Source code for climada_petals.engine.supplychain

This file is part of CLIMADA.

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terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
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Define the SupplyChain class.

__all__ = ["SupplyChain"]

import logging
from pathlib import Path
import zipfile
import warnings
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

import pymrio

from climada import CONFIG
from climada.util import files_handler as u_fh
import climada.util.coordinates as u_coord

LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)
WIOD_FILE_LINK = CONFIG.engine.supplychain.resources.wiod16.str()
"""Link to the 2016 release of the WIOD tables."""

MRIOT_DIRECTORY = CONFIG.engine.supplychain.local_data.mriot.dir()
"""Directory where Multi-Regional Input-Output Tables (MRIOT) are downloaded."""

calc_G = pymrio.calc_L

def calc_v(Z, x):
    """Calculate value added (v) from Z and x

    value added = industry output (x) - inter-industry inputs (sum_rows(Z))

    Z : pandas.DataFrame or numpy.array
        Symmetric input output table (flows)
    x : pandas.DataFrame or numpy.array
        industry output

    pandas.DataFrame or numpy.array
        Value added v as row vector

    This function adapts to compute
    value added (v).

    value_added = np.diff(np.vstack((Z.sum(0), x.T)), axis=0)
    if isinstance(Z, pd.DataFrame):
        value_added = pd.DataFrame(value_added, columns=Z.index, index=["indout"])
    if isinstance(value_added, pd.Series):
        value_added = pd.DataFrame(value_added)
    if isinstance(value_added, pd.DataFrame):
        value_added.index = ["indout"]
    return value_added

def calc_B(Z, x):
    """Calculate the B matrix (allocation coefficients matrix)
    from Z matrix and x vector

    Z : pandas.DataFrame or numpy.array
        Symmetric input output table (flows)
    x : pandas.DataFrame or numpy.array
        Industry output column vector

    pandas.DataFrame or numpy.array
        Allocation coefficients matrix B.
        Same type as input parameter ``Z``.

    This function adapts to compute
    the allocation coefficients matrix B.

    if isinstance(x, (pd.DataFrame, pd.Series)):
        x = x.to_numpy()
    if not isinstance(x, np.ndarray) and (x == 0):
        recix = 0
        with warnings.catch_warnings():
            # Ignore devide by zero warning, we set to 0 afterwards
            warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", message="divide by zero")
            recix = 1 / x
        recix[np.isinf(recix)] = 0

    if isinstance(Z, pd.DataFrame):
        return pd.DataFrame(Z.to_numpy() * recix, index=Z.index, columns=Z.columns)

    return Z * recix

def calc_x_from_G(G, v):
    """Calculate the industry output x from a v vector and G matrix

    x = vG

    The industry output x is computed from a value-added vector v

    v : pandas.DataFrame or numpy.array
        a row vector of the total final added-value
    G : pandas.DataFrame or numpy.array
        Symmetric input output Ghosh table

    pandas.DataFrame or numpy.array
        Industry output x as column vector.
        Same type as input parameter ``G``.

    This function adapts the function to
    compute total output (x) from the Ghosh inverse.

    x =
    if isinstance(x, pd.Series):
        x = pd.DataFrame(x)
    if isinstance(x, pd.DataFrame):
        x.columns = ["indout"]
    return x

def parse_mriot_from_df(
    mriot_df=None, col_iso3=None, col_sectors=None, rows_data=None, cols_data=None
    """Build multi-index dataframes of the transaction matrix, final demand and total
       production from a Multi-Regional Input-Output Table dataframe.

    mriot_df : pandas.DataFrame
        The Multi-Regional Input-Output Table
    col_iso3 : int
        Column's position of regions' iso names
    col_sectors : int
        Column's position of sectors' names
    rows_data : (int, int)
        Tuple of integers with positions of rows
        containing the MRIOT data
    cols_data : (int, int)
        Tuple of integers with positions of columns
        containing the MRIOT data

    start_row, end_row = rows_data
    start_col, end_col = cols_data

    sectors = mriot_df.iloc[start_row:end_row, col_sectors].unique()
    regions = mriot_df.iloc[start_row:end_row, col_iso3].unique()
    multiindex = pd.MultiIndex.from_product(
        [regions, sectors], names=["region", "sector"]

