Source code for climada_petals.hazard.rf_glofas.transform_ops

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Transformations for dantro data pipeline

import logging
import re
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Optional, Union, List, Mapping, Any, Iterable, Tuple, Callable
from collections import deque
from copy import deepcopy

import xarray as xr
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import geopandas as gpd
from scipy.stats import gumbel_r
import xesmf as xe
from numba import guvectorize

from climada.util.coordinates import get_country_geometries, country_to_iso
from .cds_glofas_downloader import glofas_request, CDS_DOWNLOAD_DIR

LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] def sel_lon_lat_slice(target: xr.DataArray, source: xr.DataArray) -> xr.DataArray: """Select a lon/lat slice from 'target' using coordinates of 'source'""" return target.sel({c: slice(*source[c][[0, -1]]) for c in ["longitude", "latitude"]})
[docs] def rp_comp( sample: np.ndarray, loc: np.ndarray, scale: np.ndarray, max_rp: Optional[float] = np.inf, ): """Compute the return period from a right-handed Gumbel distribution All parameters can be arrays, in which case numpy broadcasting rules apply. The return period of a sample :math:`x` from an extreme value distribution is defined as :math:`(1 - \\mathrm{cdf}(x))^{-1}`, where :math:`\\mathrm{cdf}` is the cumulative distribution function of said distribution. Parameters ---------- sample : array Samples for which to compute the return period loc : array Loc parameter of the Gumbel distribution scale : array Scale parameter of the distribution max_rp : float, optional The maximum value of return periods. This avoids returning infinite values. Defaults to ``np.inf`` (no maximum). Returns ------- np.ndarray The return period(s) for the input parameters """ cdf = gumbel_r.cdf(sample, loc=loc, scale=scale) rp_from_cdf = np.where(cdf >= 1.0, np.inf, 1.0 / np.fmax(1.0 - cdf, np.spacing(1))) return np.fmin(rp_from_cdf, max_rp)
[docs] def reindex( target: xr.DataArray, source: xr.DataArray, tolerance: Optional[float] = None, fill_value: float = np.nan, assert_no_fill_value: bool = False, ) -> xr.DataArray: """Reindex target to source with nearest neighbor lookup Parameters ---------- target : xr.DataArray Array to be reindexed. source : xr.DataArray Array whose coordinates are used for reindexing. tolerance : float (optional) Maximum distance between coordinates. If it is superseded, the ``fill_value`` is inserted instead of the nearest neighbor value. Defaults to NaN fill_value : float (optional) The fill value to use if coordinates are changed by a distance of more than ``tolerance``. assert_no_fill_value : bool (optional) Throw an error if fill values are found in the data after reindexing. This will also throw an error if the fill value is present in the ``target`` before reindexing (because the check afterwards would else not make sense) Returns ------- target : xr.DataArray Target reindexed like 'source' with nearest neighbor lookup for the data. Raises ------ ValueError If tolerance is exceeded when reindexing, in case ``assert_no_fill_value`` is ``True``. ValueError If ``target`` already contains the ``fill_value`` before reindexing, in case ``assert_no_fill_value`` is ``True``. """ def has_fill_value(arr): return arr.isin(fill_value).any() or ( np.isnan(fill_value) and arr.isnull().any() ) # Check for fill values before if assert_no_fill_value and has_fill_value(target): raise ValueError( f"Array '{}' does already contain reindex fill value" ) # Reindex operation target = target.reindex_like( source, method="nearest", tolerance=tolerance, copy=False, fill_value=fill_value ) # Check for fill values after if assert_no_fill_value and has_fill_value(target): raise ValueError( f"Reindexing '{}' to '{}' exceeds tolerance! " "Try interpolating the datasets or increasing the tolerance" ) return target
