Source code for climada_petals.entity.exposures.crop_production

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Agriculture exposures from ISIMIP and FAO.
import logging
from pathlib import Path
import copy

import numpy as np
import xarray as xr
import pandas as pd
import h5py
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt

from climada import CONFIG
from climada.entity import Exposures, INDICATOR_IMPF
import climada.util.coordinates as u_coord

LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

"""Default hazard type used in impact functions id."""

BBOX = (-180, -85, 180, 85)  # [Lon min, lat min, lon max, lat max]
""""Default geographical bounding box of the total global agricultural land extent"""

#ISIMIP input data specific global variables
"""start and end years per ISIMIP version and senario as in ISIMIP-filenames
of landuse data containing harvest area per crop"""
# two types of 1860soc (1661-2299 not implemented)
YEARCHUNKS['ISIMIP2']['1860soc'] = {'yearrange': (1800, 1860), 'startyear': 1661, 'endyear': 1860}
YEARCHUNKS['ISIMIP2']['histsoc'] = {'yearrange': (1976, 2005), 'startyear': 1861, 'endyear': 2005}
YEARCHUNKS['ISIMIP2']['2005soc'] = {'yearrange': (2006, 2099), 'startyear': 2006, 'endyear': 2299}
YEARCHUNKS['ISIMIP2']['rcp26soc'] = {'yearrange': (2006, 2099), 'startyear': 2006, 'endyear': 2099}
YEARCHUNKS['ISIMIP2']['rcp60soc'] = {'yearrange': (2006, 2099), 'startyear': 2006, 'endyear': 2099}
YEARCHUNKS['ISIMIP2']['2100rcp26soc'] = {'yearrange': (2100, 2299), 'startyear': 2100,
                                         'endyear': 2299}
YEARCHUNKS['ISIMIP3']['histsoc'] = {'yearrange': (1983, 2013), 'startyear': 1850, 'endyear': 2014}
YEARCHUNKS['ISIMIP3']['2015soc'] = {'yearrange': (1983, 2013), 'startyear': 1850, 'endyear': 2014}

FN_STR_VAR = 'landuse-15crops_annual'
"""fix filename part in input data"""

CROP_NAME = dict()
"""mapping of crop names"""
CROP_NAME['mai'] = {'input': 'maize', 'fao': 'Maize', 'print': 'Maize'}
CROP_NAME['ric'] = {'input': 'rice', 'fao': 'Rice, paddy', 'print': 'Rice'}
CROP_NAME['whe'] = {'input': 'temperate_cereals', 'fao': 'Wheat', 'print': 'Wheat'}
CROP_NAME['soy'] = {'input': 'oil_crops_soybean', 'fao': 'Soybeans', 'print': 'Soybeans'}

CROP_NAME['ri1'] = {'input': 'rice', 'fao': 'Rice, paddy', 'print': 'Rice 1st season'}
CROP_NAME['ri2'] = {'input': 'rice', 'fao': 'Rice, paddy', 'print': 'Rice 2nd season'}
CROP_NAME['swh'] = {'input': 'temperate_cereals', 'fao': 'Wheat', 'print': 'Spring Wheat'}
CROP_NAME['wwh'] = {'input': 'temperate_cereals', 'fao': 'Wheat', 'print': 'Winter Wheat'}

"""mapping of irrigation parameter long names"""
IRR_NAME = {'combined': {'name': 'combined'},
            'noirr': {'name': 'rainfed'},
            'firr': {'name': 'irrigated'},

"""Conversion factor weight [tons] to nutritional value [kcal].
Based on Mueller et al. (2021), :

"For the aggregation of different crops, we compute total calories, assuming
net water contents of 12% for maize, spring and winter wheat, 13% for rice and
9% for soybean, according to Wirsenius (2000) and caloric contents of the
“as purchased” biomass (i.e. including the water content) of 3.56kcal/g for maize,
2.8kcal/g for rice, 3.35kcal/g for soybean and of 3.34kcal/g for spring and
winter wheat, following FAO (2001).” (Müller et al., 2021)

Version 1: conversion factors for crop biomass "as purchased",
    here applied as default for FAO-normalized production:
    Production [kcal] = Production [t] * KCAL_PER_TON [kcal/t]

KCAL_PER_TON = dict()
KCAL_PER_TON['biomass'] = {'mai': 3.56e6,
                           'ric': 2.80e6,
                           'soy': 3.35e6,
                           'whe': 3.34e6,
Version 2: conversion factors for crop dry matter as simulated by most crop models,
    here applied as default for raw ISIMIP model yields and derived production values:
    Yield [kcal] = Yield [t] * KCAL_PER_TON [kcal/t] / (1-net_water_content_fraction)
KCAL_PER_TON['drymatter'] = {'mai': 3.56e6 / (1-.12),
                             'ric': 2.80e6 / (1-.13),
                             'soy': 3.35e6 / (1-.09),
                             'whe': 3.34e6 / (1-.12),

# Default folder structure for ISIMIP data:
#   deposit the landuse and FAO files in the directory:
#   {CONFIG.exposures.crop_production.local_data}/Input/Exposure
# The FAO files need to be downloaded and renamed
#   FAO_FILE: contains producer prices per crop, country and year
#               (
#   FAO_FILE2: contains production quantity per crop, country and year
#               (
DATA_DIR = CONFIG.exposures.crop_production.local_data.dir()
INPUT_DIR = DATA_DIR.joinpath('Input', 'Exposure')
FAO_FILE = "FAOSTAT_data_producer_prices.csv"
FAO_FILE2 = "FAOSTAT_data_production_quantity.csv"

YEARS_FAO = (2008, 2018)
"""Default years from FAO used (data file contains values for 1991-2018)"""

