Source code for climada_petals.engine.warn

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Define the Warn module.
import logging
import copy
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from enum import Enum
from functools import partial

from typing import List, Tuple
from matplotlib.colors import ListedColormap
import numpy as np
import xarray as xr
import skimage

from climada.util.plot import geo_scatter_categorical
from climada.util.coordinates import get_resolution as u_get_resolution

LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] def dilation(bin_map, size): """Dilate binary input map. The operation is based on a convolution. During translation of the filter, a point is included to the region (changed or kept to 1), if one or more elements correspond with the filter. Else, it is 0. This results in more and larger regions of interest. Larger filter sizes - more area of interest. For more information: Parameters ---------- bin_map : np.ndarray Rectangle 2d map of values which are used to generate the warning. size : int Size of filter. Returns ---------- np.ndarray Generated binary map with enlarged regions of interest. """ return skimage.morphology.dilation(bin_map, skimage.morphology.disk(size))
[docs] def erosion(bin_map, size): """Erode binary input map. The operation is based on a convolution. During translation of the filter, a point is included to the region (changed or kept to 1), if all elements correspond with the filter. Else, it is 0. This results in less and smaller regions of interest and reduces heterogeneity in map. Larger sizes - more reduction. For more information: Parameters ---------- bin_map : np.ndarray Rectangle 2d map of values which are used to generate the warning. size : int Size of filter. Returns ---------- np.ndarray Generated binary map with reduced regions of interest. """ return skimage.morphology.erosion(bin_map, skimage.morphology.disk(size))
[docs] def median_filtering(bin_map, size): """Smooth binary input map. The operation is based on a convolution. During translation of the filter, a point is included to the region (changed or kept to 1), if the median of the filter is 1. Else, it is 0. This results in smoother regions of interest and reduces heterogeneity in map. Larger sizes - smoother regions. Parameters ---------- bin_map : np.ndarray Rectangle 2d map of values which are used to generate the warning. size : int Size of filter. Returns ---------- np.ndarray Generated binary map with smoothed regions of interest. """ return skimage.filters.median(bin_map, np.ones((size, size)))
[docs] class Operation(Enum): """Available Operations. Links operations to functions. More operations can be added. Attributes ---------- dilation : function Links to dilation operation. erosion : function Links to erosion operation. median_filtering : function Links to median filtering operation. """ dilation = partial(dilation) erosion = partial(erosion) median_filtering = partial(median_filtering) def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.value(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] class Warn: """Warn definition. Generate a warning, i.e., 2D map of coordinates with assigned warn levels. Operations, their order, and their influence (filter sizes) can be selected to generate the warning. Further properties can be chosen which define the warning generation. The functionality of reducing heterogeneity in a map can be applied to different inputs, e.g. MeteoSwiss windstorm data (COSMO data), TCs, impacts, etc. Attributes ---------- warning : np.ndarray Warning generated by warning generation algorithm. Warn level for every coordinate of map. coord : np.ndarray Coordinates of warning map. warn_levels : list Warn levels that define the bins in which the input_map will be classified in. E.g., for windspeeds: [0, 10, 40, 80, 150, 200.0] """
[docs] @dataclass class WarnParameters: """WarnParameters data class definition. It stores the relevant information needed during the warning generation. The operations and its sizes, as well as the algorithms properties $(gradual decrease of warning levels and changing of small warning regions formed) are saved. Attributes ---------- warn_levels : list Warn levels that define the bins in which the input_map will be classified in. operations : list Tuples saving operations and their filter sizes to be applied in filtering algorithm. gradual_decr : bool Defines whether the highest warn levels should be gradually decreased by its neighboring regions (if True) to the lowest level (e.g., level 3, 2, 1, 0) or larger steps are allowed (e.g., from warn level 5 directly to 1). change_sm : int If strictly larger than 1, the levels of too small regions are changed to its surrounding levels. If 0 or None, the levels are not changed. """ warn_levels: List[float] operations: List[Tuple[Operation, int]] = field(default_factory=lambda: [(Operation.dilation, 2), (Operation.erosion, 3), (Operation.dilation, 7), (Operation.median_filtering, 15)]) gradual_decr: bool = False change_sm: bool = False def __post_init__(self): # to make sure we have the proper data type any string argument is replaced with its # corresponding Operation object, thus the constructor can be called by operation name for (i, (op, sz)) in enumerate(self.operations): if not isinstance(op, Operation): if op in Operation.__members__: self.operations[i] = (Operation.__members__[op], sz) else: raise ValueError(f"{op} is not a valid Operation")