    Z = mriot_df.iloc[start_row:end_row, start_col:end_col].values.astype(float)
    Z = pd.DataFrame(data=Z, index=multiindex, columns=multiindex)

    Y = mriot_df.iloc[start_row:end_row, end_col:-1].sum(1).values.astype(float)
    Y = pd.DataFrame(data=Y, index=multiindex, columns=["final demand"])

    x = mriot_df.iloc[start_row:end_row, -1].values.astype(float)
    x = pd.DataFrame(data=x, index=multiindex, columns=["total production"])

    return Z, Y, x

def mriot_file_name(mriot_type, mriot_year):
    """Retrieve the original EXIOBASE3, WIOD16 or OECD21 MRIOT file name

    mriot_type : str
    mriot_year : int

        name of MRIOT file

    if mriot_type == "EXIOBASE3":
        return f"IOT_{mriot_year}"

    if mriot_type == "WIOD16":
        return f"WIOT{mriot_year}_Nov16_ROW.xlsb"

    if mriot_type == "OECD21":
        return f"ICIO2021_{mriot_year}.csv"

    raise ValueError("Unknown MRIOT type")

def download_mriot(mriot_type, mriot_year, download_dir):
    """Download EXIOBASE3, WIOD16 or OECD21 Multi-Regional Input Output Tables
    for specific years.

    mriot_type : str
    mriot_year : int
    download_dir : pathlib.PosixPath

    The download of EXIOBASE3 and OECD21 tables makes use of pymrio functions.
    The download of WIOD16 tables requires ad-hoc functions, since the
    related pymrio functions were broken at the time of implementation
    of this function.

    if mriot_type == "EXIOBASE3":
            storage_folder=download_dir, system="ixi", years=[mriot_year]

    elif mriot_type == "WIOD16":
        download_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
        downloaded_file_name = u_fh.download_file(
        downloaded_file_zip_path = Path(downloaded_file_name + ".zip")

        with zipfile.ZipFile(downloaded_file_zip_path, "r") as zip_ref:

    elif mriot_type == "OECD21":
        years_groups = ["1995-1999", "2000-2004", "2005-2009", "2010-2014", "2015-2018"]
        year_group = years_groups[int(np.floor((mriot_year - 1995) / 5))]

        pymrio.download_oecd(storage_folder=download_dir, years=year_group)

def parse_mriot(mriot_type, downloaded_file):
    """Parse EXIOBASE3, WIOD16 or OECD21 MRIOT for specific years

    mriot_type : str
    downloaded_file : pathlib.PosixPath

    The parsing of EXIOBASE3 and OECD21 tables makes use of pymrio functions.
    The parsing of WIOD16 tables requires ad-hoc functions, since the
    related pymrio functions were broken at the time of implementation
    of this function.

    if mriot_type == "EXIOBASE3":
        mriot = pymrio.parse_exiobase3(path=downloaded_file)
        # no need to store A
        mriot.A = None

    elif mriot_type == "WIOD16":
        mriot_df = pd.read_excel(downloaded_file, engine="pyxlsb")

        Z, Y, x = parse_mriot_from_df(
            rows_data=(5, 2469),
            cols_data=(4, 2468),

        mriot = pymrio.IOSystem(Z=Z, Y=Y, x=x)

        multiindex_unit = pd.MultiIndex.from_product(
                [mriot.get_regions(), mriot.get_sectors()],
                names = ['region', 'sector']
        mriot.unit = pd.DataFrame(
                    data = np.repeat(["M.EUR"], len(multiindex_unit)),
                    index = multiindex_unit,
                    columns = ["unit"]

    elif mriot_type == "OECD21":
        mriot = pymrio.parse_oecd(path=downloaded_file)
        mriot.x = pymrio.calc_x(mriot.Z, mriot.Y)