# default output directory: climada_python/data/ISIMIP_crop/Output/Exposure
# by default the hist_mean files created by climada_python/hazard/crop_potential are saved in
# climada_python/data/ISIMIP_crop/Output/hist_mean/
HIST_MEAN_PATH = DATA_DIR.joinpath('Output', 'Hist_mean')
OUTPUT_DIR = DATA_DIR.joinpath('Output')

[docs] class CropProduction(Exposures): """Defines agriculture exposures from ISIMIP input data and FAO crop data geopandas GeoDataFrame with metadata and columns (pd.Series) defined in Attributes and Exposures. Attributes ---------- crop : str crop typee.g., 'mai', 'ric', 'whe', 'soy' """ _metadata = Exposures._metadata + ['crop']
[docs] def set_from_isimip_netcdf(self, *args, **kwargs): """This function is deprecated, use LitPop.from_isimip_netcdf instead.""" LOGGER.warning("The use of LitPop.set_from_isimip_netcdf is deprecated." "Use LitPop.from_isimip_netcdf instead.") self.__dict__ = CropProduction.from_isimip_netcdf(*args, **kwargs).__dict__
[docs] @classmethod def from_isimip_netcdf(cls, input_dir=None, filename=None, hist_mean=None, bbox=None, yearrange=None, cl_model=None, scenario=None, crop=None, irr=None, isimip_version=None, unit=None, fn_str_var=None): """Wrapper to fill exposure from NetCDF file from ISIMIP. Requires historical mean relative cropyield module as additional input. Parameters ---------- input_dir : Path or str path to input data directory, default: {CONFIG.exposures.crop_production.local_data}/Input/Exposure filename : string name of the landuse data file to use, e.g. """ hist_mean : str or array historic mean crop yield per centroid (or path) bbox : list of four floats bounding box: [lon min, lat min, lon max, lat max] yearrange : int tuple year range for exposure set e.g., (1990, 2010) scenario : string climate change and socio economic scenario e.g., '1860soc', 'histsoc', '2005soc', 'rcp26soc','rcp60soc','2100rcp26soc' cl_model : string abbrev. climate model (only for future projections of lu data) e.g., 'gfdl-esm2m', 'hadgem2-es', 'ipsl-cm5a-lr','miroc5' crop : string crop type e.g., 'mai', 'ric', 'whe', 'soy' irr : string irrigation type, default: 'combined' f.i 'firr' (full irrigation), 'noirr' (no irrigation) or 'combined'= firr+noirr isimip_version : str 'ISIMIP2' (default) or 'ISIMIP3' unit : string unit of the exposure (per year) f.i 't/y' (default), 'USD/y', or 'kcal/y' fn_str_var : string FileName STRing depending on VARiable and ISIMIP simuation round Returns ------- Exposure """ # parameters not provided in method call are set to default values: if irr is None: irr = 'combined' if not bbox: bbox = BBOX if not input_dir: input_dir = INPUT_DIR input_dir = Path(input_dir) if hist_mean is None: hist_mean = HIST_MEAN_PATH if isinstance(hist_mean, str): hist_mean = Path(hist_mean) if not fn_str_var: fn_str_var = FN_STR_VAR if (not isimip_version) or (isimip_version in ('ISIMIP2a', 'ISIMIP2b')): isimip_version = 'ISIMIP2' elif isimip_version in ('ISIMIP3a', 'ISIMIP3b'): isimip_version = 'ISIMIP3' if (not scenario) or (scenario in ('historical', 'hist')): scenario = 'histsoc' if yearrange is None: yearrange = YEARCHUNKS[isimip_version][scenario]['yearrange'] if not unit: unit = 't/y' if isinstance(filename, Path): # if Path, extract pure filename as string if filename.is_file() and filename.parent.is_dir():'input_dir is reset from %s to %s', input_dir, filename.parent) input_dir = filename.parent filename =[-1] # The filename is set or other variables (cl_model, scenario) are extracted of the # specified filename if filename is None: yearchunk = YEARCHUNKS[isimip_version][scenario] # if scenario == 'histsoc' or scenario == '1860soc': if scenario in ('histsoc', '1860soc'): string = '{}_{}_{}_{}.nc' filepath = Path(input_dir, string.format(scenario, fn_str_var, yearchunk['startyear'], yearchunk['endyear'])) else: string = '{}_{}_{}_{}_{}.nc' filepath = Path(input_dir, string.format(scenario, cl_model, fn_str_var, yearchunk['startyear'], yearchunk['endyear'])) elif scenario == 'flexible': _, _, _, _, _, _, startyear, endyearnc = filename.split('_') endyear = endyearnc.split('.')[0] yearchunk = dict() yearchunk = {'yearrange': (int(startyear), int(endyear)), 'startyear': int(startyear), 'endyear': int(endyear)} filepath = Path(input_dir, filename) else: scenario, *_ = filename.split('_') yearchunk = YEARCHUNKS[isimip_version][scenario] filepath = Path(input_dir, filename) # Dataset is opened and data within the bbox extends is extracted data_set = xr.open_dataset(filepath, decode_times=False) [lonmin, latmin, lonmax, latmax] = bbox data = data_set.sel(lon=slice(lonmin, lonmax), lat=slice(latmax, latmin)) # The latitude and longitude are set; the region_id is determined lon, lat = np.meshgrid(data.lon.values, exp = cls() exp.gdf['latitude'] = lat.flatten() exp.gdf['longitude'] = lon.flatten() exp.gdf['region_id'] = u_coord.get_country_code(exp.gdf.latitude, exp.gdf.longitude, gridded=True) # The indeces of the yearrange to be extracted are determined time_idx = (int(yearrange[0] - yearchunk['startyear']), int(yearrange[1] - yearchunk['startyear'])) # The area covered by a grid cell is calculated depending on the latitude area = u_coord.get_gridcellarea(lat, resolution=0.5) # The