[docs] def __init__(self, warning, coord, warn_params): """Initialize Warn. Parameters ---------- warning : np.ndarray Warn level for every coordinate of input map. coord : np.ndarray Coordinates of warning map. warn_params : WarnParameters Contains information on how to generate the warning (operations and details). """ self.warning = warning self.coord = coord self.warn_params = warn_params
[docs] @classmethod def from_map(cls, input_map, coord, warn_params): """Generate Warn object from map (value (e.g., windspeeds at coordinates). Parameters ---------- input_map : np.ndarray Rectangle 2d map of values which are used to generate the warning. coord : np.ndarray Coordinates of warning map. For every value of the map exactly one coordinate is needed. warn_params : WarnParameters Contains information on how to generate the warning (operations and details). Returns ---------- warn : Warn Generated Warn object including warning, coordinates, warn levels, and metadata. """ if len(input_map.flatten()) != coord.shape[0]: raise Exception('For every coordinate a value in the map, and vice versa, is needed.') binned_map = cls.bin_map(input_map, warn_params.warn_levels) warning = cls._generate_warn_map(binned_map, warn_params) if warn_params.change_sm: warning = cls._change_small_regions(warning, warn_params.change_sm) return cls(warning, coord, warn_params)
[docs] @classmethod def wind_from_cosmo(cls, path_to_cosmo, warn_params, lead_time, quant_nr=0.7): """Generate Warn object from COSMO windspeed data. The warn object is computed for the given date and time. The ensemble members of that date and time are grouped together to a single windspeed map. Parameters ---------- path_to_cosmo : string Path including name to cosmo file. warn_params : WarnParameters Contains information on how to generate the warning (operations and details). lead_time : datetime Lead time when warning should be generated. quant_nr : float Quantile number to group ensemble members of COSMO wind speeds. Returns ---------- warn : Warn Generated Warn object including warning, coordinates, warn levels, and metadata. """ cosmo = xr.open_dataset(path_to_cosmo) cosmo = cosmo.sel(time=lead_time.strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H')) cosmo = cosmo.drop('grid_mapping_1') lon = cosmo.lon_1.values lat = cosmo.lat_1.values coord = np.vstack((lat.flatten(), lon.flatten())).transpose() input_map = cls._group_cosmo_ensembles(cosmo.VMAX_10M, quant_nr) binned_map = cls.bin_map(input_map, warn_params.warn_levels) warning = cls._generate_warn_map(binned_map, warn_params) if warn_params.change_sm: warning = cls._change_small_regions(warning, warn_params.change_sm) return cls(warning, coord, warn_params)
[docs] @classmethod def from_hazard(cls, hazard, warn_params): """Generate Warn object from hazard object. The intensity map is used therefore. It needs to be transferable to a dense matrix, else the computation of the warning is impossible. Parameters ---------- hazard : Hazard Contains the information of which to generate a warning from. warn_params : WarnParameters Contains information on how to generate the warning (operations and details). Returns ---------- warn : Warn Generated Warn object including warning, coordinates, warn levels, and metadata. """ input_map, coord = cls.zeropadding(, hazard.centroids.lon, (hazard.intensity.max(axis=0)).todense()) binned_map = cls.bin_map(input_map, warn_params.warn_levels) warning = cls._generate_warn_map(binned_map, warn_params) if warn_params.change_sm: warning = cls._change_small_regions(warning, warn_params.change_sm) return cls(warning, coord, warn_params)
[docs] @staticmethod def bin_map(input_map, levels): """Bin every value of input map into given levels. Parameters ---------- input_map : np.ndarray Array containing data to generate binned map of. levels : list List with levels to bin input map. Returns ---------- binned_map : np.ndarray Map of binned values in levels, same shape as input map. """ if np.min(input_map) < np.min(levels): LOGGER.warning('Values of input map are smaller than defined levels. ' 'The smaller levels are set to the minimum level.') if np.max(input_map) > np.max(levels): LOGGER.warning('Values of input map are larger than defined levels. ' 'The larger values are set to a new and higher warn level.') return np.digitize(input_map, levels) - 1 # digitize lowest bin is 1
