Source code for climada_petals.hazard.wildfire

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Define WildFire class.

__all__ = ['WildFire']

import logging
import itertools
from dataclasses import dataclass
from datetime import date

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd
from scipy import sparse
from sklearn.neighbors import BallTree
from sklearn.cluster import DBSCAN
import numba

from climada.hazard.centroids.centr import Centroids
from climada.hazard.base import Hazard
from climada.util.constants import ONE_LAT_KM
import climada.util.dates_times as u_dt
import climada.util.coordinates as u_coord

LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

""" Hazard type acronym for Wild Fire, might be changed to WFseason or WFsingle """

[docs] class WildFire(Hazard): """Contains wild fire events. Wildfires comprise the challenge that the definition of an event is unclear. Reporting standards vary accross regions and over time. Hence, to have consistency, we consider an event as a whole fire season. A fire season is defined as a whole year (Jan-Dec in the NHS, Jul-Jun in SHS). This allows consistent risk assessment across the globe and over time. Hazard for which events refer to a fire season have the haz_type 'WFseason'. In order to perform concrete case studies or calibrate impact functions, events can be displayed as single fires. In that case they have the haz_type 'WFsingle'. Attributes ---------- date_end : array integer date corresponding to the proleptic Gregorian ordinal, where January 1 of year 1 has ordinal 1 (ordinal format of datetime library). Represents last day of a wild fire instance where the fire was still active. n_fires : array number of single fires in a fire season """
[docs] @dataclass class FirmsParams(): """ DataClass as container for firms parameters. Attributes ---------- clean_thresh : int, default = 30 Minimal confidence value for the data from MODIS instrument to be use as input days_thres_firms : int, default = 2 Minimum number of days to consider different fires clus_thres_firms : int, default = 15 Clustering factor which multiplies instrument resolution remove_minor_fires_firms : bool, default = True removes FIRMS fires below defined theshold of entries minor_fire_thres_firms : int, default = 3 number of FIRMS entries required to be considered a fire """ clean_thresh: int = 30 days_thres_firms: int = 2 clus_thres_firms: int = 15 remove_minor_fires_firms: bool = True minor_fire_thres_firms: int = 3
[docs] @dataclass class ProbaParams(): """ Dataclass as container for parameters for generation of probabilistic events. PLEASE BE AWARE: Parameter values did not undergo any calibration. Attributes ---------- blurr_steps : int, default = 4 steps with exponential decay for fire propagation matrix prop_proba : float, default = 0.21 max_it_propa : int, default = 500000 """ blurr_steps: int = 4 prop_proba: float = 0.21 max_it_propa: int = 500000
[docs] def __init__(self): """Empty constructor. """ Hazard.__init__(self, HAZ_TYPE) self.FirmsParams = self.FirmsParams() self.ProbaParams = self.ProbaParams()
[docs] @classmethod def from_hist_fire_FIRMS(cls, df_firms, centr_res_factor=1.0, centroids=None): """ Parse FIRMS data and generate historical fires by temporal and spatial clustering. Single fire events are defined as a set of data points that are geographically close and/or have consecutive dates. The unique identification is made in two steps. First a temporal clustering is applied to cleaned data obtained from FIRMS. Data points with acquisition dates more than days_thres_firms days apart are in different temporal clusters. Second, for each temporal cluster, unique event are identified by performing a spatial clustering. This is done iteratively until all firms data points are assigned to an event. This method sets the attributes self.n_fires, self.date_end, in addition to all attributes required by the hazard class. This method creates a centroids raster if centroids=None with resolution given by centr_res_factor. The centroids can be retrieved from Wildfire.centroids() Parameters ---------- df_firms : pd.DataFrame FIRMS data as pd.Dataframe ( centr_res_factor : float, optional, default=1.0 resolution factor with respect to the satellite data to use for centroids creation. Hence, if MODIS data (1 km res) is used and centr_res_factor is set to 0.2, the grid spacing of the generated centroids will equal 5 km (=1/0.2). If centroids are defined, this parameter has no effect. centroids : Centroids, optional centroids in degrees to map data, centroids need to be on a regular raster grid in order for the clustrering to work. Returns ---------- haz : WildFire instance """ haz = cls() # read and initialize data df_firms = haz._clean_firms_df(df_firms) # compute centroids res_data = haz._firms_resolution(df_firms) if not centroids: centroids = haz._firms_centroids_creation(df_firms, res_data, centr_res_factor) else: if not centroids.set_meta_to_lat_lon() res_centr = haz._centroids_resolution(centroids) # fire identification while df_firms.iter_ev.any(): # Compute cons_id: consecutive fires in current iteration haz._firms_cons_days(df_firms) # Compute clus_id: cluster identifier inside cons_id haz._firms_clustering(df_firms, res_data) # compute event_id haz._firms_fire(df_firms)'Remaining fires to identify: %s.', str(np.argwhere(\ df_firms.iter_ev.values).size)) # remove minor fires if haz.FirmsParams.remove_minor_fires_firms: df_firms = haz._firms_remove_minor_fires(df_firms, haz.FirmsParams.minor_fire_thres_firms) # compute brightness and fill class attributes'Computing intensity of %s fires.', np.unique(df_firms.event_id).size) haz._calc_brightness(df_firms, centroids, res_centr) return haz