[docs] def merge_flood_maps(flood_maps: Mapping[str, xr.DataArray]) -> xr.DataArray: """Merge the flood maps GeoTIFFs into one NetCDF file Adds a "zero" flood map (all zeros) Parameters ---------- flood_maps : dict(str, xarray.DataArray) The mapping of GeoTIFF file paths to respective DataArray. Each flood map is identified through the folder containing it. The folders are expected to follow the naming scheme ``floodMapGL_rpXXXy``, where ``XXX`` indicates the return period of the respective map. """ expr = re.compile(r"floodMapGL_rp(\d+)y") years = [int( for name in flood_maps] idx = np.argsort(years) darrs = list(flood_maps.values()) darrs = [ darrs[i].drop_vars("spatial_ref", errors="ignore").squeeze("band", drop=True) for i in idx ] # Add zero flood map # NOTE: Return period of 1 is the minimal value da_null_flood = xr.full_like(darrs[0], np.nan) darrs.insert(0, da_null_flood) # Concatenate and rename years = np.insert(np.array(years)[idx], 0, 1) da_flood_maps = xr.concat(darrs, pd.Index(years, name="return_period")) da_flood_maps = da_flood_maps.rename(x="longitude", y="latitude") return da_flood_maps.rename("flood_depth")
[docs] def fit_gumbel_r( input_data: xr.DataArray, time_dim: str = "year", fit_method: str = "MM", min_samples: int = 2, ): """Fit a right-handed Gumbel distribution to the data Parameters ---------- input_data : xr.DataArray The input time series to compute the distributions for. It must contain the dimension specified as ``time_dim``. time_dim : str The dimension indicating time. Defaults to ``year``. fit_method : str The method used for computing the distribution. Either ``MLE`` (Maximum Likelihood Estimation) or ``MM`` (Method of Moments). min_samples : int The number of finite samples along the time dimension required for a successful fit. If there are fewer samples, the fit result will be NaN. Returns ------- xr.Dataset A dataset on the same grid as the input data with variables * ``loc``: The loc parameter of the fitted distribution (mode) * ``scale``: The scale parameter of the fitted distribution * ``samples``: The number of samples used to fit the distribution at this coordinate """ def fit(time_series): # Count finite samples samples = np.isfinite(time_series) samples_count = np.count_nonzero(samples) if samples_count < min_samples: return np.nan, np.nan, 0 # Mask array return (*[samples], method=fit_method), samples_count) # Apply fitting loc, scale, samples = xr.apply_ufunc( fit, input_data, input_core_dims=[[time_dim]], output_core_dims=[[], [], []], exclude_dims={time_dim}, vectorize=True, dask="parallelized", output_dtypes=[np.float64, np.float64, np.int32], dask_gufunc_kwargs=dict(allow_rechunk=True), ) return xr.Dataset(dict(loc=loc, scale=scale, samples=samples))
[docs] def download_glofas_discharge( product: str, date_from: str, date_to: Optional[str], num_proc: int = 1, download_path: Union[str, Path] = CDS_DOWNLOAD_DIR, countries: Optional[Union[List[str], str]] = None, preprocess: Optional[Callable] = None, open_mfdataset_kw: Optional[Mapping[str, Any]] = None, **request_kwargs, ) -> xr.DataArray: """Download the GloFAS data and return the resulting dataset Several parameters are passed directly to :py:func:`climada_petals.hazard.rf_glofas.cds_glofas_downloader.glofas_request`. See this functions documentation for further information. Parameters ---------- product : str The string identifier of the product to download. See :py:func:`climada_petals.hazard.rf_glofas.cds_glofas_downloader.glofas_request` for supported products. date_from : str Earliest date to download. Specification depends on the ``product`` chosen. date_to : str or None Latest date to download. If ``None``, only download the ``date_from``. Specification depends on the ``product`` chosen. num_proc : int Number of parallel processes to use for downloading. Defaults to 1. download_path : str or pathlib.Path Directory to store the downloaded data. The directory (and all required parent directories!) will be created if it does not yet exist. Defaults to ``~/climada/data/glofas-discharge/``. countries : str or list of str, optional Countries to download data for. Uses the maximum extension of all countries for selecting the latitude/longitude range of data to download. preprocess : str, optional String expression for preprocessing the data before merging it into one dataset. Must be valid Python code. The downloaded data is passed as variable ``x``. open_mfdataset_kw : dict, optional Optional keyword arguments for the ``xarray.open_mfdataset`` function. request_kwargs: Keyword arguments for the Copernicus data store request. """ # Create the download path if it does not yet exist LOGGER.debug("Preparing download directory: %s", download_path) download_path = Path(download_path) # Make sure it is a Path download_path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) # Determine area from 'countries' if countries is not None: LOGGER.debug("Choosing lat/lon bounds from countries %s", countries) # Fetch area and reorder appropriately # NOTE: 'area': north, west, south, east # 'extent': lon min (west), lon max (east), lat min (south), lat max (north) area = request_kwargs.get("area") if area is not None: LOGGER.debug("Subsetting country geometries with 'area'") area = [area[1], area[3], area[2], area[0]] # Fetch geometries and bounds of requested countries iso = country_to_iso(countries) geo = get_country_geometries(iso, extent=area) # NOTE: 'bounds': minx (west), miny (south), maxx (east), maxy (north) # NOTE: Explicitly cast to float to ensure that YAML parser can dump the data bounds = deque(map(float, geo.total_bounds.flat)) bounds.rotate(1) # Insert into kwargs request_kwargs["area"] = list(bounds) # Request the data files = glofas_request( product=product, date_from=date_from, date_to=date_to, num_proc=num_proc, output_dir=download_path, request_kw=request_kwargs, ) # Set arguments for 'open_mfdataset' open_kwargs = dict( chunks={}, combine="nested", concat_dim="time", preprocess=preprocess ) if open_mfdataset_kw is not None: open_kwargs.update(open_mfdataset_kw) # Squeeze all dimensions except time arr = xr.open_mfdataset(files, **open_kwargs)["dis24"] dims = {dim for dim, size in arr.sizes.items() if size == 1} - {"time"} return arr.squeeze(dim=dims)
[docs] def max_from_isel( array: xr.DataArray, dim: str, selections: List[Union[Iterable, slice]] ) -> xr.DataArray: """Compute the maximum over several selections of an array dimension""" if not all(isinstance(sel, (Iterable, slice)) for sel in selections): raise TypeError( "This function only works with iterables or slices as selection" ) data = [array.isel({dim: sel}) for sel in selections] return xr.concat( [da.max(dim=dim, skipna=True) for da in data], dim=pd.Index(list(range(len(selections))), name="select") # dim=xr.concat([da[dim].max() for da in data], dim=dim) )
[docs] def return_period( discharge: xr.DataArray, gev_loc: xr.DataArray, gev_scale: xr.DataArray, max_return_period: float = 1e4, ) -> xr.DataArray: """Compute the return period for a discharge from a Gumbel EV distribution fit Coordinates of the three datasets must match up to a tolerance of 1e-3 degrees. If they do not, an error is thrown. Parameters ---------- discharge : xr.DataArray The discharge values to compute the return period for gev_loc : xr.DataArray The loc parameters for the Gumbel EV distribution gev_scale : xr.DataArray The scale parameters for the Gumbel EV distribution Returns ------- xr.DataArray The equivalent return periods for the input discharge and Gumbel EV istributions See Also -------- :py:func:`climada_petals.hazard.rf_glofas.transform_ops.rp` :py:func:`climada_petals.hazard.rf_glofas.transform_ops.return_period_resample` """ reindex_kwargs = dict(tolerance=1e-3, fill_value=-1, assert_no_fill_value=True) gev_loc = reindex(gev_loc, discharge, **reindex_kwargs) gev_scale = reindex(gev_scale, discharge, **reindex_kwargs) # Apply and return return xr.apply_ufunc( rp_comp, discharge, gev_loc, gev_scale, max_return_period, dask="parallelized", output_dtypes=[np.float32], ).rename("Return Period")
[docs] def return_period_resample( discharge: xr.DataArray, gev_loc: xr.DataArray, gev_scale: xr.DataArray, gev_samples: xr.DataArray, bootstrap_samples: int, max_return_period: float = 1e4, fit_method: str = "MLE", ) -> xr.DataArray: """Compute resampled return periods for a discharge from a Gumbel EV distribution fit This function uses bootstrap resampling to incorporate the uncertainty in the EV distribution fit. Bootstrap resampling takes the fitted distribution, draws N samples from it (where N is the number of samples originally used to fit the distribution), and fits a new distribution onto these samples. This "bootstrapped" distribution is then used to compute the return period. Repeating this process yields an ensemble of distributions that captures the uncertainty in the original distribution fit. Coordinates of the three datasets must match up to a tolerance of 1e-3 degrees. If they do not, an error is thrown. Parameters ---------- discharge : xr.DataArray The discharge values to compute the return period for gev_loc : xr.DataArray The loc parameters for the Gumbel EV distribution gev_scale : xr.DataArray The scale parameters for the Gumbel EV distribution gev_samples : xr.DataArray The samples used to fit the Gumbel EV distribution at every point bootstrap_samples : int The number of bootstrap samples to compute. Increasing this will improve the representation of uncertainty, but strongly increase computational costs later on. fit_method : str Method for fitting the Gumbel EV during resampling. Available methods are the Method of Moments ``MM`` or the Maximum Likelihood Estimation ``MLE`` (default). Returns ------- xr.DataArray The equivalent return periods for the input discharge and Gumbel EV distributions. The data array will have an additional dimension ``sample``, representing the bootstrap samples for every point. See Also -------- :py:func:`climada_petals.hazard.rf_glofas.transform_ops.rp` :py:func:`climada_petals.hazard.rf_glofas.transform_ops.return_period` """ reindex_kwargs = dict(tolerance=1e-3, fill_value=-1, assert_no_fill_value=True) gev_loc = reindex(gev_loc, discharge, **reindex_kwargs) gev_scale = reindex(gev_scale, discharge, **reindex_kwargs) gev_samples = reindex(gev_samples, discharge, **reindex_kwargs).astype("int32") # All but 'longitude' and 'latitude' are core dimensions for this operation core_dims = list(discharge.dims) core_dims.remove("longitude") core_dims.remove("latitude") # Define input array layout # NOTE: This depends on the actual core dimensions put in, so we have to do this # programmatically. # num_core_dims = len(core_dims) # arr_str_in = "[" + ", ".join([":" for _ in range(num_core_dims)]) + "]" # dims_str_in = "(" + ", ".join([f"c_{i}" for i in range(num_core_dims)]) + ")" # arr_str_out = arr_str_in[:-1] + ", :]" # dims_str_out = dims_str_in[:-1] + ", samples)" # print(arr_str_in, dims_str_in) # print(arr_str_out, dims_str_out) # Dummy array # dummy = xr.DataArray( # np.empty((bootstrap_samples)), # coords=dict(samples=list(range(bootstrap_samples))), # ) # Define the vectorized function # @guvectorize( # ( # f"(float32{arr_str_in}, float64, float64, int32," # f"float64,float64[:], float32{arr_str_out})" # ), # f"{dims_str_in}, (), (), (), (), (samples) -> {dims_str_out}", # # nopython=True, # ) def rp_sampling( dis: np.ndarray, loc: float, scale: float, samples: int, max_rp: float, ): """Compute multiple return periods using bootstrap sampling This function does not support broadcasting on the ``loc`` and ``scale`` parameters. """ # Return NaNs if we have no reliable samples finite_input = all((np.isfinite(x) for x in (loc, scale, samples))) if samples < 1 or not finite_input: return np.full((bootstrap_samples,) + dis.shape, np.nan) # Resample by drawing samples and re-fitting def resample_params(): return gumbel_r.rvs(loc=loc, scale=scale, size=samples), method=fit_method, ) # Resample the distribution and compute return periods from these resamples return np.array( [ rp_comp(dis, *resample_params(), max_rp) for _ in range(bootstrap_samples) ], dtype=np.float32, ) # Apply and return # NOTE: 'rp_sampling' requires scalar 'loc' and 'scale' parameters, so we # define all but 'longitude' and 'latitude' dimensions as core dimensions # core_dims = set(discharge.dims) - {"longitude", "latitude"} return ( xr.apply_ufunc( rp_sampling, discharge, gev_loc, gev_scale, gev_samples, max_return_period, input_core_dims=[list(core_dims), [], [], [], []], output_core_dims=[["sample"] + list(core_dims)], vectorize=True, dask="parallelized", output_dtypes=[np.float32], dask_gufunc_kwargs=dict( output_sizes=dict(sample=bootstrap_samples), allow_rechunk=True ), ) .rename("Return Period") .assign_coords(sample=np.arange(bootstrap_samples)) .transpose(..., "sample") )