area covered by a crop is calculated as the product of the fraction and # the grid cell size if irr == 'combined': irr_types = ['firr', 'noirr'] else: irr_types = [irr] area_crop = dict() for irr_var in irr_types: area_crop[irr_var] = ( getattr( data, (CROP_NAME[crop])['input']+'_'+ (IRR_NAME[irr_var])['name'] )[time_idx[0]:time_idx[1], :, :].mean(dim='time')*area ).values area_crop[irr_var] = np.nan_to_num(area_crop[irr_var]).flatten() # set historic mean, its latitude, and longitude: hist_mean_dict = dict() # if hist_mean is given as np.ndarray or dict, # code assumes it contains hist_mean as returned by relative_cropyield # however structured in dictionary as hist_mean_dict, with same # bbox extensions as the exposure: if isinstance(hist_mean, dict): if not ('firr' in hist_mean.keys() or 'noirr' in hist_mean.keys()): # as a dict hist_mean, needs to contain key 'firr' or 'noirr'; # if irr=='combined', both 'firr' and 'noirr' are required. raise ValueError(f'Invalid hist_mean provided: {hist_mean}') hist_mean_dict = hist_mean lat_mean = exp.gdf.latitude.values elif isinstance(hist_mean, np.ndarray) or isinstance(hist_mean, list): hist_mean_dict[irr_types[0]] = np.array(hist_mean) lat_mean = exp.gdf.latitude.values elif Path(hist_mean).is_dir(): # else if hist_mean is given as path to directory # The adequate file from the directory (depending on crop and irrigation) is extracted # and the variables hist_mean, lat_mean and lon_mean are set accordingly for irr_var in irr_types: filename = str(Path(hist_mean, 'hist_mean_%s-%s_%i-%i.hdf5' %( crop, irr_var, yearrange[0], yearrange[1]))) hist_mean_dict[irr_var] = (h5py.File(filename, 'r'))['mean'][()] lat_mean = (h5py.File(filename, 'r'))['lat'][()] lon_mean = (h5py.File(filename, 'r'))['lon'][()] elif Path(input_dir, hist_mean).is_file(): # file in input_dir # Hist_mean, lat_mean and lon_mean are extracted from the given file if len(irr_types) > 1: raise ValueError("For irr=='combined', hist_mean cannot be a single file.") hist_mean = h5py.File(str(Path(input_dir, hist_mean)), 'r') hist_mean_dict[irr_types[0]] = hist_mean['mean'][()] lat_mean = hist_mean['lat'][()] lon_mean = hist_mean['lon'][()] elif hist_mean.is_file(): # fall back: complete file path # Hist_mean, lat_mean and lon_mean are extracted from the given file if len(irr_types) > 1: raise ValueError("For irr=='combined', hist_mean can not be single file.") hist_mean = h5py.File(str(Path(input_dir, hist_mean)), 'r') hist_mean_dict[irr_types[0]] = hist_mean['mean'][()] lat_mean = hist_mean['lat'][()] lon_mean = hist_mean['lon'][()] else: raise ValueError(f"Invalid hist_mean provided: {hist_mean}") # The bbox is cut out of the hist_mean data file if needed if len(lat_mean) != len(exp.gdf.latitude.values): idx_mean = np.zeros(len(exp.gdf.latitude.values), dtype=int) for i in range(len(exp.gdf.latitude.values)): idx_mean[i] = np.where( (lat_mean == exp.gdf.latitude.values[i]) & (lon_mean == exp.gdf.longitude.values[i]) )[0][0] else: idx_mean = np.arange(0, len(lat_mean)) # The exposure [t/y] is computed per grid cell as the product of the area covered # by a crop [ha] and its yield [t/ha/y] exp.gdf['value'] = np.squeeze(area_crop[irr_types[0]] * \ hist_mean_dict[irr_types[0]][idx_mean]) exp.gdf['value'] = np.nan_to_num(exp.gdf.value) # replace NaN by 0.0 for irr_val in irr_types[1:]: # add other irrigation types if irr=='combined' value_tmp = np.squeeze(area_crop[irr_val]*hist_mean_dict[irr_val][idx_mean]) value_tmp = np.nan_to_num(value_tmp) # replace NaN by 0.0 exp.gdf['value'] += value_tmp exp.description=("Crop production exposure from ISIMIP" f" {CROP_NAME[crop]['print']} {irr}" f" {yearrange[0]} {yearrange[-1]}") exp.value_unit = 't/y' # input unit, will be reset below if required by user exp.crop = crop exp.ref_year = yearrange try: rows, cols, ras_trans = u_coord.pts_to_raster_meta( (exp.gdf.longitude.min(), exp.gdf.latitude.min(), exp.gdf.longitude.max(), exp.gdf.latitude.max()), u_coord.get_resolution(exp.gdf.longitude, exp.gdf.latitude)) exp.meta = { 'width': cols, 'height': rows, 'crs':, 'transform': ras_trans, } except ValueError: LOGGER.warning('Could not write attribute meta, because exposure' ' has only 1 data point') exp.meta = {} if 'USD' in unit: # set_value_to_usd() is called to compute the exposure in USD/y (country specific) exp.set_value_to_usd(input_dir=input_dir) elif 'kcal' in unit: # set_value_to_kcal() is called to compute the exposure in kcal/y # here, biomass=False because most crop models provide yield weight # for dry matter, not biomass: exp.set_value_to_kcal(biomass=False) exp.check() return exp
[docs] def set_from_area_and_yield_nc4(self, *args, **kwargs): """This function is deprecated, use LitPop.from_area_and_yield_nc4 instead.""" LOGGER.warning("The use of LitPop.set_from_area_and_yield_nc4 is deprecated." "Use LitPop.from_area_and_yield_nc4 instead.") self.__dict__ = CropProduction.from_area_and_yield_nc4(*args, **kwargs).__dict__