[docs] def set_hist_fire_FIRMS(self, *args, **kwargs): """This function is deprecated, use WildFire.from_hist_fire_FIRMS instead.""" LOGGER.warning("The use of WildFire.set_hist_fire_FIRMS is deprecated." "Use WildFire.from_hist_fire_FIRMS .") self.__dict__ = WildFire.from_hist_fire_FIRMS(*args, **kwargs).__dict__
[docs] @classmethod def from_hist_fire_seasons_FIRMS(cls, df_firms, centr_res_factor=1.0, centroids=None, hemisphere=None, year_start=None, year_end=None, keep_all_fires=False): """ Parse FIRMS data and generate historical fire seasons. Individual fires are created using temporal and spatial clustering according to the 'set_hist_fire_FIRMS' method. single fires are then summarized to seasons using max intensity at each centroid for each year. This method sets the attributes self.n_fires, self.date_end, in addition to all attributes required by the hazard class. This method creates a centroids raster if centroids=None with resolution given by centr_res_factor. The centroids can be retrieved from Wildfire.centroids() Parameters ---------- df_firms : pd.DataFrame FIRMS data as pd.Dataframe ( centr_res_factor : float, optional, default=1.0 resolution factor with respect to the satellite data to use for centroids creation centroids : Centroids, optional centroids in degrees to map data, centroids need to be on a regular grid in order for the clustrering to work. hemisphere : str, optional 'SHS' or 'NHS' to define fire seasons. The hemisphere parameter is only used for the definition of the start of the fire season year_start : int, optional start year; FIRMS fires before that are cut; no cut if not specified year_end : int, optional end year; FIRMS fires after that are cut; no cut if not specified keep_all_fires : bool, optional keep list of all individual fires; default is False to save memory. If set to true, fires are stored in self.hist_fire_seasons Returns ---------- haz : WildFire instance """'Setting up historical fires for year set.') haz = cls() # read and initialize data df_firms = haz._clean_firms_df(df_firms) # compute centroids res_data = haz._firms_resolution(df_firms) if not centroids: centroids = haz._firms_centroids_creation(df_firms, res_data, centr_res_factor) else: if not centroids.coord.size: centroids.set_meta_to_lat_lon() # define hemisphere if hemisphere is None: if[0] > 0: hemisphere = 'NHS' elif[0] < 0: hemisphere = 'SHS' if not all(i >= 0 for i in or \ all(i <= 0 for i in LOGGER.warning('Not all centroids are on the same hemisphere. \ Hemisphere is set to: %s.', hemisphere) # define years year_i = year_start if year_start is not None else \ date.fromordinal(df_firms.datenum.min()).year year_e = year_end if year_end is not None else \ date.fromordinal(df_firms.datenum.max()).year years = np.arange(year_i, year_e+1) # make fire seasons hist_fire_seasons = [] # list to save fire seasons for year in years:'Setting up historical fire seasons %s.', str(year)) firms_temp = haz._select_fire_season(df_firms, year, hemisphere=hemisphere) # calculate historic fire seasons wf_year = WildFire() wf_year.set_hist_fire_FIRMS(firms_temp, centroids=centroids) hist_fire_seasons.append(wf_year) # fires season (used to define distribution of n fire for the # probabilistic fire seasons) n_fires = np.zeros(len(years)) for idx, wf in enumerate(hist_fire_seasons): n_fires[idx] = len(wf.event_id) if keep_all_fires: haz.hist_fire_seasons = hist_fire_seasons # save haz.haz_type = 'WFseason' haz.centroids = centroids haz.n_fires = n_fires haz.units = 'K' # Kelvin brightness # Following values are defined for each fire haz.event_id = np.arange(1, len(years)+1).astype(int) haz.event_name = list(map(str, years)) = np.zeros(len(years), int) haz.date_end = np.zeros(len(years), int) if hemisphere == 'NHS': for y_idx, year in enumerate(years):[y_idx] = date.toordinal(date(year, 1, 1)) haz.date_end[y_idx] = date.toordinal(date(year, 12, 31)) elif hemisphere == 'SHS': for y_idx, year in enumerate(years):[y_idx] = date.toordinal(date(year, 7, 1)) haz.date_end[y_idx] = date.toordinal(date(year+1, 6, 30)) haz.orig = np.ones(len(years), bool) haz._set_frequency() # Following values are defined for each fire and centroid haz.intensity = sparse.lil_matrix(np.zeros((len(years), len( for idx, wf in enumerate(hist_fire_seasons): haz.intensity[idx] = wf.intensity.max(axis=0) haz.intensity = haz.intensity.tocsr() haz.fraction = haz.intensity.copy() return haz
[docs] def set_hist_fire_seasons_FIRMS(self, *args, **kwargs): """This function is deprecated, use WildFire.from_hist_fire_seasons_FIRMS instead.""" LOGGER.warning("The use of WildFire.set_hist_fire_seasons_FIRMS is deprecated." "Use WildFire.from_hist_fire_seasons_FIRMS .") self.__dict__ = WildFire.from_hist_fire_seasons_FIRMS(*args, **kwargs).__dict__