@staticmethod def _filtering(binary_map, warn_params): """For the current warn level, apply defined operations on the input binary map. Parameters ---------- binary_map : np.ndarray Binary 2D array, where 1 corresponds to current (and higher if grad_decrease) level. warn_params : WarnParameters Contains information on how to generate the warning (operations and details). Returns ---------- binary_curr_lvl : np.ndarray Warning map consisting formed warning regions of current warn level. """ for op, sz in warn_params.operations: binary_map = op(binary_map, sz) return binary_map @staticmethod def _generate_warn_map(bin_map, warn_params): """Generate warning map of binned map. The filter algorithm reduces heterogeneity in the map (erosion) and makes sure warn regions of higher warn levels are large enough (dilation). With the median filtering the generated warning is smoothed out without blurring. Parameters ---------- bin_map : np.ndarray Map of binned values in warn levels. Hereof a warning with contiguous regions is formed. warn_params : WarnParameters Contains information on how to generate the warning (operations and details). Returns ---------- warn_regions : np.ndarray Warning map consisting formed warning regions, same shape as input map. """ max_warn_level = np.max(bin_map) min_warn_level = np.min(bin_map) warn_map = np.zeros_like(bin_map) + min_warn_level for curr_lvl in range(max_warn_level, min_warn_level, -1): if warn_params.gradual_decr: pts_curr_lvl = np.bitwise_or(warn_map > curr_lvl, bin_map >= curr_lvl) else: pts_curr_lvl = bin_map == curr_lvl # set bool np.ndarray to curr_lvl (if True) or 0 binary_curr_lvl = np.where(pts_curr_lvl, curr_lvl, 0) warn_reg = Warn._filtering(binary_curr_lvl, warn_params) # keep warn regions of higher levels by taking maximum warn_map = np.maximum(warn_map, warn_reg) return warn_map @staticmethod def _increase_levels(warn, size): """Increase warn levels of too small regions to max warn level of this warning. Parameters ---------- warn : np.ndarray Warning map of which too small regions are changed to surrounding. Levels are +1. size : int Threshold defining too small regions (number of coordinates). Returns ---------- warn : np.ndarray Warning map where too small regions are of the higher level occurring. Levels are +1. """ labels = skimage.measure.label(warn) for l in np.unique(labels): cnt = np.count_nonzero(labels == l) if cnt <= size: warn[labels == l] = np.max(warn, axis=(0, 1)) return warn @staticmethod def _reset_levels(warn, size): """Set warn levels of too small regions to highest surrounding warn level. Therefore, decrease warn levels of too small regions, until no too small regions can be detected. Parameters ---------- warn : np.ndarray Warning map of which too small regions are changed to surrounding. Levels are +1. size : int Threshold defining too small regions (number of coordinates). Returns ---------- warn : np.ndarray Warning map where too small regions are changed to neighborhood. Warn levels are all +1. """ for i in range(np.max(warn), np.min(warn), -1): level = copy.deepcopy(warn) level[warn != i] = 0 labels = skimage.measure.label(warn) for l in np.unique(labels): cnt = np.count_nonzero(labels == l) if cnt <= size: warn[labels == l] = i - 1 return warn @staticmethod def _change_small_regions(warning, size): """Change formed warning regions smaller than defined threshold from current warn level to surrounding warn level. Parameters ---------- warning : np.ndarray Warning map of which too small regions are changed to surrounding. size : int Threshold defining too small regions (number of coordinates). Returns ---------- warning : np.ndarray Warning without too small regions, same shape as input map. """ warning = warning + 1 # 0 is regarded as background in labelling, + 1 prevents this warning = Warn._increase_levels(warning, size) warning = Warn._reset_levels(warning, size) warning = warning - 1 return warning @staticmethod def _group_cosmo_ensembles(ensembles, quant_nr): """The ensemble members of the COSMO computations are grouped together by taking the given quantile. Parameters ---------- ensembles : np.ndarray Wind speed data by COSMO. Multiple possible outcomes for every grid point (ensemble members). quant_nr : float Quantile number to group ensemble members of COSMO wind speeds. Returns ---------- single_map : np.ndarray Map with one wind speed for every grid point (reduced dimension compared to input). """ single_map = np.quantile(ensembles, quant_nr, axis=0) return single_map
[docs] @staticmethod def zeropadding(lat, lon, val, res_rel_error=0.01): """Produces a rectangular shaped map from a non-rectangular map (e.g., country). For this, a regular grid is created in the rectangle enclosing the non-rectangular map. The values are mapped onto the regular grid according to their coordinates. The regular gird is filled with zeros where no values are defined. are defined. This only works if the lat lon values of the non-rectangular map can be accurately represented on a grid with a regular resolution. Parameters ---------- lat : list Latitudes of values of map. lon : list Longitudes of values of map. val : list Values of quantity of interest at every coordinate given. res_rel_error : float defines the relative error in terms of grid resolution by