value and dimension of variable""" if len(var) == n_ens: var[var == MISSING_DOUBLE] = np.nan return var elif len(var) == 1 and var[0] == MISSING_DOUBLE: return np.repeat(np.nan, n_ens) elif len(var) == 1 and var[0] != MISSING_DOUBLE: LOGGER.warning('%s: only 1 variable value for %d ensemble members, duplicating value' ' to all members. This is only acceptable for lat and lon data at' ' time 0.', varname, n_ens) return np.repeat(var[0], n_ens) else: raise ValueError
[docs] @classmethod def read_cxml(cls, cxml_path: str, xsl_path: str=None): """Reads a cxml (cyclone xml) file and returns a class instance. Parameters ---------- cxml_path : str Path to the cxml file xsl_path : str, optional Path to the xsl tranformation file needed to read the cxml data. Default: None Returns ------- TCForecast TCTracks with data from the given cxml file. """ df = cls._cxml_to_df(cxml_path=cxml_path, xsl_path=xsl_path) df_groupby = df.groupby( ["disturbance_no", "baseTime", "basin", "cycloneNumber", "member"], sort=False, dropna=False, ) instance = cls() = [cls._fcastdf_to_ds(subdf) for _, subdf in df_groupby] return instance
@staticmethod def _cxml_to_df( cxml_path: str, xsl_path: str = None, basin_env_pressures: dict = None ): """Read a cxml v1.1 file; may not work on newer specs.""" if xsl_path is None: xsl_path = CXML2CSV_XSL # coerce Path objects to str; coercion superfluous for lxml >= 4.8.0 # pylint: disable= c-extension-no-member xsl = et.parse(str(xsl_path)) xml = et.parse(str(cxml_path)) transformer = et.XSLT(xsl) csv_string = str(transformer(xml)) all_storms_df = pd.read_csv( io.StringIO(csv_string), dtype={ "member": "Int64", "cycloneNumber": "Int64", "hour": "Int64", "cycloneName": "object", "id": "object", }, parse_dates=["baseTime", "validTime"], infer_datetime_format=True, ) all_storms_df.dropna( subset=["validTime", "latitude", "longitude"], how="any", inplace=True ) if basin_env_pressures is None: basin_env_pressures = BASIN_ENV_PRESSURE_CXML default_env_pressure = all_storms_df.basin.replace(basin_env_pressures) all_storms_df["is_named_storm"] = -all_storms_df["cycloneName"].isna() default_name = ( all_storms_df["cycloneNumber"].astype(str) + " - " + all_storms_df["basin"] ) all_storms_df.fillna( {"cycloneName": default_name, "lastClosedIsobar": default_env_pressure}, inplace=True, ) all_storms_df['time_step'] = all_storms_df.hour.diff().astype(float) all_storms_df.time_step[(np.isnan(all_storms_df.time_step)) |(all_storms_df.time_step < 0)] = 0 return all_storms_df @staticmethod def _fcastdf_to_ds(track_as_df: pd.DataFrame): """Convert a given subdataframe into an xr.Dataset""" if pd.isna(track_as_df["member"].iloc[0]): sid = track_as_df["id"].iloc[0] else: sid = '{}_{}'.format(track_as_df["id"].iloc[0], track_as_df["member"].iloc[0]) cat_name = CAT_NAMES[set_category( max_sus_wind=track_as_df.maximumWind.values, wind_unit="m/s", saffir_scale=SAFFIR_MS_CAT )] return xr.Dataset( data_vars={ # transformation in kn needed until issue # is resolved "max_sustained_wind": ("time", track_as_df["maximumWind"].values*1.94384), "central_pressure": ("time", track_as_df["minimumPressure"].values), "hour": ("time", track_as_df["hour"].values.astype(float)), "time_step": ("time", track_as_df["time_step"].values), "radius_max_wind": ("time", track_as_df["maximumWindRadius"].values), "environmental_pressure": ("time", track_as_df["lastClosedIsobar"].values), "basin": ("time", track_as_df["basin"].values), }, coords={ "time": track_as_df["validTime"].values, "lat": ("time", track_as_df["latitude"].values), "lon": ("time", track_as_df["longitude"].values), }, attrs={ "max_sustained_wind_unit": "kn", "central_pressure_unit": "mb", "name": track_as_df["cycloneName"].iloc[0], "sid": sid, "orig_event_flag": False, "data_provider": track_as_df["origin"].iloc[0], "id_no": str(track_as_df["cycloneNumber"].iloc[0]), "ensemble_number": str(track_as_df["member"].iloc[0]), "is_ensemble": not pd.isna(track_as_df["member"].iloc[0]), "run_datetime": track_as_df["baseTime"].iloc[0], "is_named_storm": track_as_df["is_named_storm"].iloc[0].astype(int), "category": cat_name }, )