[docs] def set_proba_fire_seasons(self, n_fire_seasons=1, n_ignitions=None, keep_all_fires=False): """ Generate probabilistic fire seasons. Fire seasons are created by running n probabilistic fires per year which are then summarized into a probabilistic fire season by calculating the max intensity at each centroid for each probabilistic fire season. Probabilistic fires are created using the logic described in the method '_run_one_bushfire'. The fire propagation matrix can be assigned separately, if that is not done it will be generated on the available historic fire (seasons). Intensities are drawn randomly from historic events. Thus, this method requires at least one fire to draw from. This method modifies self (climada.hazard.WildFire instance) by adding probabilistic wildfire seasons. Parameters ---------- self : climada.Hazard.WildFire must have calculated historic fire seasons before n_fire_seasons : int, optional number of fire seasons to be generated n_ignitions : array, optional [min, max]: min/max of uniform distribution to sample from, in order to determin n_fire per probabilistic year set. If none, min/max is taken from hist. keep_all_fires : bool, optional keep detailed list of all fires; default is False to save memory. """ # min/max for uniform distribtion to sample for n_fires per year if n_ignitions is None: ign_min = np.min(self.n_fires) ign_max = np.max(self.n_fires) else: ign_min = n_ignitions[0] ign_max = n_ignitions[1] prob_fire_seasons = [] # list to save probabilistic fire seasons # create probabilistic fire seasons for i in range(n_fire_seasons): n_ign = np.random.randint(ign_min, ign_max)'Setting up probabilistic fire season with %s fires.',\ str(n_ign)) prob_fire_seasons.append(self._set_one_proba_fire_season(n_ign, seed=i)) if keep_all_fires: self.prob_fire_seasons = prob_fire_seasons # save # Following values are defined for each fire new_event_id = np.arange(np.max(self.event_id)+1, np.max(self.event_id)+n_fire_seasons+1) self.event_id = np.concatenate((self.event_id, new_event_id), axis=None) new_event_name = list(map(str, new_event_id)) self.event_name = np.append(self.event_name, new_event_name) new_orig = np.zeros(len(new_event_id), bool) self.orig = np.concatenate((self.orig, new_orig)) self._set_frequency() # Following values are defined for each event and centroid new_intensity = sparse.lil_matrix((np.zeros([n_fire_seasons, len(]))) for idx, wf in enumerate(prob_fire_seasons): new_intensity[idx] = sparse.csr_matrix(wf).max(0) new_intensity = new_intensity.tocsr() self.intensity = sparse.vstack([self.intensity, new_intensity], format='csr') self.fraction = self.intensity.copy()
[docs] def combine_fires(self, event_id_merge=None, remove_rest=False, probabilistic=False): """ Combine events that are identified as different fire to one event Orig fires are removed and a new fire id created; max intensity at overlapping centroids is assigned. This method modifies self (climada.hazard.WildFire instance) by combining single fires. Parameters ---------- event_id_merge : array of int, optional events to be merged remove_rest : bool, optional if set to true, only the merged event is returned. probabilistic : bool, optional differentiate, because probabilistic events have no date. """ if probabilistic is False: if event_id_merge is not None: # get index of events to merge evt_idx_merge = [] for i in event_id_merge: evt_idx_merge.append(np.argwhere(self.event_id == i).reshape(-1)[0]) # get dates date_start = np.min([evt_idx_merge]) date_end = np.max(self.date_end[evt_idx_merge]) if remove_rest: self.intensity = sparse.csr_matrix( \ np.amax(self.intensity[evt_idx_merge], 0)) self.event_id = np.array([np.max(self.event_id)+1]) self.event_name = list(map(str, self.event_id)) = np.array([date_start]) self.date_end = np.array([date_end]) self.orig = np.ones(1, bool) self._set_frequency() self.fraction = self.intensity.copy() else: # merge event & append self.intensity = sparse.vstack([self.intensity, \ np.amax(self.intensity[evt_idx_merge], 0)], format='csr') self.event_id = np.append(self.event_id, np.max(self.event_id)+1) self.event_name = list(map(str, self.event_id)) = np.append(, date_start) self.date_end = np.append(self.date_end, date_end) self.orig = np.append(self.orig, np.ones(1, bool)) # remove initial events self.intensity = self.intensity[np.delete(np.arange(0, \ self.intensity.get_shape()[0]), evt_idx_merge)] self.event_id = np.delete(self.event_id, evt_idx_merge) self.event_name = list(map(str, self.event_id)) = np.delete(, evt_idx_merge) self.date_end = np.delete(self.date_end, evt_idx_merge) self.orig = np.delete(self.orig, evt_idx_merge) self._set_frequency() self.fraction = self.intensity.copy() else: self.intensity = sparse.csr_matrix(np.amax(self.intensity, 0)) self.event_id = np.array([np.max(self.event_id)+1]) self.event_name = list(map(str, self.event_id)) = np.array([np.min(]) self.date_end = np.array([np.max(self.date_end)]) self.orig = np.ones(1, bool) self._set_frequency() self.fraction = self.intensity.copy()'The merged event has event_id %s', self.event_id[-1]) else: self.intensity = sparse.csr_matrix(np.amax(self.intensity, 0)) self.event_id = np.array([np.max(self.event_id)+1]) self.orig = np.zeros(1, bool) self._set_frequency() self.fraction = self.intensity.copy()
