Source code for climada_petals.entity.exposures.black_marble

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Define BlackMarble class.

__all__ = ['BlackMarble']

import logging
import math
from pathlib import Path

import numpy as np
from numpy.polynomial.polynomial import polyval
from scipy import ndimage
import shapely.vectorized
from import shapereader

from climada.entity.exposures.base import Exposures, INDICATOR_IMPF
from climada.entity.exposures.litpop import nightlight as nl_utils
from climada.util.constants import SYSTEM_DIR, DEF_CRS
from import gdp, income_group
import climada.util.coordinates as u_coord

LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

"""Default approximate resolution for NOAA NGDC nightlights in km."""

"""Default approximate resolution for NASA's nightlights in km."""

"""Default hazard type used in impact functions id."""

DEF_POLY_VAL = [0, 0, 1]
"""Default polynomial transformation used."""

[docs] class BlackMarble(Exposures): """Defines exposures from night light intensity, GDP and income group. Attribute region_id is defined as: - United Nations Statistics Division (UNSD) 3-digit equivalent numeric code - 0 if country not found in UNSD. - -1 for water """ _metadata = Exposures._metadata + ['nightlight_file']
[docs] def set_countries(self, countries, ref_year=2016, res_km=None, from_hr=None, admin_file='admin_0_countries', **kwargs): """ Model countries using values at reference year. If GDP or income group not available for that year, consider the value of the closest available year. Parameters ---------- countries : list or dict list of country names (admin0 or subunits) or dict with key = admin0 name and value = [admin1 names] ref_year : int, optional reference year. Default: 2016 res_km : float, optional approx resolution in km. Default: nightlights resolution. from_hr : bool, optional force to use higher resolution image, independently of its year of acquisition. admin_file : str file name, admin_0_countries or admin_0_map_subunits kwargs : optional 'gdp' and 'inc_grp' dictionaries with keys the country ISO_alpha3 code. 'poly_val' list of polynomial coefficients [1,x,x^2,...] to apply to nightlight (DEF_POLY_VAL used if not provided). If provided, these are used. """ admin_key_dict = {'admin_0_countries': ['ADMIN', 'ADM0_A3'], 'admin_0_map_subunits': ['SUBUNIT', 'SU_A3']} shp_file = shapereader.natural_earth(resolution='10m', category='cultural', name=admin_file) shp_file = shapereader.Reader(shp_file) cntry_info, cntry_admin1 = country_iso_geom(countries, shp_file, admin_key_dict[admin_file]) fill_econ_indicators(ref_year, cntry_info, shp_file, **kwargs) nightlight, coord_nl, fn_nl, res_fact, res_km = get_nightlight( ref_year, cntry_info, res_km, from_hr) bkmrbl_list = [] descr_lines = [] for cntry_iso, cntry_val in cntry_info.items(): bkmrbl_list.append( self._set_one_country(cntry_val, nightlight, coord_nl, res_fact, res_km, cntry_admin1[cntry_iso], **kwargs).gdf) descr_lines.append(f"{cntry_val[1]} {cntry_val[3]:d}" f" GDP: {cntry_val[4]:.3e} income group: {cntry_val[5]:d}") BlackMarble.__init__( self, data=Exposures.concat(bkmrbl_list).gdf, crs=DEF_CRS, ref_year=ref_year, value_unit='USD', description="\n".join(descr_lines), nightlight_file = Path(fn_nl).name, ) rows, cols, ras_trans = u_coord.pts_to_raster_meta( (self.gdf.longitude.min(), self.gdf.latitude.min(), self.gdf.longitude.max(), self.gdf.latitude.max()), (coord_nl[0, 1], -coord_nl[0, 1]) ) self.meta = {'width': cols, 'height': rows, 'crs':, 'transform': ras_trans}