        raise RuntimeError(f"Unknown mriot_type: {mriot_type}")
    return mriot

[docs] class SupplyChain: """SupplyChain class. The SupplyChain class provides methods for loading Multi-Regional Input-Output Tables (MRIOT) and computing direct, indirect and total impacts. Attributes ---------- mriot : pymrio.IOSystem An object containing all MRIOT related info (see also pymrio package): mriot.Z : transaction matrix, or interindustry flows matrix mriot.Y : final demand mriot.x : industry or total output mriot.meta : metadata secs_exp : pd.DataFrame Exposure dataframe of each country/sector in the MRIOT. Columns are the same as the chosen MRIOT. secs_imp : pd.DataFrame Impact dataframe for the directly affected countries/sectors for each event with impacts. Columns are the same as the chosen MRIOT and rows are the hazard events ids. secs_shock : pd.DataFrame Shocks (i.e. impact / exposure) dataframe for the directly affected countries/sectors for each event with impacts. Columns are the same as the chosen MRIOT and rows are the hazard events ids. inverse : dict Dictionary with keys being the chosen approach (ghosh, leontief or eeioa) and values the Leontief (L, if approach is leontief or eeioa) or Ghosh (G, if approach is ghosh) inverse matrix. coeffs : dict Dictionary with keys being the chosen approach (ghosh, leontief or eeioa) and values the Technical (A, if approach is leontief or eeioa) or allocation (B, if approach is ghosh) coefficients matrix. supchain_imp : dict Dictionary with keys the chosen approach (ghosh, leontief or eeioa) and values dataframes of indirect impacts to countries/sectors for each event with direct impacts. For each dataframe, columns are the same as the chosen MRIOT and rows are the hazard events ids. """
[docs] def __init__(self, mriot): """Initialize SupplyChain. Parameters ---------- mriot : pymrio.IOSystem An object containing all MRIOT related info (see also pymrio package): mriot.Z : transaction matrix, or interindustry flows matrix mriot.Y : final demand mriot.x : industry or total output mriot.meta : metadata """ self.mriot = mriot self.secs_exp = None self.secs_imp = None self.secs_shock = None self.inverse = dict() self.coeffs = dict() self.supchain_imp = dict()
[docs] @classmethod def from_mriot( cls, mriot_type, mriot_year, mriot_dir=MRIOT_DIRECTORY, del_downloads=True ): """Download, parse and read WIOD16, EXIOBASE3, or OECD21 Multi-Regional Input-Output Tables. Parameters ---------- mriot_type : str Type of mriot table to use. The three possible types are: 'EXIOBASE3', 'WIOD16', 'OECD21' mriot_year : int Year of MRIOT mriot_dir : pathlib.PosixPath Path to the MRIOT folder. Default is CLIMADA storing directory. del_downloads : bool If the downloaded files are deleted after saving the parsed data. Default is True. WIOD16 and OECD21 data are downloaded as group of years. Returns ------- mriot : pymrio.IOSystem An object containing all MRIOT related info (see also pymrio package): mriot.Z : transaction matrix, or interindustry flows matrix mriot.Y : final demand mriot.x : total output mriot.meta : metadata """ # download directory and file of interest downloads_dir = mriot_dir / mriot_type / "downloads" downloaded_file = downloads_dir / mriot_file_name(mriot_type, mriot_year) # parsed data directory parsed_data_dir = mriot_dir / mriot_type / str(mriot_year) # if data were not downloaded nor parsed: download, parse and save parsed if not downloaded_file.exists() and not parsed_data_dir.exists(): download_mriot(mriot_type, mriot_year, downloads_dir) mriot = parse_mriot(mriot_type, downloaded_file) if del_downloads: for dwn in downloads_dir.iterdir(): dwn.unlink() downloads_dir.rmdir() # if data were downloaded but not parsed: parse and save parsed elif downloaded_file.exists() and not parsed_data_dir.exists(): mriot = parse_mriot(mriot_type, downloaded_file) # if data were parsed and saved: load them else: mriot = pymrio.load(path=parsed_data_dir) # aggregate ROWs for EXIOBASE: if mriot_type == 'EXIOBASE3': agg_regions = mriot.get_regions().tolist()[:-5] + ['ROW']*5 mriot = mriot.aggregate(region_agg = agg_regions) mriot.meta.change_meta( "description", "Metadata for pymrio Multi Regional Input-Output Table" ) mriot.meta.change_meta("name", f"{mriot_type}-{mriot_year}") return cls(mriot=mriot)