[docs] def summarize_fires_to_seasons(self, year_start=None, year_end=None, hemisphere=None): """ Summarize historic fires into fire seasons. Fires are summarized by taking the max intensity at each grid point. This method modifies self (climada.hazard.WildFire instance) by summarizing individual fires into seasons. Parameters ---------- year_start : int, optional start year; fires before that are cut; no cut if not specified year_end : int, optional end year; fires after that are cut; no cut if not specified hemisphere : str, optional 'SHS' or 'NHS' to define fire seasons """ # define hemisphere if hemisphere is None: if[0] > 0: hemisphere = 'NHS' elif[0] < 0: hemisphere = 'SHS' if not all(i >= 0 for i in or \ all(i <= 0 for i in LOGGER.warning('Not all centroids are on the same hemisphere. \ Hemisphere is set to: %s.', hemisphere) # define years fire_years = np.array([date.fromordinal(i).year for i in]) years = np.arange(np.min(fire_years), np.max(fire_years)+1) if year_start is not None: years = np.delete(years, np.argwhere(years < year_start)) if year_end is not None: years = np.delete(years, np.argwhere(years > year_end)) # summarize to fire season date_new = np.zeros(len(years), int) date_end_new = np.zeros(len(years), int) n_fires = np.zeros(len(years), int) intensity_new = sparse.lil_matrix(np.zeros((len(years), len( for i, year in enumerate(years): if hemisphere == 'NHS': start = date.toordinal(date(year, 1, 1)) end = date.toordinal(date(year+1, 1, 1)) elif hemisphere == 'SHS': start = date.toordinal(date(year, 7, 1)) end = date.toordinal(date(year+1, 7, 1)) date_new[i] = start date_end_new[i] = end idx = np.where(( > start-1) & \ ( < end + 1)) n_fires[i] = len(idx) intensity_new[i] = sparse.csr_matrix( \ np.amax(self.intensity[idx], 0)) # save self.haz_type = 'WFseason' self.units = 'K' # Kelvin brightness # Following values are defined for each fire season self.event_id = np.arange(1, len(years)+1).astype(int) self.event_name = list(map(str, years)) = date_new self.date_end = date_end_new self.n_fires = n_fires self.orig = np.ones(len(years), bool) self._set_frequency() # Following values are defined for each fire and centroid self.intensity = intensity_new.tocsr() self.fraction = self.intensity.copy()
#@staticmethod def _clean_firms_df(self, df_firms): """Read and remove low confidence data from firms: - MODIS: remove data where confidence values are lower than clean_thresh - VIIRS: remove data where confidence values are set to low (keep nominal and high values) Parameters ---------- df_firms : pd.DataFrame FIRMS data as pd.Dataframe Returns ------- df_firms : pd.DataFrame """ # Check for the type of instrument (MODIS vs VIIRS) # Remove data with low confidence interval # Uniformize the name of the birghtness columns between VIIRS and MODIS if 'instrument' in df_firms.columns: if (df_firms.instrument == 'MODIS').any() or (df_firms.instrument == 'VIIRS').any(): df_firms_modis = df_firms.drop(df_firms[df_firms.instrument == 'VIIRS'].index) df_firms_modis.confidence = np.array( list(map(int, df_firms_modis.confidence.values.tolist()))) df_firms_modis = df_firms_modis.drop(df_firms_modis[ \ df_firms_modis.confidence < self.FirmsParams.clean_thresh].index) temp = df_firms_modis df_firms_viirs = df_firms.drop(df_firms[df_firms.instrument == 'MODIS'].index) if df_firms_viirs.size: df_firms_viirs = df_firms_viirs.drop(df_firms_viirs[ \ df_firms_viirs.confidence == 'l'].index) df_firms_viirs = df_firms_viirs.rename(columns={'bright_ti4':'brightness'}) temp = pd.concat([temp, df_firms_viirs], sort=True) temp = temp.drop(columns=['bright_ti4']) df_firms = temp df_firms = df_firms.reset_index() df_firms = df_firms.drop(columns=['index']) df_firms['iter_ev'] = np.ones(len(df_firms), bool) df_firms['cons_id'] = np.zeros(len(df_firms), int) - 1 df_firms['event_id'] = np.zeros(len(df_firms), int) df_firms['clus_id'] = np.zeros(len(df_firms), int) - 1 df_firms['datenum'] = np.array(u_dt.str_to_date(df_firms['acq_date'].values)) return df_firms @staticmethod def _firms_resolution(df_firms): """ Returns resolution of satellite used in FIRMS in degrees Parameters ---------- csv_firms : pd.DataFrame or str path to csv file of FIRMS data or FIRMS data as pd.Dataframe Returns ------- res_data/ONE_LAT_KM : float resolution in degrees """ # Resolution in km of the centroids depends on the data origin. if 'instrument' in df_firms.columns: if (df_firms['instrument'] == 'MODIS').any(): res_data = 1.0 else: res_data = 0.375 # For VIIRS data return res_data/ONE_LAT_KM @staticmethod def _firms_centroids_creation(df_firms, res_data, centr_res_factor): """ Create centroids according to the extent of the firms data. Parameters ---------- df_firms : pd.DataFrame FIRMS data res_data : float FIRMS instrument resolution in degrees centr_res_factor : float the factor applied to voluntarly decrease/increase the centroids resolution. Hence, in order to set hazard resolution of MODIS data to 4 km, a centr_res_factor