@staticmethod def _set_one_country(cntry_info, nightlight, coord_nl, res_fact, res_km, admin1_geom, **kwargs): """Model one country. Parameters ---------- cntry_info : lsit [cntry_id, cnytry_name, cntry_geometry, ref_year, gdp, income_group] nightlight : np.array nightlight in 30arcsec ~ 1km resolution. Row latitudes, col longitudes coord_nl : np.array nightlight coordinates: [[min_lat, lat_step], [min_lon, lon_step]] res_fact : float resampling factor res_km : float wished resolution in km admin1_geom : list list of admin1 geometries to filter poly_val : list list of polynomial coefficients to apply to nightlight """'Processing country %s.', cntry_info[1]) if 'poly_val' in kwargs: poly_val = kwargs['poly_val'] else: poly_val = DEF_POLY_VAL geom = cntry_info[2] nightlight_reg, lat_reg, lon_reg, on_land = _cut_country(geom, nightlight, coord_nl) nightlight_reg = _set_econ_indicators(nightlight_reg, cntry_info[4], cntry_info[5], poly_val) if admin1_geom: nightlight_reg, lat_reg, lon_reg, geom, on_land = _cut_admin1( nightlight_reg, lat_reg, lon_reg, admin1_geom, coord_nl, on_land)'Generating resolution of approx %s km.', res_km) nightlight_reg, lat_reg, lon_reg = _resample_land(geom, nightlight_reg, lat_reg, lon_reg, res_fact, on_land) exp_bkmrb = BlackMarble(data={ 'value': np.asarray(nightlight_reg).reshape(-1,), 'latitude': lat_reg, 'longitude': lon_reg, }) exp_bkmrb.gdf['region_id'] = cntry_info[0] exp_bkmrb.gdf[INDICATOR_IMPF] = 1 return exp_bkmrb
def country_iso_geom(countries, shp_file, admin_key=['ADMIN', 'ADM0_A3']): """ Get country ISO alpha_3, country id (defined as the United Nations Statistics Division (UNSD) 3-digit equivalent numeric codes and 0 if country not found) and country's geometry shape. Parameters ---------- countries : list or dict list of country names (admin0) or dict with key = admin0 name and value = [admin1 names] shp_file : shape file admin_key: str key to find admin0 or subunit name Returns ------- cntry_info : dict key = ISO alpha_3 country, value = [country id, country name, country geometry], cntry_admin1 : dict key = ISO alpha_3 country, value = [admin1 geometries] """ countries_shp = {} list_records = list(shp_file.records()) for info_idx, info in enumerate(list_records): countries_shp[info.attributes[admin_key[0]].title()] = info_idx cntry_info = dict() cntry_admin1 = dict() if isinstance(countries, list): countries = {cntry: [] for cntry in countries} admin1_rec = list() else: admin1_rec = shapereader.natural_earth(resolution='10m', category='cultural', name='admin_1_states_provinces') admin1_rec = shapereader.Reader(admin1_rec) admin1_rec = list(admin1_rec.records()) for country_name, prov_list in countries.items(): country_idx = countries_shp.get(country_name.title()) if country_idx is None: options = [country_opt for country_opt in countries_shp if country_name.title() in country_opt] if not options: options = list(countries_shp.keys()) raise ValueError('Country %s not found. Possible options: %s' % (country_name, options)) iso3 = list_records[country_idx].attributes[admin_key[1]] try: cntry_id = u_coord.country_to_iso(iso3, "numeric") except LookupError: cntry_id = 0 cntry_info[iso3] = [cntry_id, country_name.title(), list_records[country_idx].geometry] cntry_admin1[iso3] = _fill_admin1_geom(iso3, admin1_rec, prov_list) return cntry_info, cntry_admin1 def fill_econ_indicators(ref_year, cntry_info, shp_file, **kwargs): """Get GDP and income group per country in reference year, or it closest one. Source: world bank. Natural earth repository used when missing data. Modifies country info with values [country id, country name, country geometry, ref_year, gdp, income_group]. Parameters ---------- ref_year : int reference year cntry_info : dict key = ISO alpha_3 country, value = [country id, country name, country geometry] kwargs : optional 'gdp' and 'inc_grp' dictionaries with keys the country ISO_alpha3 code. If provided, these are used """ for cntry_iso, cntry_val in cntry_info.items(): cntry_val.append(ref_year) if 'gdp' in kwargs and kwargs['gdp'][cntry_iso] != '': gdp_val = kwargs['gdp'][cntry_iso] else: _, gdp_val = gdp(cntry_iso, ref_year, shp_file) cntry_val.append(gdp_val) if 'inc_grp' in kwargs and kwargs['inc_grp'][cntry_iso] != '': inc_grp = kwargs['inc_grp'][cntry_iso] else: _, inc_grp = income_group(cntry_iso, ref_year, shp_file) cntry_val.append(inc_grp) def