[docs] def calc_shock_to_sectors(self, exposure, impact, impacted_secs=None, shock_factor=None ): """Calculate exposure, impact and shock at the sectorial level. This function translate spatially-distrubted exposure and impact information into exposure and impact of MRIOT's country/sectors and for each hazard event. Parameters ---------- exposure : climada.entity.Exposure CLIMADA Exposure object of direct impact calculation impact : climada.engine.Impact CLIMADA Impact object of direct impact calculation impacted_secs : (range, np.ndarray, str, list) Information regarding the impacted sectors. This can be provided as positions of the impacted sectors in the MRIOT (as range or np.ndarray) or as sector names (as string or list). shock_factor : np.array It has lenght equal to the number of sectors. For each sector, it defines to what extent the fraction of indirect losses differs from the one of direct losses (i.e., impact / exposure). Deafult value is None, which means that shock factors for all sectors are equal to 1, i.e., that production and stock losses fractions are the same. """ if impacted_secs is None: warnings.warn( "No impacted sectors were specified. It is assumed that the exposure is " "representative of all sectors in the IO table" ) impacted_secs = self.mriot.get_sectors().tolist() elif isinstance(impacted_secs, (range, np.ndarray)): impacted_secs = self.mriot.get_sectors()[impacted_secs].tolist() elif isinstance(impacted_secs, str): impacted_secs = [impacted_secs] if shock_factor is None: shock_factor = np.repeat(1, self.mriot.x.shape[0]) events_w_imp_bool = np.asarray(impact.imp_mat.sum(1)!=0).flatten() self.secs_exp = pd.DataFrame( 0, index=["total_value"], columns=self.mriot.Z.columns ) self.secs_imp = pd.DataFrame( 0, index=impact.event_id[events_w_imp_bool], columns=self.mriot.Z.columns ) self.secs_imp.index = self.secs_imp.index.set_names('event_id') mriot_type ="-")[0] for exp_regid in exposure.gdf.region_id.unique(): exp_bool = exposure.gdf.region_id == exp_regid tot_value_reg_id = exposure.gdf[exp_bool].value.sum() tot_imp_reg_id = impact.imp_mat[events_w_imp_bool][:,exp_bool].sum(1) mriot_reg_name = self.map_exp_to_mriot(exp_regid, mriot_type) secs_prod = self.mriot.x.loc[(mriot_reg_name, impacted_secs), :] secs_prod_ratio = (secs_prod / secs_prod.sum()).values.flatten() # Overall sectorial stock exposure and impact are distributed among # subsectors proportionally to their their own contribution to overall # sectorial production: Sum needed below in case of many ROWs, which are # aggregated into one country as per WIOD table. self.secs_exp.loc[:, (mriot_reg_name, impacted_secs)] += ( tot_value_reg_id * secs_prod_ratio ) self.secs_imp.loc[:, (mriot_reg_name, impacted_secs)] += ( tot_imp_reg_id * secs_prod_ratio ) self.secs_shock = self.secs_imp.divide( self.secs_exp.values ).fillna(0) * shock_factor if not np.all(self.secs_shock <= 1): warnings.warn( "Consider changing the provided provided stock-to-production losses " "ratios, as some of them lead to some sectors' production losses to " "exceed the maximum sectorial production. For these sectors, total " "production loss is assumed." ) self.secs_shock[self.secs_shock > 1] = 1