[docs] def interpolate_space( return_period: xr.DataArray, flood_maps: xr.DataArray, method: str = "linear", ) -> xr.DataArray: """Interpolate the return period in space onto the flood maps grid""" # Select lon/lat for flood maps flood_maps = sel_lon_lat_slice(flood_maps, return_period) # Interpolate the return period return return_period.interp( coords=dict(longitude=flood_maps["longitude"], latitude=flood_maps["latitude"]), method=method, kwargs=dict(fill_value=None), # Extrapolate )
[docs] def regrid( return_period: xr.DataArray, flood_maps: xr.DataArray, method: str = "bilinear", regridder: Optional[xe.Regridder] = None, return_regridder: bool = False, ) -> Union[xr.DataArray, Tuple[xr.DataArray, xe.Regridder]]: """Regrid the return period onto the flood maps grid""" # Select lon/lat for flood maps flood_maps = sel_lon_lat_slice(flood_maps, return_period) # Mask return period so NaNs are not propagated rp = return_period.to_dataset(name="data") dims_to_remove = set(rp.sizes.keys()) - {"longitude", "latitude"} dims_to_remove = {dim: 0 for dim in dims_to_remove} rp["mask"] = xr.where(rp["data"].isel(dims_to_remove).isnull(), 0, 1) # NOTE: Masking here would omit all return periods outside flood plains # (This might be desirable at some point?) flood = flood_maps.to_dataset(name="data") # flood["mask"] = xr.where(flood["data"].isel(return_period=-1).isnull(), 0, 1) # Perform regridding if regridder is None: regridder = xe.Regridder( rp, flood, method=method, extrap_method="nearest_s2d", # unmapped_to_nan=False, ) return_period_regridded = regridder(return_period).rename( if return_regridder: return return_period_regridded, regridder return return_period_regridded
[docs] def apply_flopros( flopros_data: gpd.GeoDataFrame, return_period: Union[xr.DataArray, xr.Dataset], layer: str = "MerL_Riv", ) -> Union[xr.DataArray, xr.Dataset]: """Restrict the given return periods using FLOPROS data The FLOPROS database describes the regional protection to river flooding based on a return period. Users can choose from different database layers. For each coordinate in ``return_period``, the value from the respective FLOPROS database layer is selected. Any ``return_period`` lower than or equal to the FLOPROS protection value is discarded and set to ``NaN``. Parameters ---------- flopros_data : PassthroughContainer The FLOPROS data bundled into a dantro.containers.PassthroughContainer return_period : xr.DataArray or xr.Dataset The return periods to be restricted by the FLOPROS data layer : str The FLOPROS database layer to evaluate Returns ------- xr.DataArray or xr.Dataset The ``return_period`` data with all values below the local FLOPROS protection threshold set to ``NaN``. """ # Make GeoDataframe from existing geometry latitude = return_period["latitude"].values longitude = return_period["longitude"].values lon, lat = np.meshgrid(longitude, latitude, indexing="ij") df_geometry = gpd.GeoDataFrame( geometry=gpd.points_from_xy(lon.flat, lat.flat), crs="EPSG:4326" ) # Merge the DataFrames, setting the FLOPROS value for each point df_merged = df_geometry.sjoin(flopros_data, how="left", predicate="within") # Available layers # layers = [ # "DL_Min_Co", # "DL_Max_Co", # "PL_Min_Co", # "PL_Max_Co", # "MerL_Riv", # "DL_Min_Riv", # "DL_Max_Riv", # "PL_Min_Riv", # "PL_Max_Riv", # "ModL_Riv", # ] def data_array_from_layer(col_name): """Create a xr.DataArray from a GeoDataFrame column""" return xr.DataArray( data=df_merged[col_name] .to_numpy(dtype=np.float32) .reshape((longitude.size, latitude.size)), dims=["longitude", "latitude"], coords=dict(longitude=longitude, latitude=latitude), ) # Apply the FLOPROS protection flopros = data_array_from_layer(layer) return return_period.where(return_period > flopros)
