Source code for climada_petals.entity.exposures.spam_agrar

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Agriculture exposures from SPAM.

import logging
import zipfile
from pathlib import Path
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

from climada import CONFIG
from climada.entity.exposures.base import Exposures, INDICATOR_IMPF
from climada.util.files_handler import download_file
from climada.util.constants import SYSTEM_DIR
import climada.util.coordinates as u_coord

LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

"""Default hazard type used in impact functions id."""

FILENAME_SPAM = 'spam2005V3r2_global'
"""TODO: Add Docstring!"""

FILENAME_CELL5M = 'cell5m_allockey_xy.csv'
"""TODO: Add Docstring!"""

FILENAME_PERMALINKS = 'spam2005V3r2_download_permalinks.csv'
"""TODO: Add Docstring!"""

BUFFER_VAL = -340282306073709652508363335590014353408
"""Hard coded value which is used for NANs in original data"""

SPAM_URL = CONFIG.exposures.spam_agrar.resources.spam2005_api_access.str()
"""URL stem for accessing data set files through api"""

SPAM_DATASET = CONFIG.exposures.spam_agrar.resources.spam2005_dataset.str()
"""Data files can be downloaded from this location if api access fails"""

[docs] class SpamAgrar(Exposures): """Defines agriculture exposures from SPAM (Global Spatially-Disaggregated Crop Production Statistics Data for 2005 Version 3.2 ) Attribute region_id is defined as: - United Nations Statistics Division (UNSD) 3-digit equivalent numeric code - 0 if country not found in UNSD. - -1 for water """ _metadata = Exposures._metadata + ['spam_file']
[docs] def init_spam_agrar(self, **parameters): """initiates agriculture exposure from SPAM data: dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.7910/DVN/DHXBJX Parameters ---------- data_path : str absolute path where files are stored. Default: SYSTEM_DIR country : str Three letter country code of country to be cut out. No default (global) name_adm1 : str Name of admin1 (e.g. Federal State) to be cut out. No default name_adm2 : str Name of admin2 to be cut out. No default spam_variable : str select one agricultural variable: 'A' physical area 'H' harvested area 'P' production 'Y' yield 'V_agg' value of production, aggregated to all crops, food and non-food (default) Warning: for A, H, P and Y, currently all crops are summed up spam_technology : str select one agricultural technology type: 'TA' all technologies together, ie complete crop (default) 'TI' irrigated portion of crop 'TH' rainfed high inputs portion of crop 'TL' rainfed low inputs portion of crop 'TS' rainfed subsistence portion of crop 'TR' rainfed portion of crop (= TA - TI, or TH + TL + TS) ! different impact_ids are assigned to each technology (1-6) save_name_adm1 : Boolean Determines how many aditional data are saved: False: only basics (lat, lon, total value), region_id per country True: like 1 + name of admin1 haz_type : str hazard type abbreviation, e.g. 'DR' for Drought or 'CP' for CropPotential """ data_p = parameters.get('data_path', SYSTEM_DIR) spam_t = parameters.get('spam_technology', 'TA') spam_v = parameters.get('spam_variable', 'V_agg') adm0 = parameters.get('country') adm1 = parameters.get('name_adm1') adm2 = parameters.get('name_adm2') save_adm1 = parameters.get('save_name_adm1', False) haz_type = parameters.get('haz_type', DEF_HAZ_TYPE) # Test if parameters make sense: if spam_v not in ['A', 'H', 'P', 'Y', 'V_agg'] or \ spam_t not in ['TA', 'TI', 'TH', 'TL', 'TS', 'TR']: raise ValueError('Invalid input parameter(s).') # read data from CSV: data = self._read_spam_file(data_path=data_p, spam_technology=spam_t, spam_variable=spam_v, result_mode=1) # extract country or admin level (if provided) data, region = self._spam_set_country(data, country=adm0, name_adm1=adm1, name_adm2=adm2) # sort by alloc_key to make extraction of lat / lon easier: data = data.sort_values(by=['alloc_key']) lat, lon = self._spam_get_coordinates(data.loc[:, 'alloc_key'], data_path=data_p) if save_adm1: self.name_adm1 = data.loc[:, 'name_adm1'].values if spam_v == 'V_agg': # total only (column 7) i_1 = 7 i_2 = 8 else: i_1 = 7 # get sum over all crops (columns 7 to 48) i_2 = 49 self.gdf['value'] = data.iloc[:, i_1:i_2].sum(axis=1).values self.gdf['latitude'] = lat.values self.gdf['longitude'] = lon.values'Lat. range: {:+.3f} to {:+.3f}.'