of 0.25 is applied. Returns ------- centroids : Centroids """ centroids = Centroids.from_pnt_bounds((df_firms['longitude'].min(), \ df_firms['latitude'].min(), df_firms['longitude'].max(), \ df_firms['latitude'].max()), res=res_data/centr_res_factor) centroids.set_meta_to_lat_lon() centroids.set_area_approx() centroids.set_on_land() centroids.empty_geometry_points() return centroids @staticmethod def _centroids_resolution(centroids): """ Return resolution of the scalar grid of the centroids Parameters ---------- centroids (Centroids): centroids instance Returns ------- res_centr : float grid resolution of centroids """ if centroids.meta: res_centr = abs(centroids.meta['transform'][4]), \ centroids.meta['transform'][0] else: res_centr, _ = u_coord.get_resolution(, centroids.lon) if abs(abs(res_centr[0]) - abs(res_centr[1])) > 1.0e-6: raise ValueError('Centroids are not a regular raster') return res_centr[0] def _firms_cons_days(self, df_firms): """ Compute clusters of consecutive days (temporal clusters). An interruption of n days (as defined in FirmsParams) is necessary to be set in two different temporal clusters. Parameters ---------- df_firms : pd.DataFrame FIRMS data Returns ------- df_firms : pd.DataFrame FIRMS data including info on temporal cluster per point """ LOGGER.debug('Computing clusters of consecutive days.') firms_iter = df_firms[df_firms['iter_ev']][['datenum', 'cons_id', 'event_id']] max_cons_id = df_firms.cons_id.max() + 1 for event_id in np.unique(firms_iter.event_id.values): firms_cons = firms_iter[firms_iter.event_id == event_id].reset_index() # Order firms dataframe per ascending acq_date order firms_cons = firms_cons.sort_values('datenum') sort_idx = firms_cons.index firms_cons = firms_cons.reset_index() firms_cons = firms_cons.drop(columns=['index']) # Check if there is more than 1 day interruption between data[0, 'cons_id'] = max_cons_id max_cons_id += 1 for index in range(1, len(firms_cons)): if abs(([index, 'datenum'] -[index-1, 'datenum'])) \ >= self.FirmsParams.days_thres_firms:[index, 'cons_id'] = max_cons_id max_cons_id += 1 else:[index, 'cons_id'] =[(index-1), 'cons_id'] re_order = np.zeros(len(firms_cons), int) for data, order in zip(firms_cons.cons_id.values, sort_idx): re_order[order] = data firms_iter.cons_id.values[firms_iter.event_id == event_id] = re_order df_firms.cons_id.values[df_firms['iter_ev'].values] = firms_iter.cons_id.values return df_firms def _firms_clustering(self, df_firms, res_data): """ Compute geographic clusters and sort firms with ascending clus_id for each cons_id. Geographic clusters are identified using sci-kit learn's DBSCAN algorithm, which finds core samples of high density and expands clusters from them. Parameters ---------- df_firms : pd.DataFrame FIRMS data res_data : float FIRMS instrument resolution in degrees clus_thres : int Clustering factor which multiplies instrument resolution Returns ------- df_firms : pd.DataFrame FIRMS data including info on spacial cluster per point """ LOGGER.debug('Computing geographic clusters in consecutive fires.') firms_iter = df_firms[df_firms['iter_ev']][['latitude', 'longitude', 'cons_id', 'clus_id', 'event_id']] for event_id in np.unique(firms_iter.event_id.values): firms_cons = firms_iter[firms_iter.event_id == event_id] # Creation of an identifier for geographical clustering # For each temporal cluster, perform geographical clustering with DBSCAN algo for cons_id in np.unique(firms_cons['cons_id'].values): temp = np.argwhere(firms_cons['cons_id'].values == cons_id).reshape(-1,) lat_lon = firms_cons.iloc[temp][['latitude', 'longitude']].values lat_lon_uni, lat_lon_cpy = np.unique(lat_lon, return_inverse=True, axis=0) cluster_id = DBSCAN(eps=res_data * self.FirmsParams.clus_thres_firms, min_samples=1).\ fit(lat_lon_uni).labels_ cluster_id = cluster_id[lat_lon_cpy] firms_cons.clus_id.values[temp] = cluster_id firms_iter.clus_id.values[firms_iter.event_id == event_id] = \ firms_cons.clus_id.values df_firms.clus_id.values[df_firms['iter_ev'].values] = firms_iter.clus_id.values return df_firms def _firms_fire(self, df_firms): """ Creation of event_id for each dataset point. A fire is characterized by a unique combination of 'cons_id' and 'clus_id'. Parameters ---------- df_firms : pd.DataFrame FIRMS data including info on temporal and spatial cluster per point Returns ------- df_firms : pd.DataFrame FIRMS data including info on final cluster (=event) per point """ ev_id = 0 for cons_id in np.unique(df_firms.cons_id.values): firms_cons = df_firms.clus_id.values[df_firms.cons_id.values == cons_id] for clus_id in np.unique(firms_cons): df_firms.event_id.values[np.logical_and(df_firms.cons_id.values == cons_id, \ df_firms.clus_id.values == clus_id)] = ev_id ev_id += 1 for ev_id in np.unique(df_firms.event_id.values): date_ord = np.sort(df_firms.datenum.values[df_firms.event_id.values == ev_id]) if (np.diff(date_ord) < self.FirmsParams.days_thres_firms).all(): df_firms.iter_ev.values[df_firms.event_id.values == ev_id] = False else: df_firms.iter_ev.values[df_firms.event_id.values == ev_id] = True @staticmethod def _firms_remove_minor_fires(df_firms, minor_fires_thres): """ Remove fires containg fewer FIRMS