which the lat lon values of the returned coord_rec can maximally differ from the provided lat lon values. Default: 0.01 Returns ---------- map_rec : np.ndarray Rectangular map with a value for every grid point. Padded with zeros where no values in input map. coord_rec : np.ndarray Longitudes and Latitudes of every value of the map. """ lat = np.round(lat, decimals=12) lon = np.round(lon, decimals=12) grid_res_lon, grid_res_lat = u_get_resolution(lon, lat) # check if lat and lon can be represented accurately enough # with a grid with grid resolution grid_res_lat and grid_res_lon check_lat = ( np.abs(np.mod(np.diff(np.sort(np.unique(lat))-lat.min()), grid_res_lat).max()) < np.abs(grid_res_lat * res_rel_error) ) check_lon = ( np.abs(np.mod(np.diff(np.sort(np.unique(lon))-lon.min()), grid_res_lon).max()) < np.abs(grid_res_lon * res_rel_error) ) if not check_lon or not check_lat: raise ValueError('The provided lat and lon values cannot be ' + 'represented accurately enough by a regular ' + 'grid. Provide different lat and lon or ' + 'change res_rel_error.') un_y = np.arange( lat.min(), lat.max()+abs(grid_res_lat), abs(grid_res_lat) ) un_x = np.arange( lon.min(), lon.max()+abs(grid_res_lon), abs(grid_res_lon) ) i = ((lat - min(lat)) / abs(grid_res_lat)).astype(int) j = ((lon - min(lon)) / abs(grid_res_lon)).astype(int) map_rec = np.zeros((len(un_y), len(un_x))) map_rec[i, j] = val coord_rec = np.vstack( [ar.flatten() for ar in np.meshgrid(un_y, un_x)] ).transpose() return map_rec, coord_rec
[docs] def plot_warning(self, var_name='Warn Levels', title='Categorical Warning Map', cat_name=None, adapt_fontsize=True, **kwargs): """ Map plots for categorical data defined in array(s) over input coordinates. The categories must be a finite set of unique values as can be identified by np.unique() (mix of int, float, strings, ...). The categories are shared among all subplots, i.e. are obtained from np.unique(array_sub). Eg.: >>> array_sub = [[1, 2, 1.0, 2], [1, 2, 'a', 'a']] >>> -> category mapping is [[0, 2, 1, 2], [0, 2, 3, 3]] Same category: 1 and '1' Different categories: 1 and 1.0 This method wraps around util.geo_scatter_from_array and uses all its args and kwargs. Parameters ---------- var_name : str or list(str) label to be shown in the colorbar. If one provided, the same is used for all subplots. Otherwise provide as many as subplots in array_sub. title : str or list(str) subplot title. If one provided, the same is used for all subplots. Otherwise provide as many as subplots in array_sub. cat_name : dict, optional Categories name for the colorbar labels. Keys are all the unique values in array_sub, values are their labels. The default is labels = unique values. adapt_fontsize : bool, optional If set to true, the size of the fonts will be adapted to the size of the figure. Otherwise the default matplotlib font size is used. Default is True. **kwargs Arbitrary keyword arguments for hexbin matplotlib function Returns ------- cartopy.mpl.geoaxes.GeoAxesSubplot """ return geo_scatter_categorical(self.warning.flatten(), self.coord, var_name, title, cat_name, adapt_fontsize, **kwargs)
[docs] def plot_warning_meteoswiss_style(self, var_name='Warn Levels', title='Categorical Warning ' 'Map', cat_name=None, adapt_fontsize=True): """ Map plots for categorical data defined in array(s) over input coordinates. The MeteoSwiss coloring scheme is used, therefore only 5 warn levels are allowed. This method wraps around util.geo_scatter_from_array and uses all its args and kwargs. Parameters ---------- var_name : str or list(str) label to be shown in the colorbar. If one provided, the same is used for all subplots. Otherwise provide as many as subplots in array_sub. title : str or list(str) subplot title. If one provided, the same is used for all subplots. Otherwise provide as many as subplots in array_sub. cat_name : dict, optional Categories name for the colorbar labels. Keys are all the unique values in array_sub, values are their labels. The default is labels = unique values. adapt_fontsize : bool, optional If set to true, the size of the fonts will be adapted to the size of the figure. Otherwise the default matplotlib font size is used. Default is True. **kwargs Arbitrary keyword arguments for hexbin matplotlib function Returns ------- cartopy.mpl.geoaxes.GeoAxesSubplot """ if np.max(self.warning) > 4: raise ValueError("MeteoSwiss defines only 5 warn levels. You used more levels or the " "values of input map are larger than defined levels. Reduce " "the number of warn levels to 5 or use 'plot_warning() instead.") colors_mch = np.array([[204 / 255, 255 / 255, 102 / 255, 1], # green [255 / 255, 255 / 255, 0 / 255, 1], # yellow [255 / 255, 153 / 255, 0 / 255, 1], # orange [255 / 255, 0 / 255, 0 / 255, 1], # red [128 / 255, 0 / 255, 0 / 255, 1], # dark red ]) newcmp = ListedColormap(colors_mch) kwargs = dict() kwargs['cmap'] = newcmp # + 1, since warning at MeteoSwiss starts at 1 return geo_scatter_categorical(self.warning.flatten() + 1, self.coord, var_name, title, cat_name, adapt_fontsize, **kwargs)