[docs] @classmethod def from_area_and_yield_nc4(cls, crop_type, layer_yield, layer_area, filename_yield, filename_area, var_yield, var_area, bbox=BBOX, input_dir=INPUT_DIR): """ Set crop_production exposure from cultivated area [ha] and yield [t/ha/year] provided in two netcdf files with the same grid. Both input files need to be netcdf format and come with dimensions 'lon', 'lat' and 'crop'. The information which crop type is saved in which crop layer in each input files needs to be provided manually via the parameters 'layer_*'. A convenience wrapper around this expert method is provided with from_spam_ray_mirca(). Parameters ---------- crop_type : str Crop type, e.g. 'mai' for maize, or 'ric', 'whe', 'soy', etc. layer_yield : int crop layer in yield input data set. Index typically starts with 1. layer_area : int crop layer in area input data set. Index typically starts with 1. filename_yield : str Name of netcdf-file containing gridded yield data. Requires coordinates 'lon', 'lat', and 'crop'. filename_area : str Name of netcdf-file containing gridded cultivated area. Requires coordinates 'lon', 'lat', and 'crop'. var_yield : str variable name to be extracted from yield file, e.g. 'yield.rf', '', 'yield.tot', or depending on netcdf structure. var_area : str variable name to be extracted from area file, e.g. 'cultivated area rainfed', 'cultivated area irrigated', 'cultivated area all', or depending on netcdf structure. bbox (tuple of four floats): bounding box: bounding box to be extracted: (lon min, lat min, lon max, lat max). The default is (-180, -85, 180, 85). input_dir : Path, optional directory where input data is found. The default is {CONFIG.exposures.crop_production.local_data}/Input/Exposure. Returns ------- CropProduction crop production exposure instance based on yield and area data """ if isinstance(input_dir, str): input_dir = Path(input_dir) [lonmin, latmin, lonmax, latmax] = bbox # extract yield data to xarray.DataArray: data_set_tmp = xr.open_dataset(input_dir / filename_yield, decode_times=False) data_yield = data_set_tmp.sel(lon=slice(lonmin, lonmax), lat=slice(latmax, latmin), crop=layer_yield )[var_yield] # extract cultivated area data to xarray.DataArray: data_set_tmp = xr.open_dataset(input_dir / filename_area, decode_times=False) data_area = data_set_tmp.sel(lon=slice(lonmin, lonmax), lat=slice(latmax, latmin), crop=layer_area )[var_area] del data_set_tmp # The latitude and longitude are set; region_id is determined lon, lat = np.meshgrid(data_area.lon.values, exp = cls() # initiate coordinates and values in GeoDatFrame: exp.gdf['latitude'] = lat.flatten() exp.gdf['longitude'] = lon.flatten() exp.gdf['region_id'] = u_coord.get_country_code(exp.gdf.latitude, exp.gdf.longitude, gridded=True) exp.gdf[INDICATOR_IMPF + DEF_HAZ_TYPE] = 1 exp.gdf[INDICATOR_IMPF] = 1 # calc annual crop production, [t/y] = [ha] * [t/ha/y]: exp.gdf['value'] = np.multiply(data_area.values, data_yield.values).flatten() exp.crop = crop_type exp.description=(f"Annual crop production from {var_area} and {var_yield} for" f" {exp.crop} from files {filename_area} and {filename_yield}") exp.value_unit = 't/y' try: rows, cols, ras_trans = u_coord.pts_to_raster_meta( (exp.gdf.longitude.min(), exp.gdf.latitude.min(), exp.gdf.longitude.max(), exp.gdf.latitude.max()), u_coord.get_resolution(exp.gdf.longitude, exp.gdf.latitude)) exp.meta = { 'width': cols, 'height': rows, 'crs':, 'transform': ras_trans, } except ValueError: LOGGER.warning('Could not write attribute meta, because exposure' ' has only 1 data point') exp.meta = {} return exp
[docs] def set_from_spam_ray_mirca(self, *args, **kwargs): """This function is deprecated, use CropPoduction.from_spam_ray_mirca instead.""" LOGGER.warning("The use of CropPoduction.set_from_spam_ray_mirca is deprecated." "Use CropPoduction.from_spam_ray_mirca instead.") self.__dict__ = CropProduction.from_spam_ray_mirca(*args, **kwargs).__dict__
[docs] @classmethod def from_spam_ray_mirca(cls, crop_type, irrigation_type='all', bbox=BBOX, input_dir=INPUT_DIR): """ Wrapper method around from_area_and_yield_nc4(). Set crop_production exposure from cultivated area [ha] and yield [t/ha/year] provided in default input files. The default input files are based on the public yield data from SPAM2005 with gaps filled based on Ray (2012); and cultivated area from MIRCA2000, both as post-processed by Jägermeyr et al. 2020; See for more information and cite when using this data for publication. Parameters ---------- crop_type : str Crop type, e.g. 'mai' for maize, or 'ric', 'whe', 'soy', etc. irrigation_type : str, optional irrigation type to be extracted, the options are: 'all' : total crop production, i.e. irrigated + rainfed 'firr' : fully irrigated 'noirr' : not irrigated, i.e., rainfed The default is 'all' bbox (list of four floats): bounding box: [lon min, lat min, lon max, lat max] input_dir : Path, optional directory where input data is found. The default is {CONFIG.exposures.crop_production.local_data}/Input/Exposure. Returns ------ Exposure Crop production exposure based on SPAM and MIRCA data set """ filename_yield = 'spam_ray_yields.nc4' filename_area = 'cultivated_area_MIRCA_GGCMI.nc4' # crop layers and variable names in default input files: layers_yield = {'mai': 1, 'whe': 2, 'soy': 4, 'ric': 3} layers_area = {'mai': 1, 'whe': 2, 'soy': 3, 'ric': 4} # Note: layer numbers fo rice and soybean differ between input files. varnames_yield = {'noirr': 'yield.rf', 'firr': '', 'all': 'yield.tot'} varnames_area = {'noirr': 'cultivated area rainfed', 'firr': 'cultivated area irrigated', 'all': 'cultivated area all'} # return exposure from netcdf files: return cls.from_area_and_yield_nc4(crop_type, layers_yield[crop_type], layers_area[crop_type], filename_yield, filename_area, varnames_yield[irrigation_type], varnames_area[irrigation_type], bbox=bbox, input_dir=input_dir)