get_nightlight(ref_year, cntry_info, res_km=None, from_hr=None): """Obtain nightlight from different sources depending on reference year. Compute resolution factor used at resampling depending on source. Parameters ---------- ref_year : int reference year cntry_info : dict key = ISO alpha_3 country, value = [country id, country name, country geometry] res_km : float approx resolution in km. from_hr : bool, optional Returns ------- nightlight (sparse.csr_matrix), coord_nl (np.array), fn_nl (str), res_fact (float) """ if from_hr is None and ref_year > 2013: from_hr = True elif from_hr is None and ref_year <= 2013: from_hr = False if from_hr: if not res_km: res_km = 0.5 nl_year = ref_year if ref_year > 2013: nl_year = 2016 else: nl_year = 2012"Nightlights from NASA's earth observatory for year %s.", str(nl_year)) res_fact = DEF_RES_NASA_KM / res_km geom = [info[2] for info in cntry_info.values()] geom = shapely.ops.cascaded_union(geom) req_files = nl_utils.get_required_nl_files(geom.bounds) files_exist = nl_utils.check_nl_local_file_exists(req_files, SYSTEM_DIR, nl_year) nl_utils.download_nl_files(req_files, files_exist, SYSTEM_DIR, nl_year) # nightlight intensity with 15 arcsec resolution nightlight, coord_nl = nl_utils.load_nightlight_nasa(geom.bounds, req_files, nl_year) fn_nl = [file.replace('*', str(nl_year)) for idx, file in enumerate(nl_utils.BM_FILENAMES) if req_files[idx]] fn_nl = ' + '.join(fn_nl) else: if not res_km: res_km = 1.0 nl_year = ref_year if ref_year < 1992: nl_year = 1992 elif ref_year > 2013: nl_year = 2013"Nightlights from NOAA's earth observation group for year %s.", str(nl_year)) res_fact = DEF_RES_NOAA_KM / res_km # nightlight intensity with 30 arcsec resolution nightlight, coord_nl, fn_nl = nl_utils.load_nightlight_noaa(nl_year) return nightlight, coord_nl, fn_nl, res_fact, res_km def _fill_admin1_geom(iso3, admin1_rec, prov_list): """Get admin1 polygons for each input province of country iso3. Parameters ---------- iso3 : str admin0 country name in alpha3 admin1_rec : list list of admin1 records prov_list : list province names Returns ------- list(geometry) """ prov_geom = list() for prov in prov_list: found = False for rec in admin1_rec: if prov == rec.attributes['name'] and \ rec.attributes['adm0_a3'] == iso3: found = True prov_geom.append(rec.geometry) break if not found: options = [rec.attributes['name'] for rec in admin1_rec if rec.attributes['adm0_a3'] == iso3] raise ValueError('%s not found. Possible provinces of %s are: %s' % (prov, iso3, options)) return prov_geom def _cut_admin1(nightlight, lat, lon, admin1_geom, coord_nl, on_land): """Cut nightlight image on box containing all the admin1 territories. Parameters ---------- nightlight : np.array nightlight values lat : np.array latitude values in meshgrid lon : np.array longitude values in meshgrid admin1_geom : list(shapely.geometry) all admin1 geometries coord_nl : np.array nightlight coordinates: [[min_lat, lat_step], [min_lon, lon_step]] on_land : np.array array with true values in land points. same size as nightlight, lat, lon Returns ------- nightlight_reg, lat_reg, lon_reg (2d arrays with nightlight values, and coordinates in a square containing the admin1) on_land_reg (2d array of same size as previous with True values on land points) """ all_geom = shapely.ops.cascaded_union(admin1_geom) in_lat = (math.floor((all_geom.bounds[1] - lat[0, 0]) / coord_nl[0, 1]), math.ceil((all_geom.bounds[3] - lat[0, 0]) / coord_nl[0, 1])) in_lon = (math.floor((all_geom.bounds[0] - lon[0, 0]) / coord_nl[1, 1]), math.ceil((all_geom.bounds[2] - lon[0, 0]) / coord_nl[1, 1])) nightlight_reg = nightlight[in_lat[0]:in_lat[-1] + 1, :][:, in_lon[0]:in_lon[-1] + 1] nightlight_reg[nightlight_reg < 0.0] = 0.0 lat_reg, lon_reg = np.mgrid[lat[0, 0] + in_lat[0] * coord_nl[0, 1]: lat[0, 0] + in_lat[1] * coord_nl[0, 1]: complex(0, nightlight_reg.shape[0]), lon[0, 0] + in_lon[0] * coord_nl[1, 1]: lon[0, 0] + in_lon[1] * coord_nl[1, 