.format( np.min(self.gdf.latitude), np.max(self.gdf.latitude)))'Lon. range: {:+.3f} to {:+.3f}.'.format( np.min(self.gdf.longitude), np.max(self.gdf.longitude))) # set region_id (numeric ISO3): country_id = data.loc[:, 'iso3'] if country_id.unique().size == 1: region_id = np.ones(self.gdf.value.size, int)\ * u_coord.country_to_iso(country_id.iloc[0], "numeric") else: region_id = np.zeros(self.gdf.value.size, int) for i in range(0, self.gdf.value.size): region_id[i] = u_coord.country_to_iso(country_id.iloc[i], "numeric") self.gdf['region_id'] = region_id self.ref_year = 2005 self.description = (f"SPAM agrar exposure for variable {spam_v}" f" and technology {spam_t}") self.spam_file = f"{FILENAME_SPAM}_{spam_v}_{spam_t}.csv" # if impact id variation iiv = 1, assign different damage function ID # per technology type. self._set_impf(spam_t, haz_type) if spam_v in ('A', 'H'): self.value_unit = 'Ha' elif spam_v == 'Y': self.value_unit = 'kg/Ha' elif spam_v == 'P': self.value_unit = 'mt' else: self.value_unit = 'USD''Total {} {} {}: {:.1f} {}.'.format( spam_v, spam_t, region, self.gdf.value.sum(), self.value_unit)) self.check()
def _set_impf(self, spam_t, haz_type): """Set impact function id depending on technology.""" # hazard type drought is default. # TODO: review this method, for with iiv fixed to zero # there is no point in case distinction for impf_* assignment iiv = 0 if spam_t == 'TA': self.gdf[INDICATOR_IMPF + haz_type] = 1 self.description += "\nall technologies together, ie complete crop" elif spam_t == 'TI': self.gdf[INDICATOR_IMPF + haz_type] = 1 + iiv self.description += "\nirrigated portion of crop" elif spam_t == 'TH': self.gdf[INDICATOR_IMPF + haz_type] = 1 + 2 * iiv self.description += "\nrainfed high inputs portion of crop" elif spam_t == 'TL': self.gdf[INDICATOR_IMPF + haz_type] = 1 + 3 * iiv self.description += "\nrainfed low inputs portion of crop" elif spam_t == 'TS': self.gdf[INDICATOR_IMPF + haz_type] = 1 + 4 * iiv self.description += "\nrainfed subsistence portion of crop" elif spam_t == 'TR': self.gdf[INDICATOR_IMPF + haz_type] = 1 + 5 * iiv self.description += "\nrainfed portion of crop (= TA - TI)" else: self.gdf[INDICATOR_IMPF + haz_type] = 1 self.set_geometry_points() def _read_spam_file(self, **parameters): """Reads data from SPAM CSV file and cuts out the data for the according country, admin1, or admin2 (if requested). Parameters ---------- data_path : str absolute path where files are stored. Default: SYSTEM_DIR spam_variable : str select one agricultural variable: 'A' physical area 'H' harvested area 'P' production 'Y' yield 'V_agg' value of production, aggregated to all crops, food and non-food (default) spam_technology : str select one agricultural technology type: 'TA' all technologies together, ie complete crop (default) 'TI' irrigated portion of crop 'TH' rainfed high inputs portion of crop 'TL' rainfed low inputs portion of crop 'TS' rainfed subsistence portion of crop 'TR' rainfed portion of crop (= TA - TI, or TH + TL + TS) Returns ------- data : PandaFrame with all data for selected country / region """ data_path = parameters.get('data_path', SYSTEM_DIR) spam_tech = parameters.get('spam_technology', 'TA') spam_var = parameters.get('spam_variable', 'V_agg') fname_short = FILENAME_SPAM + '_' + spam_var + '_' + spam_tech + '.csv' try: fname = Path(data_path, fname_short) if not fname.is_file(): try: self._spam_download_csv(data_path=data_path, spam_variable=spam_var) except: raise FileExistsError(f'The file {fname} could not ' + 'be found. Please download the file ' + 'first or choose a different folder. ' + f'The data can be downloaded from {SPAM_DATASET}') LOGGER.debug('Importing %s', str(fname_short)) data = pd.read_csv(fname, sep=',', index_col=None, header=0, encoding='ISO-8859-1') except Exception as err: raise type(err)('Importing the SPAM agriculturer file failed: ' + str(err)) from err # remove data points with zero crop production: (works only for TA) # data = data[data.vp_crop_a != 0] return data def _spam_get_coordinates(self, alloc_key_array, data_path=SYSTEM_DIR): """mapping from cell5m to lat/lon:""" # load concordance_data: try: fname = Path(data_path, FILENAME_CELL5M) if not fname.is_file(): try: self._spam_download_csv(data_path=data_path, spam_variable='cell5m') except: raise FileExistsError(f'The file {fname} could not ' + 'be found. Please download the file ' + 'first or choose a different folder. ' + f'The data can be downloaded from {SPAM_DATASET}') # LOGGER.debug('Inporting %s', str(fname)) concordance_data = pd.read_csv(fname, sep=',', index_col=None, header=0, encoding='ISO-8859-1') concordance_data = concordance_data[ concordance_data['alloc_key'].isin(alloc_key_array)] concordance_data = concordance_data.sort_values(by=['alloc_key']) lat = concordance_data.loc[:, 'y'] lon = concordance_data.loc[:, 'x'] except Exception as err: raise type(err)('Importing the SPAM cell5m mapping file failed: ' + str(err)) from err return lat, lon @staticmethod def _spam_set_country(data, **parameters): """ restrict data to given country (admin0) or admin1/ admin2. Parameters ---------- data : dataframe from _read_spam_file() country(str) : Three letter country code of country to be cut out. No default (global) name_adm1 : str Name of admin1 (e.g. Federal State) to be cut out. No default name_adm2 : str Name of admin2 to be cut out. No default """ adm0 = parameters.get('country') adm1 = parameters.get('name_adm1') adm2 = parameters.get('name_adm2') signifier = '' if adm0 is not None: if data[data.iso3 == adm0].empty: if data[data.name_cntr == adm0].empty: LOGGER.warning('Country name not found in data: %s', str(adm0) + '. Try passing the ISO3-code instead.') else: data = data[data.name_cntr == adm0] signifier = signifier + adm0 else: data = data[data.iso3 == adm0] signifier = signifier + adm0 if adm1 is not None: if data[data.name_adm1 == adm1].empty: LOGGER.warning('Admin1 not found in data: %s', str(adm1)) else: data = data[data.name_adm1 == adm1] signifier = signifier + ' ' + adm1 if adm2 is not None: if data[data.name_adm2 == adm2].empty: LOGGER.warning('Admin2 not found in data: %s', str(adm2)) else: data = data[data.name_adm2 == adm2] signifier = signifier + ' ' + adm2 if signifier == '': signifier = 'global' return data, signifier @staticmethod def _spam_download_csv(data_path=SYSTEM_DIR, spam_variable='V_agg'): """ Download and unzip CSV files from Parameters ---------- data_path : str absolute path where files are to be stored. Default: SYSTEM_DIR spam_variable : str select one variable: 'A' physical area 'H' harvested area 'P' production 'Y' yield 'V_agg' value of production, aggregated to all crops, food and non-food (default) 'cell5m' concordance_data to retrieve lat / lon """ try: fname = Path(data_path, FILENAME_PERMALINKS) if not fname.is_file(): permalinks = pd.DataFrame(columns=['A', 'H', 'P', 'Y', 'V_agg', 'cell5m']) permalinks.loc[0, 'A'] = SPAM_URL + 'FS1JO8' permalinks.loc[0, 'H'] = SPAM_URL + 'M727TX' permalinks.loc[0, 'P'] = SPAM_URL + 'HPUWVA' permalinks.loc[0, 'Y'] = SPAM_URL + 'RTGSQA' permalinks.loc[0, 'V_agg'] = SPAM_URL + 'UG0N7K' permalinks.loc[0, 'cell5m'] = SPAM_URL + 'H2D3LI' else: permalinks = pd.read_csv(fname, sep=',', index_col=None, header=0) LOGGER.debug('Importing %s', str(fname)) # go to data directory: path_dwn = download_file(permalinks.loc[0, spam_variable], download_dir=data_path) LOGGER.debug('Download complete. Unzipping %s', str(path_dwn)) zip_ref = zipfile.ZipFile(path_dwn, 'r') zip_ref.extractall(data_path) zip_ref.close() Path(path_dwn).unlink() except Exception as err: raise type(err)('Downloading SPAM data failed: ' + str(err)) from err