[docs] def set_mean_of_several_isimip_models(self, *args, **kwargs): """This function is deprecated, use CropPoduction.from_mean_of_several_isimip_models instead.""" LOGGER.warning("The use of CropPoduction.set_mean_of_several_isimip_models is deprecated." "Use CropPoduction.from_mean_of_several_isimip_models instead.") self.__dict__ = CropProduction.from_mean_of_several_isimip_models(*args, **kwargs).__dict__
[docs] @classmethod def from_mean_of_several_isimip_models(cls, input_dir=None, hist_mean=None, bbox=None, yearrange=None, cl_model=None, scenario=None, crop=None, irr=None, isimip_version=None, unit=None, fn_str_var=None): """Wrapper to init exposure from several NetCDF files with crop yield data from ISIMIP. Parameters ---------- input_dir : string path to input data directory hist_mean : array historic mean crop production per centroid bbox : list of four floats bounding box: [lon min, lat min, lon max, lat max] yearrange : int tuple year range for exposure set,e.g., (1976, 2005) scenario : string climate change and socio economic scenario e.g., 'histsoc' or 'rcp60soc' cl_model : string abbrev. climate model (only when landuse data is future projection) e.g., 'gfdl-esm2m' etc. crop : string crop type e.g., 'mai', 'ric', 'whe', 'soy' irr : string irrigation type f.i 'rainfed', 'irrigated' or 'combined'= rainfed+irrigated isimip_version : str 'ISIMIP2' (default) or 'ISIMIP3' unit : string unit of the exposure (per year) f.i 't/y' (default), 'USD/y', or 'kcal/y' fn_str_var : string FileName STRing depending on VARiable and ISIMIP simuation round Returns ------- Exposure """ if not bbox: bbox = BBOX if (not isimip_version) or (isimip_version in ('ISIMIP2a', 'ISIMIP2b')): isimip_version = 'ISIMIP2' elif isimip_version in ('ISIMIP3a', 'ISIMIP3b'): isimip_version = 'ISIMIP3' if not input_dir: input_dir = INPUT_DIR input_dir = Path(input_dir) if not hist_mean: hist_mean = HIST_MEAN_PATH if yearrange is None: yearrange = YEARCHUNKS[isimip_version]['histsoc']['yearrange'] if not unit: unit = 't/y' if not fn_str_var: fn_str_var = FN_STR_VAR filenames = dict() filenames['all'] = [f for f in Path(input_dir).iterdir() if f.is_file() and 'nc' in and not'.')] # If only files with a certain scenario and or cl_model shall be considered, they # are extracted from the original list of files filenames['subset'] = list() for name in filenames['all']: if cl_model is not None and scenario is not None: if cl_model in name or scenario in name: filenames['subset'].append(name) elif cl_model is not None and scenario is None: if cl_model in name: filenames['subset'].append(name) elif cl_model is None and scenario is not None: if scenario in name: filenames['subset'].append(name) else: filenames['subset'] = filenames['all'] # The first exposure is calculate to determine its size # and initialize the combined exposure exp = cls.from_isimip_netcdf(input_dir, filename=filenames['subset'][0], hist_mean=hist_mean, bbox=bbox, yearrange=yearrange, crop=crop, irr=irr, isimip_version=isimip_version, unit=unit, fn_str_var=fn_str_var) combined_exp = np.zeros([exp.gdf.value.size, len(filenames['subset'])]) combined_exp[:, 0] = exp.gdf.value # The calculations are repeated for all remaining exposures (starting from index 1 as # the first exposure has been saved in combined_exp[:, 0]) for j, fname in enumerate(filenames['subset'][1:]): exp = cls.from_isimip_netcdf(input_dir, filename=fname, hist_mean=hist_mean, bbox=bbox, yearrange=yearrange, crop=crop, irr=irr, unit=unit, isimip_version=isimip_version) combined_exp[:, j+1] = exp.gdf.value exp.gdf.value = np.mean(combined_exp, 1) exp.gdf['crop'] = crop exp.check() return exp
[docs] def set_value_to_kcal(self, *args, **kwargs): """This function is deprecated, use function value_to_kcal instead.""" LOGGER.warning("The use of CropProduction.set_value_to_kcal is deprecated." "Use function value_to_kcal instead.") self.__dict__ = value_to_kcal(self, *args, **kwargs).__dict__
[docs] def set_value_to_usd(self, *args, **kwargs): """This function is deprecated, use functiom value_to_usd instead.""" LOGGER.warning("The use of CropProduction.set_value_to_usd is deprecated." "Use function value_to_usd instead.") self.__dict__ = value_to_usd(self, *args, **kwargs).__dict__
[docs] def aggregate_countries(self): """Aggregate exposure data by country. Returns ------- list_countries : list country codes (numerical ISO3) country_values : array aggregated exposure value """ list_countries = np.unique(self.gdf.region_id) country_values = np.zeros(len(list_countries)) for i, iso_nr in enumerate(list_countries): country_values[i] = self.gdf.loc[self.gdf.region_id == iso_nr].value.sum() return list_countries, country_values