1]: complex(0, nightlight_reg.shape[1])] on_land_reg = on_land[in_lat[0]:in_lat[-1] + 1, :][:, in_lon[0]:in_lon[-1] + 1] return nightlight_reg, lat_reg, lon_reg, all_geom, on_land_reg def _cut_country(geom, nightlight, coord_nl): """Cut nightlight image on box containing all the land. Parameters ---------- geom : shapely.geometry geometry of the region to consider nightlight : sparse.csr_matrix nightlight values coord_nl : np.array nightlight coordinates: [[min_lat, lat_step], [min_lon, lon_step]] Returns ------- nightlight_reg, lat_reg, lon_reg (2d arrays with nightlight values, and coordinates in a square containing the country) on_land_reg (2d array of same size as previous with True values on land points) """ in_lat = (math.floor((geom.bounds[1] - coord_nl[0, 0]) / coord_nl[0, 1]), math.ceil((geom.bounds[3] - coord_nl[0, 0]) / coord_nl[0, 1])) in_lon = (math.floor((geom.bounds[0] - coord_nl[1, 0]) / coord_nl[1, 1]), math.ceil((geom.bounds[2] - coord_nl[1, 0]) / coord_nl[1, 1])) nightlight_reg = nightlight[in_lat[0]:in_lat[1] + 1, in_lon[0]:in_lon[-1] + 1] \ .toarray() lat_reg, lon_reg = np.mgrid[coord_nl[0, 0] + in_lat[0] * coord_nl[0, 1]: coord_nl[0, 0] + in_lat[1] * coord_nl[0, 1]: complex(0, nightlight_reg.shape[0]), coord_nl[1, 0] + in_lon[0] * coord_nl[1, 1]: coord_nl[1, 0] + in_lon[1] * coord_nl[1, 1]: complex(0, nightlight_reg.shape[1])] on_land_reg = np.zeros(lat_reg.shape, bool) try: iter(geom) except TypeError: geom = [geom] for poly in geom: in_lat = (math.floor((poly.bounds[1] - lat_reg[0, 0]) / coord_nl[0, 1]), math.ceil((poly.bounds[3] - lat_reg[0, 0]) / coord_nl[0, 1])) in_lon = (math.floor((poly.bounds[0] - lon_reg[0, 0]) / coord_nl[1, 1]), math.ceil((poly.bounds[2] - lon_reg[0, 0]) / coord_nl[1, 1])) on_land_reg[in_lat[0]:in_lat[1] + 1, in_lon[0]:in_lon[1] + 1] = ( on_land_reg[in_lat[0]:in_lat[1] + 1, in_lon[0]:in_lon[1] + 1] | shapely.vectorized.contains( poly, lon_reg[in_lat[0]:in_lat[1] + 1, in_lon[0]:in_lon[1] + 1], lat_reg[in_lat[0]:in_lat[1] + 1, in_lon[0]:in_lon[1] + 1])) # put zero values outside country nightlight_reg[~on_land_reg] = 0.0 return nightlight_reg, lat_reg, lon_reg, on_land_reg def _resample_land(geom, nightlight, lat, lon, res_fact, on_land): """Model land exposures from nightlight intensities and normalized to GDP * (income_group + 1). Parameters ---------- geom : shapely.geometry geometry of the region to consider nightlight : np.array nightlight values lat : np.array latitude values in meshgrid lon : np.array longitude values in meshgrid res_fact : float resampling factor on_land : np.array array with true values in land points. same size as nightlight, lat, lon Returns ------- nightlight_res, lat_res, lon_res (1d arrays with nightlight on land values and coordinates) """ nightlight_res, lat_res, lon_res = nightlight, lat, lon if res_fact != 1.0: sum_val = nightlight.sum() nightlight_res = ndimage.zoom(nightlight, res_fact, mode='nearest') nightlight_res[nightlight_res < 0.0] = 0.0 lat_res, lon_res = np.mgrid[ lat[0, 0]: lat[-1, 0]: complex(0, nightlight_res.shape[0]), lon[0, 0]: lon[0, -1]: complex(0, nightlight_res.shape[1])] on_land = shapely.vectorized.contains(geom, lon_res, lat_res) nightlight_res[~on_land] = 0.0 nightlight_res = nightlight_res / nightlight_res.sum() * sum_val return nightlight_res[on_land].ravel(), lat_res[on_land], lon_res[on_land] def _set_econ_indicators(nightlight, gdp_val, inc_grp, poly_val): """Model land exposures from nightlight intensities and normalized to GDP * (income_group + 1). Parameters ---------- nightlight : np.matrix nightlight values gdp : float GDP to interpolate in the region inc_grp : float index to weight exposures in the region poly_val : list list of polynomial coefficients to apply to nightlight Returns ------- np.array """ if nightlight.sum() > 0: nightlight = polyval(np.asarray(nightlight), poly_val) nightlight = nightlight / nightlight.sum() * gdp_val * (inc_grp + 1) return nightlight