[docs] def calc_matrices(self, io_approach): """Build technical coefficient and Leontief inverse matrixes (if leontief or eeioa approach) or allocation coefficients and Ghosh matrixes (if ghosh approach). Parameters ---------- io_approach : str The adopted input-output modeling approach. Possible choices are 'leontief', 'ghosh' and 'eeioa'. """ io_model = { "leontief": (pymrio.calc_A, pymrio.calc_L), "eeioa": (pymrio.calc_A, pymrio.calc_L), "ghosh": (calc_B, calc_G), } coeff_func, inv_func = io_model[io_approach] self.coeffs.update({io_approach: coeff_func(self.mriot.Z, self.mriot.x)}) self.inverse.update({io_approach: inv_func(self.coeffs[io_approach])})
[docs] def calc_impacts(self, io_approach, exposure=None, impact=None, impacted_secs=None): """Calculate indirect production impacts based on to the chosen input-output approach. Parameters ---------- io_approach : str The adopted input-output modeling approach. Possible choices are 'leontief', 'ghosh' and 'eeioa'. exposure : climada.entity.Exposure CLIMADA Exposure object of direct impact calculation. Default is None. impact : climada.engine.Impact CLIMADA Impact object of direct impact calculation. Default is None. impacted_secs : (range, np.ndarray, str, list) Information regarding the impacted sectors. This can be provided as positions of the impacted sectors in the MRIOT (as range or np.ndarray) or as sector names (as string or list). Default is None. shock_factor : np.array It has lenght equal to the number of sectors. For each sector, it defines to what extent the fraction of indirect losses differs from the one of direct losses (i.e., impact / exposure). Deafult value is None, which means that shock factors for all sectors are equal to 1, i.e., that production and stock losses fractions are the same. References ---------- [1] W. W. Leontief, Output, employment, consumption, and investment, The Quarterly Journal of Economics 58, 1944. [2] Ghosh, A., Input-Output Approach in an Allocation System, Economica, New Series, 25, no. 97: 58-64. doi:10.2307/2550694, 1958. [3] Kitzes, J., An Introduction to Environmentally-Extended Input-Output Analysis, Resources, 2, 489-503; doi:10.3390/resources2040489, 2013. """ self.calc_matrices(io_approach=io_approach) if self.secs_shock is None: self.calc_shock_to_sectors(exposure, impact, impacted_secs) n_events = self.secs_shock.shape[0] if io_approach == "leontief": degr_demand = ( self.secs_shock * self.mriot.Y.sum(1) ) self.supchain_imp.update({io_approach : pd.concat( [ pymrio.calc_x_from_L(self.inverse[io_approach], degr_demand.iloc[i]) for i in range(n_events) ], axis=1, ).T.set_index(self.secs_shock.index)}) elif io_approach == "ghosh": value_added = calc_v(self.mriot.Z, self.mriot.x) degr_value_added = ( self.secs_shock * value_added.values ) self.supchain_imp.update({io_approach : pd.concat( [ calc_x_from_G(self.inverse[io_approach], degr_value_added.iloc[i]) for i in range(n_events) ], axis=1, ).T.set_index(self.secs_shock.index)}) elif io_approach == "eeioa": self.supchain_imp.update({io_approach : ( pd.DataFrame([io_approach]) * self.mriot.x.values.flatten() ) )}) else: raise RuntimeError(f"Unknown io_approach: {io_approach}")
[docs] def map_exp_to_mriot(self, exp_regid, mriot_type): """ Map regions names in exposure into Input-Output regions names. exp_regid must follow ISO 3166 numeric country codes. """ if mriot_type == "EXIOBASE3": mriot_reg_name = u_coord.country_to_iso(exp_regid, "alpha2") elif mriot_type in ["WIOD16", "OECD21"]: mriot_reg_name = u_coord.country_to_iso(exp_regid, "alpha3") else: warnings.warn( "For a correct calculation the format of regions' names in exposure and " "the IO table must match." ) return exp_regid idx_country = np.where(self.mriot.get_regions() == mriot_reg_name)[0] if not idx_country.size > 0.0: mriot_reg_name = "ROW" return mriot_reg_name