[docs] def value_to_kcal(exp_cp, biomass=True): """Converts the exposure value from tonnes to kcal per year using conversion factor per crop type. Parameters ---------- exp_cp : CropProduction CropProduction exposure object with units tonnes per year ('t/y') biomass : bool, optional if true, KCAL_PER_TON['biomass'] is used (default, for FAO normalized crop production). If False, KCAL_PER_TON['drymatter'] is used (best for crop model output in dry matter, default for raw crop model output). Default: True Returns ------- new_exp : CropProduction CropProduction exposure object with unit 'kcal/y' """ if exp_cp.value_unit != 't/y': LOGGER.warning('self.unit is not t/y.') # create deep copy of exposure new_exp = copy.deepcopy(exp_cp) new_exp.gdf['tonnes_per_year'] = exp_cp.gdf['value'].values if biomass: new_exp.gdf.value *= KCAL_PER_TON['biomass'][exp_cp.crop] else: new_exp.gdf.value *= KCAL_PER_TON['drymatter'][exp_cp.crop] new_exp.value_unit = 'kcal/y' return new_exp
[docs] def value_to_usd(exp_cp, input_dir=None, yearrange=None): # to do: check api availability?; default yearrange for single year (e.g. 5a) """Calculates the exposure in USD per year using country and year specific data published by the FAO, requires crop production exposure with unit 't/y' Parameters ---------- exp_cp : CropProduction CropProduction exposure object with units tonnes per year ('t/y') input_dir : Path or str, optional directory containing the input (FAO pricing) data, default: {CONFIG.exposures.crop_production.local_data}/Input/Exposure yearrange : np.array, optional year range for prices, can also be set to a single year Default is set to the arbitrary time range (2000, 2018) The data is available for the years 1991-2018 crop : str crop type e.g., 'mai', 'ric', 'whe', 'soy' Returns ------- new_exp : CropProduction CropProduction exposure object with unit 'USD/y' """ if not input_dir: input_dir = INPUT_DIR input_dir = Path(input_dir) if yearrange is None: yearrange = YEARS_FAO # create deep copy of exposure new_exp = copy.deepcopy(exp_cp) # account for the case of only specifying one year as yearrange if len(yearrange) == 1: yearrange = (yearrange[0], yearrange[0]) # open both FAO files and extract needed variables # FAO_FILE: contains producer prices per crop, country and year fao = dict() fao['file'] = pd.read_csv(input_dir / FAO_FILE) fao['crops'] = fao['file'].Item.values fao['year'] = fao['file'].Year.values fao['price'] = fao['file'].Value.values fao_country = u_coord.country_faocode2iso(getattr(fao['file'], 'Area Code').values) # create deep copy of exposure new_exp = copy.deepcopy(exp_cp) # create a list of the countries contained in the exposure iso3num = list() new_exp.gdf.region_id[exp_cp.gdf.region_id == -99] = 0 iso3num = np.asarray(u_coord.country_to_iso( new_exp.gdf.region_id, representation="numeric", fillvalue=999), dtype=object) list_countries = np.unique(iso3num) # iterate over all countries that are covered in the exposure, extract the according price # and calculate the crop production in USD/y area_price = np.zeros(new_exp.gdf.value.size) for country in list_countries: [idx_country] = (iso3num == country).nonzero() if country == 999: price = 0 area_price[idx_country] = new_exp.gdf.value[idx_country] * price # zero means no country, 999 other country elif country != 0 and country != 999: idx_price = np.where((np.asarray(fao_country) == country) & (np.asarray(fao['crops']) == \ (CROP_NAME[new_exp.crop])['fao']) & (fao['year'] >= yearrange[0]) & (fao['year'] <= yearrange[1])) # if no price can be determined for a specific yearrange and country, the world # average for that crop (in the specified yearrange) is used if idx_price[0].size != 0: price = np.mean(fao['price'][idx_price]) else: idx_price = np.where((np.asarray(fao['crops']) == \ (CROP_NAME[new_exp.crop])['fao']) & (fao['year'] >= yearrange[0]) & (fao['year'] <= yearrange[1])) price = np.mean(fao['price'][idx_price]) area_price[idx_country] = new_exp.gdf.value[idx_country] * price # the exposure values in t/y is saved as 'tonnes_per_year' new_exp.gdf['tonnes_per_year'] = exp_cp.gdf['value'].values new_exp.gdf['value'] = area_price new_exp.value_unit = 'USD/y' new_exp.check() return new_exp
[docs] def init_full_exp_set_isimip(input_dir=None, filename=None, hist_mean_dir=None, output_dir=None, bbox=None, yearrange=None, unit=None, isimip_version=None, return_data=False): """Generates CropProduction instances (exposure sets) for all files found in the input directory and saves them as hdf5 files in the output directory. Exposures are aggregated per crop and irrigation type. Parameters ---------- input_dir : str or Path path to input data directory, default: {CONFIG.exposures.crop_production.local_data}/Input/Exposure filename : string if not specified differently, the file '' will be used output_dir : string path to output data directory bbox : list of four floats bounding box: [lon min, lat min, lon max, lat max] yearrange : array year range for hazard set, e.g., (1976, 2005) isimip_version : str 'ISIMIP2' (default) or 'ISIMIP3' unit : str unit in which to return exposure (e.g., t/y or USD/y) return_data : boolean returned output False: returns list of filenames only, True: returns also list of