[docs] def flood_depth( return_period: Union[xr.Dataset, xr.DataArray], flood_maps: xr.DataArray ) -> Union[xr.Dataset, xr.DataArray]: """Compute the flood depth from a return period and flood maps. At each lat/lon coordinate, take the return period(s) and use them to interpolate the flood maps at this position in the return period dimension. Take the interpolated values and return them as flood hazard footprints. Works with arbitrarily high dimensions in the ``return_period`` array. Interpolation is linear. Parameters ---------- return_period : xr.DataArray or xr.Dataset The return periods for which to compute the flood depth. If this is a dataset, the function will compute the flood depth for each variable. flood_maps : xr.DataArray Maps that indicate flood depth at latitude/longitude/return period coordinates. Returns ------- xr.DataArray or xr.Dataset The flood depths for the given return periods. """ # Select lon/lat for flood maps flood_maps = sel_lon_lat_slice(flood_maps, return_period) # Clip infinite return periods return_period = return_period.clip( min=1, max=flood_maps["return_period"].max(), keep_attrs=True ) # All but 'longitude' and 'latitude' are core dimensions for this operation core_dims = list(return_period.dims) core_dims.remove("longitude") core_dims.remove("latitude") # Define input array layout # NOTE: This depends on the actual core dimensions put in, so we have to do this # programmatically. num_core_dims = len(core_dims) arr_str = "[" + ", ".join([":" for _ in range(num_core_dims)]) + "]" core_dims_str = "(" + ", ".join([f"c_{i}" for i in range(num_core_dims)]) + ")" # Define the vectorized function @guvectorize( f"(float32{arr_str}, float64[:], int64[:], float32{arr_str})", f"{core_dims_str}, (j), (j) -> {core_dims_str}", nopython=True, ) def interpolate(return_period, hazard, return_periods, out_depth): """Linearly interpolate the hazard to a given return period Args: return_period (float): The return period to evaluate the hazard at hazard (np.array): The hazard at given return periods (dependent var) return_periods (np.array): The given return periods (independent var) Returns: float: The hazard at the requested return period. The hazard cannot become negative. Values beyond the given return periods range are extrapolated. """ # Shortcut for only NaNs # NOTE: After rebuilding the hazard maps, the "1:" can be removed if np.all(np.isnan(hazard[1:])): out_depth[:] = np.full_like(return_period, np.nan) return # Make NaNs to zeros # NOTE: NaNs should be grouped at lower end of 'return_periods', so this should # be sane. # hazard = np.nan_to_num(hazard) hazard = np.where(np.isnan(hazard), 0.0, hazard) # Use extrapolation and have 0.0 as minimum value out_depth[:] = np.interp(return_period, return_periods, hazard) out_depth[:] = np.maximum(out_depth, 0.0) # Perform operation out = xr.apply_ufunc( interpolate, return_period, flood_maps, flood_maps["return_period"], input_core_dims=[core_dims, ["return_period"], ["return_period"]], output_core_dims=[core_dims], dask="parallelized", output_dtypes=[np.float32], dask_gufunc_kwargs=dict(allow_rechunk=True), ) if isinstance(out, xr.DataArray): out = out.rename("Flood Depth") return out
[docs] def save_file( data: Union[xr.Dataset, xr.DataArray], output_path: Union[Path, str], encoding: Optional[Mapping[str, Any]] = None, engine: Optional[str] = "netcdf4", **encoding_defaults, ): """Save xarray data as a file with default compression Calls ``data.to_netcdf``. See for the documentation of the underlying method. Parameters ---------- data : xr.Dataset or xr.Dataarray The data to be stored in the file output_path : pathlib.Path or str The file path to store the data into. If it does not contain a suffix, ``.nc`` is automatically appended. The enclosing folder must already exist. encoding : dict (optional) Encoding settings for every data variable. Will update the default settings. engine : str (optional) The engine used for writing the file. Defaults to ``"netcdf4"``. encoding_defaults Encoding settings shared by all data variables. This will update the default encoding settings, which are ``dict(dtype="float32", zlib=False, complevel=4)``. """ # Promote to Dataset for accessing the data_vars if isinstance(data, xr.DataArray): data = data.to_dataset() # Store encoding default_encoding = dict(dtype="float32", zlib=False, complevel=4) default_encoding.update(**encoding_defaults) enc = {var: deepcopy(default_encoding) for var in data.data_vars} if encoding is not None: for key, settings in encoding.items(): enc[key].update(settings) # Sanitize output path and write file output_path = Path(output_path) if not output_path.suffix: output_path = output_path.with_suffix(".nc") data.to_netcdf(output_path, encoding=enc, engine=engine)