entries than threshold. A fire is characterized by a unique combination of 'cons_id' and 'clus_id'. This function modifies the df_firms in place. Parameters ---------- df_firms : pd.DataFrame FIRMS data minor_fires_thres : int threshold of FIRMS data points for an event Returns ------- df_firms : pd.DataFrame FIRMS data excluding minor fire events """ # drop minor fires for i in range(np.unique(df_firms.event_id).size): if (df_firms.event_id == i).sum() < minor_fires_thres: df_firms = df_firms.drop(df_firms[df_firms.event_id == i].index) # assign new event IDs event_id_new = 1 for i in np.unique(df_firms.event_id): df_firms.event_id[df_firms.event_id == i] = event_id_new event_id_new = event_id_new + 1 df_firms = df_firms.reset_index() return df_firms def _calc_brightness(self, df_firms, centroids, res_centr): """ Compute intensity matrix per fire with the maximum brightness at each centroid and all other hazard attributes. This method modifies self (climada.hazard.WildFire instance) by assigning values to the intensity matrix. Parameters ---------- df_firms : pd.DataFrame FIRMS data centroids : Centroids res_centr : float centroids resolution in centroids unit """ uni_ev = np.unique(df_firms['event_id'].values) num_ev = uni_ev.size num_centr = centroids.size # For one fire, if more than one points of firms dataframe have the # same coordinates, take the maximum brightness value # of these points (maximal damages). tree_centr = BallTree(centroids.coord, metric='chebyshev') if self.pool: chunksize = max(min(num_ev//self.pool.ncpus, 1000), 1) bright_list =, itertools.repeat(df_firms, num_ev), itertools.repeat(tree_centr, num_ev), uni_ev, itertools.repeat(res_centr), itertools.repeat(num_centr), chunksize=chunksize) else: bright_list = [] for ev_id in uni_ev: bright_list.append(self._brightness_one_fire(df_firms, tree_centr, \ ev_id, res_centr, num_centr)) bright_list, df_firms = self._remove_empty_fires(bright_list, df_firms) uni_ev = np.unique(df_firms['event_id'].values) num_ev = uni_ev.size # save self.haz_type = 'WFsingle' self.centroids = centroids self.units = 'K' # Kelvin brightness # Following values are defined for each fire self.event_id = np.arange(1, num_ev+1).astype(int) self.event_name = list(map(str, self.event_id)) = np.zeros(num_ev, int) self.date_end = np.zeros(num_ev, int) for ev_idx, ev_id in enumerate(uni_ev):[ev_idx] = df_firms[df_firms.event_id == ev_id].datenum.min() self.date_end[ev_idx] = df_firms[df_firms.event_id == ev_id].datenum.max() self.orig = np.ones(num_ev, bool) self._set_frequency() # Following values are defined for each fire and centroid self.intensity = sparse.lil_matrix(np.zeros((num_ev, num_centr))) for idx, ev_bright in enumerate(bright_list): self.intensity[idx] = ev_bright self.intensity = self.intensity.tocsr() self.fraction = self.intensity.copy() @staticmethod def _brightness_one_fire(df_firms, tree_centr, ev_id, res_centr, num_centr): """ For a given fire, fill in an intensity np.array with the maximum brightness at each centroid. Parameters ---------- df_firms : pd.DataFrame FIRMS data centroids : Centroids ev_id : int id of the selected event Returns ------- brightness_ev : lil_matrix maximum brightness at each centroids """ LOGGER.debug('Brightness corresponding to FIRMS event %s.', str(ev_id)) temp_firms = df_firms.reindex( index=(np.argwhere(df_firms['event_id'].values == ev_id).reshape(-1,)), columns=['latitude', 'longitude', 'brightness', 'datenum']) # Identifies the unique (lat,lon) points of the firms dataframe -> lat_lon_uni # Set the same index value for each duplicate (lat,lon) points -> lat_lon_cpy lat_lon_uni, lat_lon_cpy = np.unique(temp_firms[['latitude', 'longitude']].values, return_inverse=True, axis=0) index_uni = np.unique(lat_lon_cpy, axis=0) # Search closest centroid for each firms point ind, _ = tree_centr.query_radius(lat_lon_uni, r=res_centr/2, count_only=False, return_distance=True, sort_results=True) ind = np.array([ind_i[0] if ind_i.size else -1 for ind_i in ind]) brightness_ev = _fill_intensity_max(num_centr, ind, index_uni, lat_lon_cpy, temp_firms['brightness'].values) return sparse.lil_matrix(brightness_ev) @staticmethod def _remove_empty_fires(bright_list, df_firms): """ Removes instances which were identified as an eventbut which contain no intensity. This happens for events which occur outside of the defined centroids. Parameters ---------- bright_list : list idnividual wild fires firms : pd.DataFrame FIRMS data Returns ------- bright_list_nonzero : list list with events that occured on the defined centroids firms : pd.DataFrame FIRMS data (with data that occured on the defined centroids) """ bright_list_nonzero = [] event_id_new = 1 for i, br_list in enumerate(bright_list): if br_list.count_nonzero() > 0: bright_list_nonzero.append(br_list) df_firms.event_id.values[df_firms.event_id == i+1] = event_id_new event_id_new = event_id_new + 1 else: df_firms = df_firms.drop(df_firms[df_firms.event_id == i].index) df_firms = df_firms.reset_index()'Returning %s fires that impacted the defined centroids.', len(bright_list_nonzero)) return bright_list_nonzero, df_firms def _set_one_proba_fire_season(self, n_ignitions, seed=8): """ Generate a probabilistic fire season. Parameters ---------- n_ignitions : int number of wild fires for the season seed : int Returns ------- proba_fires : lil_matrix probablistic hazard """ np.random.seed(seed) proba_fires = sparse.lil_matrix(np.zeros((n_ignitions, self.centroids.size))) for i in range(n_ignitions): if np.mod(i, 10) == 0:'Created %s fires', str(i)) centr_burned = self._run_one_fire() proba_fires[i, :] = self._set_proba_intensity(centr_burned) return proba_fires def _run_one_fire(self): """ Run one bushfire on a fire propagation probability matrix. If the matrix is not defined, it is constructed using past fire experience -> a fire can only propagate on centroids that burned in the past including a exponentially blurred range around the historic fires. The ignition point of a fire can be on any centroid, on which the propagation probability equals 1. The fire is then propagated with a cellular automat. If the fire has not stopped burning after a defined number of iterations (self.ProbaParams.max_it_propa, default=500'000), the propagation is interrupted. Propagation rules: 1. select a burning centroid (at the start there is only one, afterwards select one randomly) 2. every adjunct centroid to the selected centroid can start burning with a probability of the overall propagation probability (self.ProbaParams.prop_proba) times the centroid specific propagation probability (which is defined on the fire_propa_matrix). 3. the selected burning centroid becomes an ember centroid which can not start burning again and thus no longer propagate any fire. Properties from centr_burned: 0 = unburned centroid 1 = burning centroid 2 = ember centroid Stop criteria: the propagation stops when no centroid is burning. The initial version of this code was inspired by Parameters ---------- self : climada.hazard.WildFire instance needs to contain information of at least 1 historic wildfire Returns ------- centr_burned : np.array array indicating which centroids burned """ # set fire propagation matrix if not already defined if not hasattr(self.centroids, 'fire_propa_matrix'): self._set_fire_propa_matrix() # Ignation only at centroids that burned in the past pos_centr = np.argwhere(self.centroids.fire_propa_matrix.reshape( \ len( == 1)[:, 1] LOGGER.debug('Start ignition.') # Random selection of ignition centroid for _ in range(self.centroids.size): centr = np.random.choice(pos_centr) centr_ix = int(centr/self.centroids.shape[1]) centr_iy = centr%self.centroids.shape[1] centr_ix = max(0, centr_ix) centr_ix = min(self.centroids.shape[0]-1, centr_ix) centr_iy = max(0, centr_iy) centr_iy = min(self.centroids.shape[1]-1, centr_iy) centr = centr_ix*self.centroids.shape[1] + centr_iy if 1 <= centr_ix < self.centroids.shape[0] - 1 and \ 1 <= centr_iy < self.centroids.shape[1] - 1: break LOGGER.debug('Propagate fire.') centr_burned = np.zeros((self.centroids.shape), int) centr_burned[centr_ix, centr_iy] = 1 # Iterate the fire according to the propagation rules count_it = 0 while np.any(centr_burned == 1) and count_it < self.ProbaParams.max_it_propa: count_it += 1 # Select randomly one of the burning centroids # and propagate throught its neighborhood burned = np.argwhere(centr_burned == 1) if len(burned) > 1: centr_ix, centr_iy = burned[np.random.randint(0, len(burned))] elif len(burned) == 1: centr_ix, centr_iy = burned[0] if not count_it % (self.ProbaParams.max_it_propa-1): LOGGER.warning('Fire propagation not converging at iteration %s.', count_it) if 1 <= centr_ix < self.centroids.shape[0]-1 and \ 1 <= centr_iy < self.centroids.shape[1]-1 and \ self.centroids.on_land[(centr_ix*self.centroids.shape[1] + centr_iy)]: centr_burned = self._fire_propagation_on_matrix(self.centroids.shape, \ self.centroids.fire_propa_matrix, self.ProbaParams.prop_proba, \ centr_ix, centr_iy, centr_burned, np.random.random(500)) return centr_burned @staticmethod @numba.njit def _fire_propagation_on_matrix(centr_shape, fire_propa_matrix, prop_proba, centr_ix, centr_iy, centr_burned, prob_array): """ Propagation of the fire in the 8 neighbouring cells around (centr_ix, centr_iy) according to propagation rules. Parameters ---------- centr_shape : np.array shape of centroids array fire_propa_matrix : np.array fire proagation matrix indicating centroid specific fire spread probability prop_proba : float global propagation probability centr_ix : int x coordinates of the burning centroid in the centroids matrix centr_iy : int y coordinates of the burning centroid in the centroids matrix centr_burned : np.array array containing information on burned centroids prob_array: np.array array of random numbers to draw from for random fire propagation Returns ------- centr_burned : np.array updated centr_burned matrix """ # Neighbourhood hood = ((-1, -1), (-1, 0), (-1, 1), (0, -1), (0, 1), (1, -1), (1, 0), (1, 1)) # Creation of the temporary centroids grids burned_one_step = np.zeros(centr_shape, dtype=numba.int32) burned_one_step[centr_ix, centr_iy] = 1 # Displacements from a centroid to its eight neighbours for i_neig, (delta_x, delta_y) in enumerate(hood): if prob_array[i_neig] <= prop_proba * \ fire_propa_matrix[centr_ix+delta_x, centr_iy+delta_y] and \ centr_burned[centr_ix+delta_x, centr_iy+delta_y] == 0: burned_one_step[centr_ix+delta_x, centr_iy+delta_y] = 1 # Calculate burned area centr_burned += burned_one_step return centr_burned def _set_proba_intensity(self, centr_burned): """ The intensity values are chosen randomly at every burned centroid from the intensity values of the historical fire Parameters ---------- self : climada.hazard.WildFire instance centr_burned : np.array array indicating which centroids burned Returns ------- proba_intensity : lil_matrix hazard intensity matrix of generated probabilistic fire """ # The brightness values are chosen randomly at every burned centroids # from the brightness values of the historical fire ev_proba_uni = centr_burned.nonzero()[0] * self.centroids.shape[1] + \ centr_burned.nonzero()[1] proba_intensity = sparse.lil_matrix(np.zeros((1, self.centroids.size))) for ev_prob in ev_proba_uni: proba_intensity[0, ev_prob] = np.random.choice( \ return proba_intensity def _set_fire_propa_matrix(self): """ sets fire propagation matrix which is used to propagate probabilistic fires. The matrix is set so that burn probability on centroids which burned historically is set to 1. A blurr with exponential decay of burn probabilities is set around these centroids. The blurr width is defined within self.ProbaParams Alternatively, the fire propagation probability matrix can be any matrix that coresponds to the shape of the centroids and thus not have to be set this way. This method modifies self (climada.hazard.WildFire instance) by populating self.centroids.fire_propa_matrix as np.array Parameters ---------- self : climada.hazard.WildFire instance """ # historically burned centroids hist_burned = np.zeros(, dtype=bool) hist_burned = self.intensity.sum(0) > 0. self.centroids.hist_burned = hist_burned fire_propa_matrix = hist_burned.reshape(self.centroids.shape).astype(float) blurr_lvl = np.ones(self.ProbaParams.blurr_steps) # exponential decay of fire propagation on cell level for i in range(self.ProbaParams.blurr_steps): blurr_lvl[i] = 2.**(-i) # Neighbourhood hood = ((-1, -1), (-1, 0), (-1, 1), (0, -1), (0, 1), (1, -1), (1, 0), (1, 1)) # loop over matrix to create blurr around historical fires for blurr in range(self.ProbaParams.blurr_steps-1): for i in range(fire_propa_matrix.shape[0]): for j in range(fire_propa_matrix.shape[1]): if fire_propa_matrix[i, j] == blurr_lvl[blurr]: for _, (delta_x, delta_y) in enumerate(hood): try: if fire_propa_matrix[i+delta_x, j+delta_y] == 0: fire_propa_matrix[i+delta_x, j+delta_y] = blurr_lvl[blurr+1] except IndexError: pass self.centroids.fire_propa_matrix = fire_propa_matrix
[docs] def plot_fire_prob_matrix(self): """ Plots fire propagation probability matrix as contour plot. At this point just to check the matrix but could easily be improved to normal map. Parameters ---------- self : climada.hazard.WildFire instance Returns ------- contour plot : plt contour plot of fire_propa_matrix """ lon = np.reshape(self.centroids.lon, self.centroids.fire_propa_matrix.shape) lat = np.reshape(, self.centroids.fire_propa_matrix.shape) plt.contourf(lon, lat, self.centroids.fire_propa_matrix)
@staticmethod def _select_fire_season(df_firms, year, hemisphere='SHS'): """ Selects data to create historic fire season. Need to differentiate between Northern & Souther hemisphere Parameters ---------- firms : pd.DataFrame FIRMS data year : int hemisphere : str, optional 'NHS' or 'SHS' Returns ------- firms : pd.DataFrame FIRMS data for specified fire season """ df_firms['date'] = df_firms['acq_date'].apply(pd.to_datetime) if hemisphere == 'NHS': start = pd.Timestamp(year, 1, 1) end = pd.Timestamp(year+1, 1, 1) elif hemisphere == 'SHS': start = pd.Timestamp(year, 7, 1) end = pd.Timestamp(year+1, 7, 1) df_firms = df_firms[(df_firms['date'] > start) & (df_firms['date'] < end)] df_firms = df_firms.drop('date', axis=1) return df_firms def _set_frequency(self): """Set hazard frequency from intensity matrix. Parameters ---------- self : climada.hazard.WildFire instance Returns ------- self.frequency : np.array """ delta_time = date.fromordinal(int(np.max( - \ date.fromordinal(int(np.min( + 1 num_orig = self.orig.nonzero()[0].size if num_orig > 0: ens_size = self.event_id.size / num_orig else: ens_size = 1 self.frequency = np.ones(self.event_id.size) / delta_time / ens_size
@numba.njit def _fill_intensity_max(num_centr, ind, index_uni, lat_lon_cpy, fir_bright): """ Assigns maximum intensity value for each centroid. This is required as it can happen that several firms data points are mapped on to one centroid. Parameters ---------- num_centr : int number of centroids ind : np.array index of closest centroid of each firms point index_uni : np.array unique index of each centroid lat_lon_cpy : np.array lat /lon information of each firms point fir_bright : np.array brightness of each firms data point Returns ------- brightness_ev : np.array maximum brightness at each centroids """ brightness_ev = np.zeros((1, num_centr), dtype=numba.float64) for idx in range(index_uni.size): if ind[idx] != -1: brightness_ev[0, ind[idx]] = max(brightness_ev[0, ind[idx]], \ np.max(fir_bright[lat_lon_cpy == index_uni[idx]])) return brightness_ev