data Returns ------- filename_list : list all filenames of saved initiated exposure files output_list : list list containing all inisiated Exposure instances """ if not bbox: bbox = BBOX if (not isimip_version) or (isimip_version in ('ISIMIP2a', 'ISIMIP2b')): isimip_version = 'ISIMIP2' elif isimip_version in ('ISIMIP3a', 'ISIMIP3b'): isimip_version = 'ISIMIP3' if not input_dir: input_dir = INPUT_DIR input_dir = Path(input_dir) if not hist_mean_dir: hist_mean_dir = HIST_MEAN_PATH hist_mean_dir = Path(hist_mean_dir) if not output_dir: output_dir = OUTPUT_DIR output_dir = Path(output_dir) if yearrange is None: yearrange = YEARCHUNKS[isimip_version]['histsoc']['yearrange'] if not unit: unit = 't/y' filenames = [ for f in hist_mean_dir.iterdir() if f.is_file() and not'.')] # generate output directory if it does not exist yet target_dir = output_dir / 'Exposure' target_dir.mkdir(exist_ok=True) # create exposures for all crop-irrigation combinations and save them filename_list = list() output_list = list() for file in filenames: _, _, crop_irr, *_ = file.split('_') crop, irr = crop_irr.split('-') crop_production = CropProduction.from_isimip_netcdf(input_dir=input_dir, filename=filename, hist_mean=hist_mean_dir, bbox=bbox, isimip_version=isimip_version, yearrange=yearrange, crop=crop, irr=irr, unit=unit) filename_expo = ('crop_production_' + crop + '-'+ irr + '_' + str(yearrange[0]) + '-' + str(yearrange[1]) + '.hdf5') filename_list.append(filename_expo) crop_production.write_hdf5(str(Path(target_dir, filename_expo))) if return_data: output_list.append(crop_production) return filename_list, output_list
[docs] def normalize_with_fao_cp(exp_firr, exp_noirr, input_dir=None, yearrange=None, unit=None, return_data=True): """Normalize (i.e., bias correct) the given exposures countrywise with the mean crop production quantity documented by the FAO. Refer to the beginning of the script for guidance on where to download the required crop production data from FAO.Stat. Parameters ---------- exp_firr : crop_production exposure under full irrigation exp_noirr : crop_production exposure under no irrigation input_dir : Path or str directory containing exposure input data, default: {CONFIG.exposures.crop_production.local_data}/Input/Exposure yearrange : array the mean crop production in this year range is used to normalize the exposure data Default is set to the arbitrary time range (2008, 2018) The data is available for the years 1961-2018 unit : str unit in which to return exposure (t/y or USD/y) return_data : boolean returned output True: returns country list, ratio = FAO/ISIMIP, normalized exposures, crop production per country as documented by the FAO and calculated by the ISIMIP dataset False: country list, ratio = FAO/ISIMIP, normalized exposures Returns ------- country_list : list List of country codes (numerical ISO3) ratio : list List of ratio of FAO crop production and aggregated exposure for each country exp_firr_norm : CropProduction Normalized CropProduction (full irrigation) exp_noirr_norm : CropProduction Normalized CropProduction (no irrigation) Returns : optional fao_crop_production : list FAO crop production value per country exp_tot_production : list Exposure crop production value per country (before normalization) """ if not input_dir: input_dir = INPUT_DIR input_dir = Path(input_dir) if yearrange is None: yearrange = YEARS_FAO if not unit: unit = 't/y' # if the exposure unit is USD/y or kcal/y, temporarily reset the exposure to t/y # (stored in tonnes_per_year) in order to normalize with FAO crop production # values and then apply set_to_XXX() for the normalized exposure to restore the # initial exposure unit if exp_firr.value_unit == 'USD/y' or 'kcal' in exp_firr.value_unit: exp_firr.gdf.value = exp_firr.tonnes_per_year if exp_noirr.value_unit == 'USD/y' or 'kcal' in exp_noirr.value_unit: exp_noirr.gdf.value = exp_noirr.tonnes_per_year country_list, countries_firr = exp_firr.aggregate_countries() country_list, countries_noirr = exp_noirr.aggregate_countries() exp_tot_production = countries_firr + countries_noirr fao = pd.read_csv(input_dir / FAO_FILE2) fao_crops = fao.Item.values fao_year = fao.Year.values fao_values = fao.Value.values fao_code = getattr(fao, 'Area Code').values fao_country = u_coord.country_iso2faocode(country_list) fao_crop_production = np.zeros(len(country_list)) ratio = np.ones(len(country_list)) exp_firr_norm = exp_firr.copy(deep=True) exp_noirr_norm = exp_noirr.copy(deep=True) # loop over countries: compute ratio & apply normalization: for country, iso_nr in enumerate(country_list): idx = np.where((np.asarray(fao_code) == fao_country[country]) & (np.asarray(fao_crops) == (CROP_NAME[exp_firr.crop])['fao']) & (fao_year >= yearrange[0]) & (fao_year <= yearrange[1])) if len(idx) >= 1: fao_crop_production[country] = np.mean(fao_values[idx]) # if a country has no values in the exposure (e.g. Cyprus) the exposure value # is set to the FAO average value # in this case the ratio is left being 1 (as initiated) if exp_tot_production[country] == 0: exp_tot_production[country] = fao_crop_production[country] elif fao_crop_production[country] != np.nan and fao_crop_production[country] != 0: ratio[country] = fao_crop_production[country] / exp_tot_production[country] exp_firr_norm.gdf.value[exp_firr.gdf.region_id == iso_nr] = ratio[country] * \ exp_firr.gdf.value[exp_firr.gdf.region_id == iso_nr] exp_noirr_norm.gdf.value[exp_firr.gdf.region_id == iso_nr] = ratio[country] * \ exp_noirr.gdf.value[exp_noirr.gdf.region_id == iso_nr] if unit == 'USD/y' or exp_noirr.value_unit == 'USD/y': exp_noirr.set_value_to_usd(input_dir=input_dir) elif 'kcal' in unit or 'kcal' in exp_noirr.value_unit: exp_noirr.set_value_to_kcal(biomass=True) # FAO production is provided in biomass, not dry matter if unit == 'USD/y' or exp_firr.value_unit == 'USD/y': exp_firr.set_value_to_usd(input_dir=input_dir) elif 'kcal' in unit or 'kcal' in exp_firr.value_unit: exp_firr.set_value_to_kcal(biomass=True) exp_firr_norm.description = " ".join([exp_firr_norm.description or "", "normalized"]) exp_noirr_norm.description = " ".join([exp_noirr_norm.description or "", "normalized"]) if return_data: return country_list, ratio, exp_firr_norm, exp_noirr_norm, \ fao_crop_production, exp_tot_production return country_list, ratio, exp_firr_norm, exp_noirr_norm
[docs] def normalize_several_exp(input_dir=None, output_dir=None, yearrange=None, unit=None, return_data=True): """ Multiple exposure sets saved as HDF5 files in input directory are normalized (i.e. bias corrected) against FAO statistics of crop production. Parameters ---------- input_dir : Path or str directory containing exposure input data output_dir : Path or str directory containing exposure datasets (output of exposure creation) yearrange : array the mean crop production in this year range is used to normalize the exposure data (default 2008-2018) unit : str unit in which to return exposure (t/y or USD/y) return_data : boolean returned output True: lists containing data for each exposure file. Lists: crops, country list, ratio = FAO/ISIMIP, normalized exposures, crop production per country as documented by the FAO and calculated by the ISIMIP dataset False: lists containing data for each exposure file. Lists: crops, country list, ratio = FAO/ISIMIP, normalized exposures Returns ------- crop_list : list List of crops country_list : list List of country codes (numerical ISO3) ratio : list List of ratio of FAO crop production and aggregated exposure for each country exp_firr_norm : list List of normalized CropProduction Exposures (full irrigation) exp_noirr_norm : list List of normalize CropProduction Exposures (no irrigation) fao_crop_production : list, optional FAO crop production value per country exp_tot_production : list, optional Exposure crop production value per country (before normalization) """ if input_dir is None: input_dir = INPUT_DIR if output_dir is None: output_dir = OUTPUT_DIR output_dir = Path(output_dir) if not unit: unit = 't/y' if yearrange is None: yearrange = YEARS_FAO filenames_firr = [[-1] for f in (output_dir / 'Exposure').iterdir() if f.is_file() if not[-1].startswith('.') if 'firr' in[-1]] crop_list = list() countries_list = list() ratio_list = list() exp_firr_norm = list() exp_noirr_norm = list() fao_cp_list = list() exp_tot_cp_list = list() for file_firr in filenames_firr: _, _, crop_irr, years = file_firr.split('_') crop, _ = crop_irr.split('-') exp_firr = CropProduction.from_hdf5(str(Path(output_dir, 'Exposure', file_firr))) filename_noirr = 'crop_production_' + crop + '-' + 'noirr' + '_' + years exp_noirr = CropProduction.from_hdf5(str(Path(output_dir, 'Exposure', filename_noirr))) if return_data: countries, ratio, exp_firr2, exp_noirr2, fao_cp, \ exp_tot_cp = normalize_with_fao_cp(exp_firr, exp_noirr, input_dir=input_dir, yearrange=yearrange, unit=unit) fao_cp_list.append(fao_cp) exp_tot_cp_list.append(exp_tot_cp) else: countries, ratio, exp_firr2, exp_noirr2 = normalize_with_fao_cp( exp_firr, exp_noirr, input_dir=input_dir, yearrange=yearrange, unit=unit, return_data=False) crop_list.append(crop) countries_list.append(countries) ratio_list.append(ratio) exp_firr_norm.append(exp_firr2) exp_noirr_norm.append(exp_noirr2) if return_data: return crop_list, countries_list, ratio_list, exp_firr_norm, exp_noirr_norm, \ fao_cp_list, exp_tot_cp_list return crop_list, countries_list, ratio_list, exp_firr_norm, exp_noirr_norm
[docs] def semilogplot_ratio(crop, countries, ratio, output_dir=None, save=True): """Plot ratio = FAO/ISIMIP against country codes. Parameters ---------- crop : str crop to plot countries : list country codes of countries to plot ratio : array ratio = FAO/ISIMIP crop production data of countries to plot save : boolean True saves figure, else figure is not saved. output_dir : str directory to save figure Returns ------- fig (plt figure handle) axes (plot axes handle) """ if output_dir is None: output_dir = OUTPUT_DIR output_dir = Path(output_dir) fig = plt.figure() axes = plt.gca() axes.scatter(countries[ratio != 1], ratio[ratio != 1]) axes.set_yscale('log') axes.set_ylabel('Ratio= FAO / ISIMIP') axes.set_xlabel('ISO3 country code') axes.set_ylim(np.nanmin(ratio), np.nanmax(ratio)) plt.title(crop) if save: target_dir = output_dir / 'Exposure_norm_plots' target_dir.mkdir(exist_ok=True) plt.savefig(target_dir / 'fig_ratio_norm_' + crop) return fig, axes